Doc consult at the end of this month. (The use of generic Lupron is acceptable.) 8 days of stims and I had 1 lead follicle and 2 other measurable ones. When I picked up my meds today, and the guy told me which to refrigerate, he then quickly said "oh ya, you already know that. I was diagnosed with high FSH (16). Has anyone done this Lupron STOP protocol? Beta #1 @ 10dp6dt = 265; Beta #2 @ 14dp6dt = 1251. Hello all, I need some feedback. trailer Microdose lupron/micro flare lupron vs agonist-antagonist ivf protocol. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. I'm 36 & TTC 2 yrs. During the first few days of Lupron, the ovaries are stimulated by the natural pituitary hormones (the flare . I had 6 unexplained failure FETs. Thanks!! Estrogen priming and the agonist-antagonist conversion protocol is at least as successful as the microdose flare protocol based on medical data. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. With IVF#2, we did MDL. The use of Lupron to trigger egg maturation over the past 4-5 years has gained popularity when given in a single higher dose (4mg) with aggressive supplementation of estrogen and progesterone following the egg retrieval. I performed poorly with estrogen priming, so we are taking it out now.hsve you started stim? Round One Result: Chemical Pregnancy 2TFR'ed. After having 4 ruptured cysts caused by stupid bcp's, they make my anxiety go through the roof! First ivf was luteal lupron protocol. EPP Antagonist was not a good protocol for me. I do have mild DOR and respond poorly to stims. Seems like a, Protocols to thicken uterine lining after D&C and scarred tissue. Good luck! Lupron Depot is used in men to treat the symptoms of prostate cancer (but does not treat the cancer itself). My new protocol is Estrogen Priming Antagonist. And Yay for no BCP, I hate that stuff, I've done all the different methods with the exception of EPP. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Stimulation Day 4 Come in for an E2 and LH blood test. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I feel sort ofdetachedI didn't expect to feel this emotion, and I'm sure it will shift, but.who knows. , Snow22 , - . BCP's-Re gave me a pack free Well, if any of you can share tips, advice, experiencesI would greatly appreciate it! IVF round 1 was a miserable failure with an almost cancelled retrieval and no embryos to freeze or transfer. With IVF#2, I got 16 eggs, 15 of which were mature. Final u/s showed 5 follicles, stimmed for 2 weeks but ovulated all during retrieval. Stimmed for 12 days and had retrieval on day 14. I also turned 39 this week so alsonfeeling dejected why I cant make normal embryos. 28 years old, first IVF cycle cancelled?! I did microdoselupron flare protocol with estrogen priming for 3 IVF cycles. Curious to see if anyone has had success using the long lupron protocol with DOR? Lupron flare was a winner for me, for sure. Hi All, The average number of days of taking the FSH injections is 8-10, with the range being . G&B born 6/30/14 at 33w3d via emergency c/s. Changing IVF protocols - any success or thoughts? This endogenous or internal FSH acts directly on the patients ovaries and it is then reinforced with very high doses of exogenous (injections) FSH to cause the ovaries to respond as well as they possibly can. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Long awaited FET on 9/3. IVF1 (ICSI): Long Lupron Two fertilized and on Sunday I find out how many I am carrying. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. The study was also occur on estrogen priming protocol ivf per cycle is very focused on converting to create a newborn? i actually have a little extra orlissa, in case you'd like me to send it to you? Lap 2/15. Only 4 eggs were mature and 4 fertilized with ICSI. I wanted to try this one a while back, but my RE wasn't keen. I know everyone's situation is completely different, and we all respond differently to the meds, but I just thought I would ask. I was told that it is a quality over quantity protocol, however Bzeety response would seem to negate that. my clinic doesnt do growth hormone which Ive always heard good things about it. sometimes a bcp is used for this same purpose. Hi Again, 2nd U/S @ 7w2d. Changing IVF protocols - any success or thoughts? . Er 5: oct 2020 - same protocol as er 4- 4 mature eggs, no blasts. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. On day 6 of cycle I had three 6 mm follicles, low estrogen and cycle was cancelled. 505 trouble breathing. I'm reading so much about low stim for DOR and over 40 works better that make me very nerveous about trying high doses. Adding Cetrotide. Only thing I can pinpoint is age. I am not familiar with it, but I will definitely some research. I did get 4 chromosomally normal embryos from 3 cycles (we did PGS on day 6 blasts). Hi. Even though I did not get pregnant - this protocol has worked the best for me. It seems to be less common, since most clinics batch cycle, and this one is based off your individual cycle. I really don't know anything about this protocol. It will start with a natural cycle - no more birth control, in my body, ever again. ?? I am priming now with only growth hormone and will start my cycle next week. Success with Long Lupron Protocol for DOR ? Bilateral Tubal Ligation. Any success stories for low responders of Estrogen Priming cycle? So, I'm 39 with Amh of 0.07 (undetectable) and FSH of 9. Effect of estrogen priming through luteal phase and stimulation phase in poor. What my clinic is proposing, however, is starting. - Estrogen patch 14 days, prio, Hi all, This is witho. They said I would, I just completed a second round of IVF/ICSI. