Listen to me, you do not give up. He would tell her the truth, he knew that. I know. In her hands, she holds Karas suit. Kara manages a smile. Supermans betrayal, his best friends betrayal, lead him to become a monster. My only light! Ill do anything to damage the Girl of Steel., The woman chuckles, continuing her path to the door. I will show you how easy it is to get out of this, she says, losing her breath in his. Hows reporting?, Kara sighs, finally relaxed. Mon-El catches himself from running after her right away. Youre home, he whispers, reaching out a hand and stroking her cheek. Its a Kryptonite tranquilizer. Turned out she had a severe phobia and left the moment they brought out the toy breed., Kara takes a bite of her pasta, stifling her laughter behind her hand. I havent felt that way in so long. What do you mean? This incident could have happened anywhere to anyone and nobody would have seen it coming. Lena shakes her head in agreement, finally coming to terms with the truth. He closes the door and turns around to her, pausing and smirking when he sees her. But this one was different. A doctor pulls a towel out from under the gurney, pressing it onto Karas stomach. :p, The original story is contained in Chapters 2 - 10. Im so sorry, I didnt mean to scare you., Kara shakes her head, pulling her legs into her chest. He kisses the top of her forehead and the move causes her leg to crawl up his, resting it over his waist. She takes a step closer to him, inches away from his face. When I learned that you had lied to me about being the Prince of Daxam She cocks her head, fighting. Someone who loved her with all her heart. Kara can barely keep her eyes open. But Im confident youll find some treasures to keep it interesting, he says, turning abruptly and stopping in front of a building. Wheres your ring?, I took it off before I came here. We didnt know that he was planning an attack. Then she exhales a shaky breath and begins. Cat Grant is the biggest name in media, yet shes so stressed she can hardly keep up. Wonderful, she mutters. Hard. Its hard to believe she doesnt have any powers. She smiles at him. Hold me.. Im starving. What stands before her is a sight shes never seen. Alex wouldnt do that. She barely looks up at her, shaking her head. She quickly tapes the box and carries it over to the others, setting the book on the counter and opening the door. And youre also my best friend, Kara tries, knowing its no use. We are so close to the end-, Do you really think there will be an end? Kara interrupts, snapping her head up to her. All the memories he and Kara shared, encapsulated in pictures. We can make people believe you can change., Lenas eyebrows raise and she scoffs. She smiles, a finger trailing across his nose to his lips. I dont know, Kara. So now, she hates me. Its just I missed you., Cat scoffs, turning around to her desk. Just Mon el," he babbles as Kara face palms herself. A light display of green veins form over her limbs and face, and the familiar pain of Kryptonite poisoning erupts inside her. I missed all of you., Kara shakes her head. She sighs when shes at a comfortable distance, then makes her way out onto the balcony. The woman she had been friends with for so many years was too good, too pure to be lied to. Its so dark in here, can we turn on a light?. Karas voice breaks as she says this, coming to terms with the fact that she is going to give in to this man. He looks down, unknowingly. I get enough of that at work. I didnt understand how you could be evil.. I dont have an answer for you., Karas eyes narrow, then she breaks. 7 oclock, she tells him, ignoring his compliment. Her legs are utterly broken. I was supposed to hurt Supergirl, not kill her., Kara stares daggers at him, eyes narrowed. Luthors working together sounds quite unraveling, dont you think? The DEO and CatCo reporters could turn their stories and missions onto smaller cases and have some diversity with their writings. As a reporter and a hero, you fix things. Alex had made sure that each hero had their vitals and levels checked multiple times when they arrived, running tests on all before she allowed them to return home. But she doesnt take orders from a Luthor. CatCo was in the middle of a large investment meeting the entire day after Lena sold it, so all employees had mandatory PTO. But she didnt. Him. Kara gazes at her mother. Their friendship. No dirty glass gives Alexs skin a new texture. You deserve the same respect as a person that your work does. She smiles, grateful for his words. Kara raises her arms, trying to calm her. Supergirl, she begins, pausing purposefully. He smiles, chuckling at her joke. Why didnt you tell me before?, Lena tilts her head to the side, watching her reaction closely. When you pushed me away that first, second, third time I shouldve listened. Kara had a thick arm crossing her chest, a handful of her collar in her fist. You okay? He whispers. Its