A question began to arise in the hearts of millions of Americans. Two cheers for CS Lewis though , if only because he moved Joad only from wavering Agnosticism to Belief. Excepting a subset of Fundies and Evangelicals, few Christians of the past several centuries have truly cared whether he did or didnt. The author outlines causes and reasons behind pivotal events that are as ticking time bombs for the Wests economies. This was no time for subtlety. One week later another $300 thousand in gold was shipped to Germany the same way. But now that pretense has been completely dissolved: rather than having to negotiate through the barriers of offices and officials, the White House chief executive is now, not merely influenced or guided, but completely controlled by direct command. Elizabeth Klein: Deputy Sec of the Interior. White men in Africa have seldom converted such intellectually distinguished targets. At a period of extreme government intrusion through the Covid program where constitutional rights are being comprehensively challenged, if not assaulted, Garlands natural instinct has already been shown to side with government over individualsthat he will support authoritarian control by the state; indeed, his public statements confirm his readiness to do the bidding of the current White House regime concerning the January 6th prosecution as white supremacist terror (where he asserts its primacy in his prosecutorial priorities, but more, it is the centerpiece to his domestic war on terror). 18 San Diego State 60 the collapse, the boards and NCAA bracketology, Opinion: How I plan to honor the legacy of James Abourezk, the first Arab American U.S. senator, Carlsbads Viasat gets the green light for $7B Inmarsat deal as competition heats up in space. Tony Blair urged democratic governments not to close confidence in using military force to export their values (The Guardian, September 7, 2021). China, 1945-1949 Almost every week there was a shipment of gold to Germany-these shipments are not made for profit. For days there was a feeling in the air that something momentous was coming. Make a one-time contribution to Alternet All Access, Jared Bernstein: Member of the Council of Economic Advisers was surprised our US Jewish government allowed the abandonment of war materials in Afghanistan . So without these Leaders of The Flock, you are perpetually lost, have no agency, inadequate innate resources. https://i0.wp.com/www.hawaiicatholicherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Champaigne_shepherd.jpg?ssl=1. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. Every member of the Court's six-Justice Republican majority is a current or former member of the Federalist Society. Originally 2019 and probably updated, On March 14, hysterical crowds of people crowded, screamed, and scrambled their ways to the windows of the banks of England to exchange their paper for gold.. The Catholic right is by no means universally loved by American Catholics. IRS and other public records between 2016 and 2020 show a major expansion of Leo's personal wealth that coincided with the start of his work for Trump and the creation of his own for-profit entity called BH Group. Ground beef that was selling in October for $1.40 per pound was now $2.87; orange juice was over $3.00 per glass; steak, $ 16.00 per pound. Steven J. Menashi I picked up the daily paper, the Register Guard, and read an article reprinted from the Washington Star, which said. Both the US, and the Pan Israel project, also share a common network of special interests, embedded largely in US institutions. in. For what it is worth, I think the rest of the accommodation was for house of Trump to turn over all energy and environmental positions in government to climate change deniers approved by house of Koch, and at the end of the day, it was probably a lot of the same dark money behind both of those accommodations. Was Moses the wise leader described by Diodorus or just another Evil Yid as some nutters suppose? That is from one Bush aide to another. Why cant banking be a personal matter between man and his banker as in the past? Barack Obamas nomination of Merrick Garland as Scalias replacement) with a candidate chosen by the Federalist Society. It is disturbing that our government is willing to encourage development of the Soviet Unions gas at such a cost when it is pursuing regulatory policies that are discouraging the needful capital expenditures to develop our own natural gas resources at home. Korea, 1950-1953 The theme of the threatened child who becomes a great leader was employed from Mesopotamia to Rome; e.g. They gathered in the northwest conference room of the tenth floor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to sign the papers as soon as the word came from Washington. From there, I turned to what historian Richard Hofstetter called the paranoid style in American politics and how extreme anti-government megadonors like the Kochs harness that rightwing fringe and how, at the same time, they had at their disposal the polished mercenaries of corporate administrative agency warfare. I call the Federal Reserve Bank and ask, Will you loan us $100 million at 3.5% for six months if I send you over our note to that effect? The officer of the Federal Reserve Bank would naturally say, I will. He would merely create that much money subject to Reserve requirements by crediting our account in the sum and accepting the government note as an asset. Itwas too heavy to carry on the streets as a legal tender or medium of exchange. He has participated in around 20 Federalist Society events. But the house of Koch and the house of Trump soon reached an accommodation. Global arrived that is that goat with the little horn boasting great things is behind a curtain waiting to be crowned king in Jerusalem. Teddy Nemeroff: Director for International Cyber Policy NSA In another email uncovered by the Washington Post, Bush aides referred to Leo explicitly as their judicial nominations cash machine. NEW: Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition. In the field of commerce, she exported over a billion dollars worth of merchandise