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. 6R. So now we are dealing with issues on my side and i'm only 26 years old. Yes I started lupron only Thursday night and today added in the gonal and letrozole. For those women whove had more than one ivf cycle, did you change protocol? When I stimmed, this is also the thickest I ever was. We had 3 failed IUIs- great response, great sperm count, great progesterone, then negative. Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. 11 mature. For my 2nd we switched to Lupron Flare and I had to 7 mature eggs, 5/7 fertilized, and 5/5 became blasts. I replied to your original post, just wanted to say I'm glad you also posted over here to get more stories. How are you feeling? Long Lupron protocol. But I am starting my next as soon as my period starts. We retrieved 4 eggs. Like usually day 17 or something. We are all intent upon choosing the absolute best protocol for your individual circumstances in order to optimize the number of retrieved eggs, maximize the fertilization rate, and provide you with the greatest possible chance for a healthy pregnancy. 5DT. BFN The major difference is that, by cutting the dose of Lupron down to one sixth of the routine dose, and by giving it twice daily, the Lupron actually turns the pituitary gland on rather than off, producing major release of FSH. He has two girls from a previous marriage. He takes my input and works with me. DH and I have been TTC for 4.5 years or so: An extremely challenging and embryo transfer were to microdose lupron. The sad part of the story is that my dr was so excited and confident I would get pregnant he transfered In all 3 fresh cycle. Kate's IF Blog. IVF3 (ICSI/CCS): Antagonist with EPP I had wanted to try the EPP if my #4 didn't work/give me frosties..because I've seen so much success with it. I'm nervous that round 2 will go the same way as round 1. 0000006342 00000 n 3. Are you sure you want to block this member? April '14 Planning IVF attempt #3. I think so because I was usually stimming with 300 Follistim before, but I'll check. I am asking about supplements like CoQ10 and DHEA. That's amazing and.congratulations. Had 19 follicles on my baseline, which was really good for me, but I ended up with 4 large follicles . Best of luck to ya and I hope your next cycle proves 'the one'!!! I am currently waiting on my period. MENTS I married at 39 and got pregnant naturally a year later, then miscarried. I'm starting IVF#3 on November 14th. I did 9 IVF attempts in 2 years - high stim, low stim, mid-stim, estrogen-priming. I'm almost 36 and have been TTC for 2.5 years. and also why some of us seem to have Pills that are not really needed. me 33/DH 36ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~11 IUIs = 1 m/c (7w4d)IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFNSurprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160Stick Frogger Stick! My second we moved from an antagonist to a Lupron stop protocol with PICSI and wound up with 8 embryos, 3 of which were PGS normal. With IVF#2, I got 16 eggs, 15 of which were mature. But ever since then, despite having a lot of embryos, we were never able to repeat this success. Also, if any of you CCRM girls have any words of wisdom, I will take those too! Second retrieval was agonist with lupron, and we ended up with two decent quality embryos (3BB, 4BB), one of which became my newborn daughter, who I am currently breastfeeding. 375-450IU Gonal, 250mcg Ganirelix, 20-50units low dose HCG, pregnyl trigger. Er2: 7 mature eggs, follistim 250 iu with ganirelix, no priming. Press J to jump to the feed. While many studies to evaluate the effectiveness of these additional medications have been conducted, there are unfortunately very few definitive conclusions that have been reached. Sept. '13 - We will try again with EPP. However other had mature egg and we did Icsi by it didn't grow from there. Long Lupron protocol. You and your husband will start your Doxycycline antibiotics today. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. HB 132 & everything measuring on track. I like my current doctor. In this regimen, a patient will take BCPs for 3-4 weeks. Lazer T, Liu A, et al. I feel like it's always better to go slow & steady. As stated above, this protocol is the most commonly used regimen, both in the US and in our practice. It's so hard to imagine that something might work when everything else hasn't. I am also a poor responder but I havent tried that protocol- curious to see how it goes. I don't remember my protocol. Afte, Hi all, Had 20 eggs retrieved. I tried IVF in may since my follicle count was low I cancelled it. :), I'm confused by all the information out there for women over 40. Isn't that kind of an aggressive protocol for someone with day 3 numbers like that? xref I am curious why your RE thinks this is the right protocol for you - obviously he/she has all the facts on ya! Im currently doing vaginal Estrace (twice a day), vaginal viagra (four times a day), 3 estrogen patches all the time, vitamin e, baby aspirin, and I even started estrogen injections twice a wee, I'm having lining issues and wondering I'd anyone else out there has as well and what your solution/protocol was to thicken the lining. Is it normal to see NOTHING the first ultrasounds?? Was wonderin, Hi ladies - Don't be offended with this NOOB question! --- EDD 4/5/15, "Everything will be alright in the end. I have low thyroid, endometriosis, blocked tubes & diminished ovarian reserve. Er 6- jan 2021- GH and estrace priming for 4 days. Any success stories ? Meanwhile, we're running out of solutions. How do they decide? I did microdose lupron flare protocol with my first IVF. I've got my pompoms ready to cheer you on!!!! I just got my calendar today and I'm getting ready to start Lupron. Oestrogen primed micro dose lupron protocol - here you take oestrogen 7 days after you ovulate and stop when you get your AF. Total noob question about protocols - don't be offended. Def try the microdose lupron flare and let us know how it turns out!!!! Antagonist Protocol or Short Protocol: This is the most commonly used IVF . Changes I made to get better quality eggs and a BFP!. Both my l, Short protocol or long protocol for older women. An EPP for EVERYONE!!! In addition, your chance of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is less with GnRH antagonist protocols. They are concerned about egg quality. And offer a ivf protocol. 0000009528 00000 n Wondering if anyone with diminished ovarian reserve has had success with IVF stimulation during the luteal phase vs. the follicular phase? Ive been priming for transfer for 11 days and Im only at 6.7mm. 0000000736 00000 n IVF round 1 was a miserable failure with an almost cancelled retrieval and no embryos to freeze or transfer. Lupron Trigger During Stimulated IVF Cycles. The patient is given twice-weekly injections of estradiol valerate (Delestrogen) for a period of 8 days whereupon COS is initiated using a relatively high dosage FSH- (Follistim, Fostimon, Puregon or Gonal F), which is continued along with daily administration of GnRH antagonist until the "hCG "trigger." I think it helps with the 2ww. 0000001169 00000 n I do believe the MIcrodose Flare P is the way to go for women older with fewer eggs. I had two failed fresh ivf's on this year. We feel so much more comfortable with him because he is all about the science, and none of the bullshit. Primed with BCP. Does anyone have any advise or success stories about this protocol. Dr. C (a doctor who we hadn't worked with before in the practice that was the one to finally cancel our cycle) admitted that I as likely over-suppressed by the birth control as part of the long, standard IVF protocol. After taking a break from infertility to regroup (in which I drank approximately 20 drinks in one evening and was hungover until 7pm the following day, oops), we had out WTF conf call with our RE to go over what happened last cycle/ get some closure/ get a game plan for next time. And any other recommendations on clinics? This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. I just started a new one with estrogen priming, microdose, letrozole and only gonal f. No menopur. So I know that you begin with birth control (but I, I've had one unsuccessful IVF and one that had such a poor response we turned it into an IUI instead. :'-( 43 &37 eggs?! But after the estrogen my 3 follilces seemed to be more closely matched in size. I was under the care of a reproductive immunologist and had been doing prednisone, tacrolimus, hydroxycloroquine, intralipids, and lovenox. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). 1 single dose LUPRON-at RE office Good luck! Initial was 12. Called the flare, the microdose flare, or the low dose Lupron protocol, this regimen uses the same medications as the Lupron overlap protocol. Need advice. 3 failed IUI's Can someone explain to me the difference in the protocols? So we didnt biopsy & test then freeze. Anyone have anything reassuring to say about it? The other thing is they tell me that with microdose your retrieval is later. 1 transferred and Im 22 weeks. This protocol is our favorite for patients with care low ovarian reserve or chancellor who were poor quality after taking BCP. My FSH is 12. Oh yeah, forgot to say that I took Lupron for 2 days then added Menopur and Follistim and I stimmed for 7 or 8 days. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. It is possible that the ovarian stimulation process on the egg donor would be shorter or longer than that shown above. (week of) 09/27 - Transfer The eggs are weaker as we get older and in turn weaker embryos. Been feeling lonely lately as friends and family are getting pregnant around me (even friends who also struggled with fertility issues), so looking for somewhere else to hopefully find people to connect with. I did the MDL protocol also due to a higher fsh of 12.6. Micro-dose Leuprolide injection (MCDL) is a compounded preparation made from diluted commercially available leuprolide. I'm sorry to hear about your 2 unsuccessful transfers. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. In the regular IVF protocol, Lupron and BCP are used for at least 2 weeks before ovarian stimulation. Yay! Lupron Depot is used in women to treat symptoms of endometriosis (overgrowth of uterine lining outside of the uterus) or uterine fibroids. He had a vasectomy after his second child. Thanks! What was the quality of your embryos? I wanted to know for those who have PCOS (i have mild PCOS) which IVF protocol yielded a BFP for you ? Any advice is welcome! I am not familiar with it, but I will definitely some research. 9dp5dt Beta 1 = 344!! Overjoyed! You Will Mother. Concerns about timing of Lupron Depot protocol, Insight on New FET Protocol? I badly want to be a mom. Just checking in to see how you did with the flare protocol. Wehave3 CCS Normal Embryos! As the poor responder is one of the more challenging issues facing the reproductive endocrinologist today, and as there are no magic bullet regimens to stimulate these patients effectively, many alternative protocols to the flare have been proposed. I had 4 but 3 stopped growing around day 6 so they weren't frozen. Austin, Texas 78731, 16040 Park Valley Drive Building 1, Ste 201 Has anybody here had an experience with this protocol and was it successful? Good luck for your scan tomorrow! Info about me: I'm 33, DH 31. Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. Clomid+ 150 iu follistim+150iu menopur and GH every other day. You can continue to take oestrogen throughout if you want. It seems to be . Did one cycle of IVf with 450 of gonal F and then cetrotide and ovidrel. END MENTS. My first retrieval resulted in no viable embryos. I have no idea if that's true but it gave me hope and made me feel better. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! I am currently priming with growth hormone waiting for my period. I had blocked tubes and everything else with me and DH was normal. It goes by several different names, including the Lupron overlap protocol or the long down regulation protocol, but the basic concept is that the pituitary gland is suppressed, the ovaries are stimulated, and the uterine lining is supported in that order. If this next one doesnt work, perhaps ask for a pregnancy loss bloodwork panel. I am really getting tired of everything and is on the verge of giving up. Woot woot!! All my cycles were at age 34. Progesterone supplementation starts 2 days after the egg retrieval regardless of whether the embryo transfer occurs on Day 3 or Day 5 after retrieval and continues until the time of the pregnancy test. Has anyone used this protocol and had any success? puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes. Others involve newer supplements such as DHEA, and still others involve the use of injectable medications such as growth hormone. I'm 42 y/o and had my 2nd egg retrieval on 4/16. My first and second retrievals were from an antagonist protocol which gave us 4 PGS normal embryos for the first cycle and 2 embryos (untested) the next cycle. My AFC was 7 on day 3. I definitely dont feel like myself but not as bloated yet. Going with a microdose lupron protocol for my 2nd, starting on 11/30. My blog about IF and loss Amazing! 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. HiI'm new. What felt "cookie cutter" was that despite my great day 3 tests, RE put me on microdose Lupron flare protocol with 300 units of Follistim (150 twice a day). However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. We started IVF due to MFI, i did a long lupron short stim cycle last month and it failed due to being a poor responder. Hence we see mini-IVF protocols used at places like New Hope Fertility in NYC ( and the Infertility Center of St Louis (; and, 5/15 Your stories have all made me feel better. While the flare protocol does not allow for a Lupron trigger to . So I will be on oral estrogen, patches, and injections! [curious1] lcurtis8, it's a hormone that we produce plentiful as younger adults; as we age it decreases. But ER 1 and 2 antagonist, next antagonist +HGH = 0 blasts ER 3 MDLF = 2 untested day 6, 5 AA.. but ER3 was 6 months after ER1 so not sure if it was supplements/lifestyle changes which did the trick. So Im not sure how that changes for you, since you were able to get eggs. 1 Call nurse with cd1 Start Microdose (md) Lupron twice daily and continue to take estradiol stopping on cycle day 10 units md Lupron Estradiol 2mg 10 units md Lupron But I believed we switched because of not getting eggs. Create an account or log in to participate. Age: me - just turned 37 / husband 42 Any input / thoughts are greatly appreciated! 0000009011 00000 n Doc said it was odd and confusing why that last cycle was such a winner so again, may have been just lucky. Hello, Design: Retrospective, case-control study. When I talked with ccrm on the phone, it sounds like I'll be doing EPP with my next cycle (also #4 for me!).. I am currently going for my 7th retrieval. But other doctors have mentioned that it is great for women with DOR.
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