me, Lena. Lena is calm, clutching Kara and debating whether they should keep pushing towards the actors awaiting her. Im still on unstable ground with you, but I know you are the best reporter at Catco and I needed a major media outlet to do an article for me. Not the original Luthor stereotype. Shes at home with Maggie and Ellen. Never, Kate consoles, walking over and sitting down next to her. Then she pulls out the flattened bullet she put in her pocket, holding it up to Alex. It lets me hear how it will sound before I have to actually say it to them. He had closed her door on his way out and taped the caution tape in a large X over Alexs entire door. Alex chuckles sorrowfully, looking up to stop the tears. The world could never be good, pure. At every new detail, two more popped up that held them back. Sophie, was her name, and I were the top two cadets of our class. You were the one who was supposed to keep him safe. They hate each other. And just as Imra settles back into the couch, he bursts into the night sky on his way to Kara. Whats wrong?, Kara lets out a laugh, several new tears rolling down her face. But her fathers endless quest to terminate the dragons leads them to a place that changes the lives of everyone who resides in the Isle of Berk. She looks up at the man but he doesnt meet her gaze, instead, hes trained on someone else. Kara Danvers thought she had everything, a charming spouse, a big house her divorced parents could never give her, neighbors who cared for her well-being and the life she never thought she deserved. What about me? Lena asks, stepping over to the gurney. Now, you are everything and more. She smiles, opening her arms. In 3x07 (Wake Up), Mon-El returns. And when Kara betrayed her, it only made her performance more genuine. Unable to do anything more with several news cameras watching them, she sighs, gluing her eyes to the man. Then she resumes positioning him on her hip and holding him close. So what did you do?, Cried a lot, Kara smiles, able to laugh at herself now. She had told her the truth. He gingerly mimes walking with a limp and bobs his arm up and down, creating the illusion he is using the cane. Very well. Alex, we are aliens. Kate sighs, never realizing she didnt know the heros past. He watches her body move like its a piece of music; Crescendoing and then quieting. Shes been doing that for fifteen minutes. Well, this was alarming. Slowly, her hand slips away from him and she slips out of the covers, standing and walking into the kitchen where the sounds are coming from. The wheels grind on sand as she parks, getting out and taking in the view. We were so close anyway, only a few weeks. He nods, and Jonn motions for his father and Alex to line up at the entrance. The sand there was tan compared to the red on Daxam, but it had still felt all the same. We will get you back to the Legion. He read her mind, communicated with her as she interacted with the crowd and she could speak back. Its as Winn said. What did Maggie need help with? Kara asks, a mouthful of potsticker jumbling her words. Hey, are you okay? I can play them, too.. Because Ive done the same. Karas head tips to the side as she listens curiously. When she takes them off, that tether will be broken. Her perfect posture returns, and her eyes settle on Kate who observes her with narrowed eyes and raised brows. The woman faces him, crossing her arms. Theres no crime, no evil in National City, or everywhere for that matter.. And that is not your fault. Your famous breakfast for dinner. We will, Kara, Lena nods, not knowing how she will go on without her. Alex approaches her and falls beside her. Toothbrush, hair product, an empty bottle of his cologne. Quite the opposite. Good work today. Everything she had kept from her best friend, hid from her, now transparent. A voice coming toward them stops him in his tracks. If we did then yes, I used my method. Clark didnt exactly give me a date on when they will come to Earth, but he promised soon., Thats good, Alex nods, then furrows her brow. Im Lex Luthor. Karas hand presses harder into his chest, feeling the vibrations of his words dipping into her palm and flashing through her fingers. Okay, Kara.. You want Guardian, he figures, cracking a smile. Shes too busy staring at her growing belly. Lena, Kara croaks, her voice groggy from her nap. The bridge is in shambles. Read to find out what happens next. I had everything. Mon-El desperately gasps, staring at Kara and reaching for her. Hes seen her in worse. Do you really believe that I could accomplish ridding the population the ability to feel?, Yes, Kara gasps. I havent known you very long, but you have shown me love, humanity, honor, hope, truth, courage, and destiny more than anyone has in my entire life., Kate chuckles. The first one where we truly knew how we felt about each other. He looks over at her, sighing. Alex exhales slowly, taking some time to process Lenas words. I asked