He did not speak of abiding as the inevitable condition of believers. We must keep contact with Jesus. And, I'll tell you, the grapes that are grown there are truly delicious grapes, table grapes, that are grown through that valley.Now, Jesus is taking a picture that is very familiar with the people, as they had seen the people out there washing the branches and washing these bunches of grapes that they might produce more fruit. There is that which never can make up for Christ on the earth; and certainly there is that revealed of Christ in heaven which no manifestation on the earth can supply. (iv) Jesus did not only choose us for a series of tremendous privileges. He no longer has it under the authority of the priesthood or of the religious leaders. Yes! We can witness for Christ only when we have been with him. or John? "But now I go my way to him that sent me." We cannot do that unless we deliberately take steps to do it. And the importance of the branch abiding in the vine, and this relationship, is going to be stressed here by Jesus Christ in the next few verses. (ii) To put it at its widest--the world always suspects nonconformity. And you could see the people getting embarrassed and all. If it is, Jesus meant that the disciples and He should commit themselves to abiding in one another. Poor God didn't know the kind of bike the fellow needed. Joseph charges himself with the body too; and Nicodemus, who came first by night is here by day, honoured by association with Jesus crucified, of whom he had been ashamed once, spite of the miracles He was doing. Then it will sweep on into Judah, it will overflow and pass through,It will reach even to the neck;And the spread of its wings will fill the breadth of your land, O Immanuel. To take the simplest example, the holiday-maker might be praying for sunshine while the farmer is praying for rain. Abide in me, says he; for I am ready to abide in you And again, He who abideth in me beareth much fruit. The wheels were called in my hearing, the whirling wheels. I wonder, "When will that truth really sink into my heart?" I know not a more sweet and wonderful proof of how completely He was divinely superior to all circumstances. Prayer is consenting to God and to the will of God, for Him to do those things that He is wanting to do. There are things which are allowable in a child which are not allowable in an adult, because the child does not know any better. The appearance of the wheels and their workmanship was like sparkling beryl, and all four of them had the same form, their appearance and workmanship being as if one wheel were within another. I mean, there's no value to you. So, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." And he that saw it bare record.". After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird; the beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it. Because they have broken the law? Both are true, especially when we bear in mind that He would testify of the heavenly side of truth. He led the world to cast out the truth, and God Himself, in the person of Christ. The Bible does not say I will send them without wings but it does say that some will entertain angels unaware. Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show But God uses different methods to reach different people and different instruments to reach different people. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth." And here again, the idea of fruit indicates to us the method of God. (Verses 24-29) One of the disciples, Thomas, had not been with the others when Jesus had thus appeared. And the gift of that divine person to dwell in us is this, too, a secondary matter? The fact that you are a Jew will not save you. Not many are actively hostile to Christ, but many live their lives as if Christ had never come and simply disregard him. Second, the sentence may be a comparative statement. Another thing comes in after this. In every point of difference the fullest possible proof of divine glory and wisdom appears in these gospels. So, Jesus said, "What will the lord of the vineyard do when he comes? Just one commandment, but it isn't simple. I am the vine, ye are the branches. 52Woe unto you, lawyers! That believers are branches of this vine, which supposes that Christ is the root of the vine. may be summarized in these three words: Union, Communion, Disunion [i.e., separation from the world]." The point of Isaiah's picture is that the vineyard has run wild. Matthew 20:1-16; Matthew 21:23-41; Mark 12:1-9; Luke 13:6-9; Luke 20:9-16). (1.) We can and must take everything to God in prayer; but when we have done so we must accept the answer which God in his perfect wisdom and perfect love sends to us. Oh, may God bless you this week, and may God use you this week in a very special way to show forth His love to the needy world in which we live. In 2020 alone, purchases on Etsy generated nearly $4 billion in income for small businesses. They looked to the Second Coming of Christ. The true explanation is, that the gospels are written with divine design, and that here, as everywhere, John records a fact which falls in with the Spirit's object in his gospel. And our Lord had the wisest reason for making known to the disciples what they had to expect. But Protestants have failed to keep up consciously the possession of so great a privilege, founded on the presence of the Holy Ghost. If they do, I'd better go in my closet and repent and ask God to forgive me! May He vouchsafe this through Christ our Lord. In any event the world has certain characteristics, which are always part of the human situation. He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters;He makes the clouds His chariot;He walks upon the wings of the wind; Yet those who wait for the LordWill gain new strength;They will mount up with wings like eagles,They will run and not get tired,They will walk and not become weary. So the Lord says, "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love." Suppose a man to be ill; suppose he consults a doctor, and the doctor diagnoses what is wrong and prescribes a cure. And so, every daddy's heart is touched, you know. And when God judges, people will be judged according to the knowledge that they have received. "If a man abides not in me,". From a vine we look for grapes (Isaiah 5:2), and from a Christian we look for Christianity; this is the fruit, a Christian temper and