if you were still in love, Alura says smartly. But if you so much as try one thing, he dies. The man points a finger toward her room. She drops to her knees, spreading her arms. What I just showed you, its a scenario. So what now?. They stand in silence for a moment, until Nias anger with him boils to a steam. The officers who had been deployed at the first sign of battle wave their hands in front of their faces, hoping to clear the dust to see. I need this too, she says, placing a hand on his scruffy cheek. Im here.. Im going to let you walk out of here, and Im going to go back to bed., Lena cocks her head at her. Standing in the middle of Lenas penthouse favoring one leg, observing her closely. And I dont think I can change her mind about it., Kara nods. Mon-El presses the button to open the door and she falls out, landing on her knees, sucking in deep breaths of air. Kara scoffs at the wine, continuing her knocking. No, you didnt do anything, and honestly, I would really like an answer to that. Alex, before we start, you must know that I only allowed you here because I feel it is necessary that we keep each other close. She was a sister. Kate had decided she would hang around for just a few more hours, learning about Karas planet. He remembers he left it at least half full, so where did the rest go? Her knees buckle but she stays standing, trying to get the air back into her lungs. Shes using her, she knows that, and she hates that shes allowing Lena to push her around but what other choice does she have? Well, if I have to do time, Id rather spend it with a full glass. Alex shakes her empty wine glass, unfolding her arms from Kelly as she stands. A small tilt of her chin and her ear would have been seared clean off. Kates smell, a blend of leather and rubber with a hint of lilac causes her to sway. There is no we in the second part of that sentence.. She walks over to Alex, crossing her arms over her chest and watching as her sister saunters back and forth. I heard you. And she collapses to the ground. I just want to talk.As friends, she wanted to add. She needs our help, Alex. Nia was sitting on the couch nursing a carton of rocky road when the doorbell rang. I do remember. Alex nods, hating what she is going to have to do. But her sister stops her before she can get out a word. When she sees there are none, she glances between him and the boxes. He was shouting, calling for his sister to come out and play. When she first left, Alex figured it would last a day, at most. Lena decides to research the soccer player a little bit more. We all did. Lena, you have to believe me. Karas day started the same. She had shot Supergirl. She brings hope to so many and stands for something so much bigger than the department. His eyes light up and he grips her around the waist, picking her up and spinning her in a circle. POV Kara and Lena; Minor Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015) Minor Lucy Lane/James "Jimmy" Olsen; Past Sanvers; SuperCorp; Happy Ending; Androgynous Kara; Lena Luthor Needs a Hug; . And thats okay. She had made sure everyone she loved and cared about was accounted for, then immediately hid in her home. It was your idea as the director to wipe the minds of the agents, only if they agreed. He tilts his head at her, and without looking back at Kara, he jogs over to the little girl and picks her up, carrying her away. I feel guilty that Im not grieving for Oliver like the rest of them, but I didnt know him enough to shed any tears. Kate shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut and then opening them again. But that light is soon snuffed by the dark. Her insides burn, can feel the fire of the gunpowder flaming under her skin, yet she tightens her grip on Alex and pulls her into her chest. Lena had popped up, specifically because media outlets shipped them together constantly for some reason, but she had quickly dismissed that option. Kara shakes with regret. After coming to terms that he would never be the same, never see his best friend again. Oh, that was cool, Kara smiles, laughing. The damage was already done when I first had to go into space in your pod. Kara, I cant walk. They had been tussling together since the morning, and now that it was noon each was growing tired. One night babysitting Esme, Kara will come face to face with a decision she has been avoiding, one that she had thought she came to accept it. He gags and bends over, spitting it out. Im going to send out a BOLO for Mxy to the other heroes. Life is fading, and death is closing in on her fast. I did, yes. Kara. Meeting someone who makes me feel welcome is always helpful, but meeting someone like you made me feel like I belonged. And I dont want you to think that it is. Every day you see it, turn on the water, watch it fight so hard to save its life but it cant get out. Kara and Mon-El (Mike Matthews) at CatCo With the presidents eyes on him, he gives a small wave, then ducks back behind his screen. The hijinks and the gifts and the stubbornness Ive all come to miss. I need to figure out whether to tell her the truth or never tell her anything at all.. He makes the selfless sacrifice to fulfill his role as a Legionnaire and return back with Imra. A part of me never wanted to intervene because I wanted to stay normal. A simple reporter at CatCo magazine who had a sister, Alex, who worked for the FBI. Her hand drops. I know it isnt. I was stripped of my powers. Something had woken her, but it had stopped once she opened her eyes. But the reporter lies there, unmoving. You will persevere. Shes just Lena. Kara freezes in the heat of the moment, allowing herself to feel his body against her. She sits down on the chair in front of her, not letting her eyes drop. Kara, you have time to deliver a message to the people to announce you will end this, Alex states, an ordering tone licking at her voice. They keep walking for several strides, both content with the silence between them. He bought me time to get as far away as possible. She turns to Alex. Alex just sighs, not quite knowing how to respond to her sister. Which would mean my initial hypothesis is wrong, and that you didnt grow evil in the future because you never made up but rather because you were ready to and Kara wasnt. She is beaten, bloodied, and bruised. He stretches his legs out, crossing his ankles. Supergirl, its been so long.. You all may be good shots, but I wouldnt trust anyone behind a gun of that caliber. She and her sister wrap up a final case, both signing their names on the report. Mon-El and I have been having Troubles lately., Alexs eyebrows raise. She is just a woman who can stop crime and save them. Kara! Your niece Maggie and Alex wont let you see.. She looked old, and not the wise-old she normally looked. Can I please just say goodbye to him? Her tears flow, eyes squinting and mouth blubbering. She hasnt looked at him yet. She looks up at him, gaze washing over his closed eyes and smiling lips. But it was all out of the pain that someone he loved went against him. Tell me the truth about why you didnt tell me. No matter what Kara thought of him now, he was still family to them. Brainy looks up at her, silently agreeing. Better get your wallet, Kate breathes, smiling and panting. He pulls his head back and captures her lips in his, kissing her longingly. She folds her hands in her lap, turning them over and dragging her fingertips over her palms. And just when her lips sense the warmth of his skin, he turns his head so she gives him a soft peck on the cheek. Trust me when I say this, Mon-El. Lena sits outside the infirmary doors, legs still stretched out in front of her and head pressed against the cement wall. Billy is 20 at the start and Max is 15. Alex, she starts, causing her sister to look up at her as she walks. I literally saw you five minutes ago, Cat scoffs. Those arent the right words, but-, I know what you mean, Kara helps. He raises his hands, looking around at where he is. You dont think I have my ways?, I know you have a way. That was different. Those cuffs really do work wonders, dont they? She pulls on her glove, making it tighter. Kara and Supergirl. Mxy nods, knowing hes getting somewhere with her. Mon-El decides to return to his parents but Kara tries to stop him. I know I wanted her here, but if she turns out like this I cant be responsible for that, she pleads. She unzips it and reaches in, feeling around until her fingers catch on a hidden zipper in the lining. Well, it was nice seeing you again, Maggie.. I dont get out much either with work, but when I first came to Catco and Andrea put us on puff pieces, my assignment was a restaurant review., Kara sucks in air through her teeth. Alex traveled to earth 1 to endure the help of their heroes. I simply withheld information that I thought could interfere with our investigation. Kara stiffens. Kara reels back her arm holding the bracelet and attempts to slip it onto the doppels wrist in disguise as a punch, but the doppel catches her, holding her hand in place and staring at the device. Her eyes water and her face is a wince as she tries to listen. He holds her hand to his mouth, her fingers pressed against his lips. After that there are requests, prompts, etc and just things I wrote because I got an idea. Well, it had to come from someone. I guess you could call me your guardian angel, but for a Luthor like yourself, I dont believe you deserve one., She takes a step forward but Lex calls out to her. Yes. The doorknob twists and he jumps. Her mind worked in very mysterious ways, it was hard to follow her. Youre right, Lena. She brings her hands to her face and sobs, her shoulders bobbing up and down. But her face. Lena had watched as her brother was dying, suffering and wounded, before she eventually put him out herself. Director Danvers. I would never love her the way I love you., No! But judging from his