disposition, a Christian life and conversation, Christian devotions and Christian designs. Five years after his meetings, in the various communities, they made the survey of those that had gone forward in the Finney meetings, and it was discovered that eighty-five percent of them were still going on with the Lord. And then, I'm going to present to Him my solutions that I want Him to work out for me. They were each of them clean, that is, sanctified, by the truth of Christ (John 17:17; John 17:17); that faith by which they received the word of Christ purified their hearts,Acts 15:9. $100.04, $122.00 The former of these is an exhortation to continue in the exercise of faith and love upon Christ, holding to him the head, cleaving to him with full purpose of heart, and so deriving life, grace, strength, and nourishment from him; the latter is a promise encouraging to the former; for as Christ is formed in the hearts of his people, he continues there as the living principle of all grace. Mark 13:27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. In God's purposes for it, it did not bring forth the fruit that God was desiring. He will take the vineyard and He will give it unto others. All the world, yea, all worlds, would be too little to mark His sense of value for Christ and His work nothing less than setting Him as man at His right hand in heaven. The Roman government hated the Christians because it regarded them as disloyal citizens. When the cherubim departed, they lifted their wings and rose up from the earth in my sight with the wheels beside them; and they stood still at the entrance of the east gate of the. and for the altar of incense refined gold by weight; and gold for the model of the chariot, even the cherubim that spread out their wings and covered the ark of the covenant of the Lord. The cherubim shall have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and facing one another; the faces of the cherubim are to be turned toward the mercy seat. Captcha failed to load. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the. And the more fruit we bring forth, the more we abound in that which is good, the more he is glorified. We can draw some conclusions about pets, however, based on what the Bible says on other topics. You know, because I've asked God to work it out like this and I've shown Him the way it shouldit would all come to pass real well if God would just do this and this and then I could work it all out. 2. That important relationship and the necessity of abiding in Him. On the contrary, prayers that suppose a person to be an object of divine displeasure, anxious, and doubtful whether he is to be saved or not such an experience supposes one incapable of speaking to the Father in Christ's name. They were a distinct company from Israel, though not yet baptized into one body; but they were gathered by Christ, and round Himself, severed from the rest of the Jews so far. 5) They felt natural sadness at the thought of His departure. Normal rational people; but yet, they have such a hatred. This is His prayer that He is offering to the Father. or any other man? As I abide in Him, His Word abides in me. (10% off), Sale Price $2.51 It is the result of that relationship with Him. It went much farther than the ten words, or all the rest of the law; it embraced every expression of the Father's authority, from whatever quarter it came. And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. In the Greek it reads, "I am the vine, the true." Christ is the true light. From the particle au; the reflexive pronoun self, used of the third person, and of the other persons. The disciples were now to love one another according to the pattern of Him who laid down His life for them as His friends. You could not transplant from John 15:1-27 into John 14:1-31, nor the reverse, without dislocating the whole order of the truth. Hi Timothy. Before answering let me clarify something. * You mention the NWT in your question, so I guess this question is addressed to Jehovahs W The fullest instruction as to the Spirit is in the New Testament; and, pray, who speaks of the Holy Ghost if it be not Himself? And surely it ought to be so, and we would not desire it to be otherwise. You're not greater than the Lord; if they hated Him, they're going to hate you. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. [1.] Including all the forms of declension; apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole. It's good for only one purpose, and that's to produce fruit. And if it doesn't do that, it really isn't good for anything else; it's not good firewood. He lays a double ground before Him: one, the glory of His person; the other, the accomplishment of His work. And as you analyze the hatred people have towards Jesus Christ, it is hatred without a reason, without a cause. And He declares. Whenever we try to turn prayer into something to enable us to realize our own ambitions and to satisfy our own desires, it must be ineffective, for it is not real prayer at all. We must honour God, and do good, and exemplify the purity and power of the religion we profess; and this is bearing fruit. . Now this is the first time the gospels mention anything about the joy of Jesus Christ. I am at total disagreement with those persons who say that you've got to give detailed instructions for God or He doesn't know how to answer your prayer.One minister has written in a book that he was praying for God to give him a bicycle. When they moved, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went; but they followed in the direction which they faced, without turning as they went. There we have grace without a single thought of any thing on man's part, save the depth of need. We are not to take that with a crude literalism, because it would simply mean that if you can mobilize enough people to pray for anything you will get it. Let me dwell in Your tent forever;Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. No such outward circumstance is here as in Matthew, no soldiers trembling, no walk with disciples, but as ever the person of God's Son, though disciples prove how little they entered into the truth. You know how it's all going to work out, you know what the end result is. Who but John could mention that He delivered up ( ) His spirit? The heart must be taken off His bodily presence. The essence of prayer is not that we say to God: "Thy will