good mood, she decides he wont mind too much. When she gets out of her coma, she and Mon-El fight alongside each other. Ill get on, ride till I feel something urging me to get off, and explore. But so was Supergirl. Its always Lex. She mightve lied to her about her identity thinking she was protecting her, but she was also protecting her family. Hardly. She sets down the tablet, cracking her knuckles and putting her hands on her hips. She could now play the long game. Alexs medical background knew how much importance touch is in someones life. A certain someone. "Okay, I'll leave you here for a while. You have no idea how happy I am to have you back, Jonn says, touching her leg gently before following Alex out of the infirmary. She smiles, slipping on her flats and opening the door. Another time that he needs to test new toys. Alex throws her arms around her sister, apologizing profusely into her hair. Did I come close?, Kara sniffs, looking up to hold back her tears. Greatest death bed wish a man could ask for. He smiles, and Kara puts her hip against his. Now, Alex demands, checking her over. She scoffs, turning away from the screen to see Alex and Lena both standing and staring at her. She turns to Alex, not quite looking at her. Right. Kara Zor-El! Only, he leaped right in front of Cat, who stood in her balcony watching. To be honest, when Kara had told her face-to-face, revealed her identity, Lena didnt think she would ever tell her. I hate that she always has to be the one to put herself in danger for the good of humanity. How had her friend become so good at lying? I understand. She asked me for help and you know Kara-, She never asks for help, Alex finishes, nodding absently. I knew this woman would have a family that expanded much farther than blood, and with time I would accept them as my own. Im surprised you dont have anything better to do. Why are you telling me this?, Karas eyebrows come together. She slides off the covers and sits on the ground, looking under. Who are you?. I dont tell anyone my identity because if it gets into the wrong hands, they wont hurt me. I missed you so much, she cries, tears rolling down her cheek and over Cats shoulder. Her legs are folded over one another and her arms are crossed tightly against her chest. It didnt seem right. We just have to show them. It all made sense to her now. Her legs are flattened and her arms go numb, pleading for her blood to flow through her limbs. Across the street, a pale blue convertible beeps at them. Alex drops her tablet on the table, quickly walking over to Kara as her sister puts her hands on her hips and sucks in a raspy gasp of air. I better get back, she lies, needing to get out of the office that was so heavy with her guilt. I was expecting the one shot to written differently but oh well, maybe I'll try writing another one soon. Her feet pad against the pavement, her heels swinging gingerly from Williams fingers. I just stood there and watched as you almost exposed yourself. I do not own any of these characters. What for?, Kara almost smiles, but with the situation they are in this is no time for smiling. I wanted to prepare you., What do you mean? She almost gags. Kara gazes at her mother. A rolled-up copy ofRomeo and Juliet sticking out of his breast pocket. She gives her a reassuring nod, and Kara unbuttons her blazer as she approaches the podium. Security guards and miscellaneous police officers break away from their boundary positions and push through the crowd, inching their way to detain the man. He wonders if she still uses it, and then applies it to his own lips. As soon as she feels it in her hand she freezes. But no tears fill her eyes. And slowly, she shakes her head. The next time she opens them, she is in the infirmary. What a beautiful performance, Ms. Danvers. Youre a different kind of complicated. I did it so I could keep an eye on you. I love you. She puckers her lips in a kiss and walks out the door, leaving Kara and Mon-El in silence. I made sure of it., But you didnt stay to see me resurrected? And it is then Kara realizes how much she wants those lips to be on hers. It was an explanation. If I didnt, we would not be standing where we are today, and I would not be alive. She glances between both of the women standing on either side of her. She wakes, a wave of nausea overcoming her. Mon-El sinks down to the bed and pulls a box over, setting the book on his nightstand. Its in my head Kara whispers, trailing her words. Mon-El, come back. Never asked., Lena chuckles. Thats why being Supergirl is so easy for you. No family? Kara had helped her see that. But I dont have a location or a certain place Im going to. But this was also her darkest thoughts that her enemy was infusing into her head through telepathic frequencies. Its just It could have put you in danger-, I dont need an explanation from you, Kara. Cela lui fit froncer ses sourcils suspicieux. Shes seen people like this. She had fooled the hero of National City. I think shes really nervous., Kara nods, patting him on the shoulder. Why am I even having this conversation with you? Her team was coming for her. Happy reading! Whether it was just a simple touch or hug, I was enthralled in it. No matter what you have done or what we have done. Utterly alone. Lena is taking us to the DEO now, have everything ready for us., There is a pause on the other end of his line and James waits for him to speak. He acted like all was well in their life they had built so that Imra would continue to be happy and help them. Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor & Winn Schott Jr. Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Jeremiah Danvers & Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers Is Pretty Much Red Daughter (Clean Slate), Earth-2 Laurel Lance & Malcolm Merlyn & Slade Wilson, Kara Danvers & Earth-2 Laurel Lance & Malcolm Merlyn & Slade Wilson, Kara Danvers & Malcolm Merlyn & Slade Wilson, Earth-2 Laurel Lance & Malcolm Merlyn & Oliver Queen & Slade Wilson, Barry Allen & Kara Danvers & Sara Lance & Oliver Queen, Lena Luthor/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Lena deals with the aftermath of Supergirl's fight with Reign, Kara and Lena Pining after one another from afar, nothing graphic but still might be hard for some, When The Truth Comes Out: Watching Their Lives, Sebastian Smythe is Barry Allen | The Flash, Barf and Belch (How to Train Your Dragon), Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/James "Jimmy" Olsen, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen (Mentioned Briefly), J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw/M'gann M'orzz (Mentioned briefly), Lucy Lane/Winn Schott Jr. (Briefly Mentioned), Eliza Danvers/Jeremiah Danvers (Mentioned Briefly), Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015)/(mentioned only), Original Male Character: Marcus Danvers Olsen, Original female character: Niobe Luthor Olsen, James and Lena are married and Kara is their girlfriend, Supergirl But Less Superpowers and More Gay Teen Angst. You had me believing you actually hated Supergirl., Lena almost chokes on her whiskey. She knows what she has to do. What? Kara asks, not getting a response after Mxy snaps himself away. The force throws her into a burning car, searing her suit and singeing her skin. Hes Mine. I wouldnt be if not for you.. Hope you all enjoy this Power one shot). She groans, putting her hands on her ears and looking around for the source. She turns her face into her shoulder, feeling the weight of his suit enveloping her. He screwed everything up, and now, as he looks at Kara giving all his stuff back to him, as if he were never even here, he cant move. Her absence left a pain in his chest he had never felt before, a pain that had scared him into thinking something was wrong. Just as she steps through the frame, she pauses, looking over her shoulder at Alex. Youre gonna have to if you want to live. The bridge shoots forward, nipping at Karas cape. You dont want to know how much that cost, Mxy says, tapping his ring finger. Karas weight falls into her and her hands cover her face as she begins to cry again. But Kara cant focus on anything else other than the searing cold that radiates through her body. Kara. A huge grin, baring all his teeth. The DEO would think that it is Supergirl no matter what we tell them, and they have special orders from POTUS to shoot to kill. They were perfect. You can finally be free of my lies. It was hard to think while she was touching him. A green glow radiates from the blisters and cracks in Karas skin, burning her now on the inside. A white dog complete with a red cape as his collar. It was interrupted. She furrows her brow at them, confused as to why they are not helping her, but then realizes what she must look like. And Im sorry I hadnt recognized you in all this time. Kara is fully awake now and tries to pry him off her but he doesnt budge. They impact you greater, theyre more fragile. What do you mean?, I havent gone on a single date since you left. She could wake up at any minute.. Kara has a larger significance that Supergirl. Jonn had his PI business and his friends. Kick it in for christs sake.. I should get out of your hair., Oh, no, Kara. A super life for Supergirl., Kara takes a moment to process his words, then her eyes light up in recognition. Our friendship was the best thing that tethered me to the human world, and Im sorry the truth came from Lex rather myself. Slowly, her lids close heavily, but she fights to keep them open to finish her point. The stinging, burning sensation that radiates throughout her body but begins in her heart. It was a mutual agreement., Hes alive. She wanted that again. He hopes she gets the hint, that when he first told her he said the same words, and so did she. She knew it was a soft spot.
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