be changed," but that we say to him: "Thy will be done." 47Woe unto you! The fruit that comes forth from our lives is a very natural thing; it's not forced. His salvation lies in continual contact with the strength of his friend. In the book of Acts we read, "And as many as were ordained to eternal life believed" ( Acts 13:48 ). If God has chosen some, then that isn't fair to the others. Dont see this option? Abiding in Christ is necessary in order to our doing much good. And so, I'm not so much interested in the quantity of the fruit as I am the quality of the fruit that is developed through my ministry. He has an eye upon all the branches, and prunes them, and watches over them, that nothing hurt them. Such were the causes of hatred in the early days. This he proceeds to illustrate by a reference to the vine. If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you ( John 15:18 ). As it is said, "He will teach you all things" what they never knew, besides bringing to remembrance things that they had known. The pax Romana, the Roman peace, stretched over all the world. Your Father wants to answer your prayers. No external qualification can set a man right with God; only the friendship of Jesus Christ can do that. $28.54, $51.90 And therein is the big issue in this verse, and the thing that you want to take note of. He doesn't say that the Father "shall" give it to you, but that the Father "may" give it to you, indicating that the Father is desiring to give it to you all the time and prayer opens the door, that the Father may do for you what He is wanting to do the whole while. For the cherubim spread their wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubim made a covering over the ark and its poles from above. They have, both of them, a divine place and power for the children of God. Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, And in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge. God made His choice on the basis of the fact that He knows everything. It is speaking as still tied and bound with the chain of their sins, instead of standing in known reconciliation, and, with the Spirit of adoption, drawing near to the Father in the name of Christ. "He shall not speak from himself; but whatever he shall hear, he shall speak: and he will report (or announce) to you things to come. Great! But as for the world, it has rejected and crucified Christ. A man hardly starts to speak before we know whether or not he really believes what he is saying. Does it upset you that God chooses people? These people get all hung up on eternal security and all. The disciples accordingly, having received this grace in Christ, were called into a like path with Him, the epistle here below of Christ who is above. Away back in the old days there had been the goddess Roma--the spirit of Rome. This the disciples thought they saw distinctly; but they were mistaken: their words do not rise higher than "We believe that thou camest forth from God." Salvation is God's work; I recognize that. He is that true vine typified by Judah's vine, which enriched him with the blood of the grape (Genesis 49:11), by Joseph's vine, the branches of which ran over the wall (Genesis 49:22), by Israel's vine, under which he dwelt safely,1 Kings 4:25. Why? The hatred of the world and the love of Christ press them so much the more together. They sin against men (cf. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. That's the fruit that God is looking for from His vineyard, that love flowing in and through our lives from Him to each other. Does union with Christ, does life eternal, depend on keeping His commandments? Christianity is apolitical. It is a peculiarly American thing nowadays that Christianity has been curated by politics and has become part of the po And they are maybe six feet long, and you'll see them lying on the ground, propped up on one end by a rock. As he saw it, a man is either of the world or of Christ, and there is no stage between. Obviously Jesus wanted His disciples to abide in Him, but the use of "and" (Gr. Jesus was laying it down that not Jewish blood but faith in him was the way to God's salvation. We'd better get rid of Him." When the cherubim departed, they lifted their wings and rose up from the earth in my sight with the wheels beside them; and they stood still at the entrance of the east gate of the Lords house, and the glory of the God of Israel hovered over them. Those that fall off from Christ presently fall in with sinners; and the sheep that wander from Christ's fold, the devil stands ready to seize them for himself. Have you ever noticed how akin our emotions are? The intermediate ministry of Paul is, of course, not here noticed; for he was the witness of Christ glorified in heaven Head of the Church His body, wherein is neither Jew nor Gentile. This appears again in the sixth verse, and remarkably too: "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch." the little owl, the great owl, the white owl. The vine had actually become the symbol of the nation of Israel. There is no word more characteristic of John than the very word "abiding," and this in the way both of grace and of government. Verb - Present Participle Active - Accusative Masculine Plural. So Jesus said, "Abide in Me, and if you don't, cut off your withered and then gather them together and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.". Partner with StudyLight.org as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. There is no reference even to the blessed Lord when on earth, or to what He did here. He comes, not to display His own power and glory, but expressly to glorify Christ. In the midst of the living beings there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches darting back and forth among the living beings. It's not strong enough to make a nail out of it, and you can't use it for any woodworking project, because of its texture and makeup. And yet, you ask them, "Why do hate Jesus so much?" Souls must be simple and distinct in it as truly as in believing in Christ Jesus. but it is still true that the world will hate the Christian. You are like the wings of a dove covered with silver. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. The fire was bright, and lightning was flashing from the fire. Here it is the disciples put to the proof. Is the word marriage mentioned in the Bible? Yes. Roughly 2025 times, depending on which translation and not counting related words such as mar (John 3:16-17) But here the ground is different. Now, with that as a background, the vineyard, the nation Israel having failed. Now over the heads of the living beings there was something like an expanse, like the awesome gleam of crystal, spread out over their heads. In this case, however, it is the larger subject the all-importance of Christ's words abiding in us: "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you." "After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst." And I used to ride the streetcar home from work in the evening, and every once in a while, she would get on the same car that I was on. What does he mean by this? These two things are absolutely necessary to our salvation: 1. (4.) If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea. Their faith was not based upon an emotional appeal or an emotional moment, but was based upon facts of God's Word, and the faith was established in the fact of God's Word. Still there is the special form of presenting Him as one that comes, which is confirmed in the next verse. Each one went straight ahead. The cherubim shall have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and facing one another; the faces of the cherubim are to be turned toward the mercy seat. 49Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute: 50That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation; 51From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation. Dealing differently, no doubt, according to that which was before Him; still it was in Christ ever the value of what came, not what He found, which was the great point. How much would life circle back around if Jen and Michael got back together. Those that abide not in Christ, though they may flourish awhile in a plausible, at least a passable profession, yet in a little time wither and come to nothing. Under the expanse their wings were stretched out straight, one toward the other; each one also had two wings covering its body on the one side and on the other. Under their wings on their four sides were human hands. Third, this may be an imperative statement. But they saw that they could not stop this movement. If the word be our constant guide and monitor, if it be in us as at home, then we abide in Christ, and he in us. He puts Himself in the place of all to which they had been attached and belonged here below, and the Father in lieu of Almighty God, or the Jehovah of Israel. 40 Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD. God help us. "Israel is a luxuriant vine," said Hosea ( Hosea 10:1). Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. And I say, "Of course I love you. Thus everywhere there is absolute opposition between the world and the Father, expressed morally when the Son was here, and proved now that the Spirit is come. He did not choose us to live a life retired from the world, but to represent him in the world. One thing is certain--no Christian who was involved in persecution could say that he had not been warned. Hence He speaks of that which pertains to a disciple on the earth; and accordingly the Lord speaks of having Himself kept His Father's commandments, and of His own abiding in His love; for, indeed, He had ever been here below the dependent man, to whom the Father was the moral source of the life He lived; and so He would have us now to live because of Himself. And I will abide in you-ye shall receive every help and influence from me that your souls can require, in order to preserve and save them to eternal life. Eight days after we have another scene. "But go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." Abide in me, and I in you. If we have Christ, we shall want nothing that is good for us. Then the priests brought the ark of the covenant of the Lord to its place, into the inner sanctuary of the house, to the most holy place, under the wings of the cherubim. Blessed of God at all times it would surely be; and he that valued Christ's words would never slight those that witnessed of Christ before He came. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. kago, from kai ego) is unusual. As they produce the fruit, the fruit actually is lying right there on the stony ground of the vineyard. Abide see note on John 14:2; = remain, continue to reside, cf Colossians 2:6. Who ever heard even of an earthly father, worthy of the name, so sternly repelling his children? In John 21:1-25, the appended scene is the fishing. King James Version (KJV). Verse John 15:4. Snare. There can be no effective Christian witness without this inner conviction which comes from personal intimacy with Christ. The vine is a spreading plant, and Christ will be known as salvation to the ends of the earth. What I gather from this is, that those who had even used the Lord's prayer, as the disciples had done up to this time, did not know what it was to ask the Father in the Lord's name. We must be fruitful. and the red kite, the falcon, and the kite in their kinds. Our Lord, therefore, sets aside openly, and for ever, as regards those that He was now calling out of the world, all connection with Israel. And it is true; there is that cleansing power of the Word. How our communion with Christ is maintained--by prayer: You shall ask what you will, and it shall be done to you. I'm like Peter, "Lord, where can we go? Choose the options youd like for the order. And those people and thousands of people came forward in the Finney services and in the Finney revivals. Then faith saw underneath the veil of flesh this deeper glory. Well, it's too late for you. They would call no man "Lord" except Jesus Christ. It is sometimes trained on trellises; it is sometimes allowed to creep over the ground upheld by low forked sticks; it sometimes even grows round the doors of the cottages; but wherever it grows careful preparation of the soil is essential. He had before Him with perfect distinctness all the truth of God. They have authority from God to retain or to remit sins not at all as a question of eternal forgiveness, but administratively or in discipline. In Wis_7:27 Wisdom is said to make men the friends of God. To be different will be dangerous, but no man can be a Christian unless he accepts that risk, for there must be a difference between the man of the world and the man of Christ. 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