annually, and yet when Albania, with a population half the size of Philadelphia, made a motion that the Republic of China be expelled, the smaller nations rallied to the suggestion in a demonstration of emotionalism and bias that left a permanent blemish on the record of the UN. Pierre Paul Schweitzer seemed pleased. Rafael A. Mangual, No one truly understands the agenda more than CAF!! In an edition of the Los Angeles Times in April, 1973, Murray Seeger tells how the government leaders in Russia seek to control mens minds and spirits. ``Leonard Leo will know,'' they said, ``where to find money to hold a presser for a failing nominee.'' When I finished writing checks for $100 million, we would have added 100 million to the nations money supply. Ambitious judges noticed. One, while his judicial record appears mixedmerely conventionally liberal, a larger assessment of his opinions and administrative actions, undertaken by faculty at the University of Chicago Law school, Stanford, Harvard and other law schools, shows that he was a safe pick due to his Harvard bona fides and his conventional career track; but it also shows that he may be more liberal than generally assumed. Rochelle Walensky: Director of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention The strategy is always to get the future victim to subsidise his own demise; cf, welfare and charity subsidies at home and abroad. the courts, there are limits to what you can do.'' You are not a courteous critic. Garland doesn't strike me as someone who would be out for revenge, but he might be out for saving the judiciary. Each was backed by the Federalist Society's extended network of satellite groups. These judges knew they were being assessed, and they auditioned. Washington Star News reports U.S. may buy as much as forty billion dollars worth of natural gas from Russia during the next twenty-five years. However, to pull this off one needs to control in ones hand all of the worlds wealth and if what Allen or rather CAF describes isnt it ultimately! By going deeper in debt, she also increased her money supply 47%. The Demonrats will tell them that Whites Supremicists have engineering the hole catastrophe, in order to deprive them of their unearned sustenance. The answer was extremely clear. The record was indeed far from encouraging. Sec. By 1973, the volume of trade in the free world was $367 billion. Gen. What in this blasted world is really going on Oscar Wilson? Garland is another 'Neville Chamberlain'. Why Doesnt The Biden Administration Want Americans To See How Federal Agencies Plan To Influence Elections? Much of our hubris, self image and opinion of ourselves in the West, is delusion and illusion, based on stale palaver, baseless abstractions, phony references (especially relijewish in nature, and conceit. coup de etat indeed!!! The past year has been the most arduous of our lives. Today, reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget, allows us to dig deep on stories that matter, and lets us keep our reporting free for everyone. They go on: ``We probably don't want the fed soc''--Federalist Society--``paying for it, but he might know some generous donor.''. {{ post.roar_specific_data.api_data.analytics }}. OIG: Department Of Justice Refused To Charge At Least Two Of Its Corrupt, Lawbreaking Attorneys, Cruz: GOP Will Win Senate, And Unraveling Bidens Assault On Religion Will Be First Priority, Bigoted New York Times Enlists White, All-Male Legal Scholars To Attack Latina, Female Judge In Trump Raid Dispute, Bidens Sinister Soul Of The Nation Speech Wasnt His First Attempt To Target Political Opponents, Redacted Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Confirms Bidens DOJ Fished For A Crime To Pin On Trump, Absurdly Redacted Trump Raid Affidavit Debunks Trust The System Talking Points, EXCLUSIVE: Plurality Of Independents Dont Trust DOJ Or FBI, You Will Not Look At That Hunter Biden Laptop: Johnson Whistleblowers Reveal More FBI Corruption In 2020, Republicans Should Treat Anthony Fauci Like Democrats Treat Republicans. It had changed with the passing of time until it was with an institution equally trusted and respected. The installation of Chicago-born Merrick Garland as Attorney General and head of the U.S. Department of Justice is of great concern, because his bias for a powerful central government, whether constitutional or not, further widens the gap between American citizens and their own government, and between citizens and their enumerated rights; indeed, he appears committed to making government more and more our adversary, instead of our constitutionally circumscribed servant. So, frankly, it seems like it's been in-sourced. hundred years, and affected 27.5 million acres of land. Men as prominent as Mr. OLeary, member of the Atomic Energy Commission, predicted rationing in the near future. I'm as alarmed about Merrick Garland as Adam Schiff, It's horrible what McConnell did to Garland in the Senate, but Biden should have picked someone else, Totally believe that the former leading candidate for SCOTUS and former judge of 25. While this is not necessarily unusual in the legal field, it creates a perspective that favors central governmenta perspective that sees problems primarily as challenges to governmental authority and that reinforces a culture of government expansion especially through the sprawling administrative state that has characterized U.S. government since the New Deal era of the 1930s. While Jewish and other special interest institutional infiltrations of American civil, military and government departments are not new, what is new is a radical shift and even transformation, in the relationship between the President and the branches, departments and agencies, resulting from the installation of a cognitively impaired chief executive in the White House as Commander in Chief. Julius L. Loeser Standing there in the Garden of Gethsemane He could have picked Caesar up by the scruff of the neck and threw him clear out into the street and shut the doors to his place. By continuing to browse the site, you are legally agreeing to our use of cookies and general site statistics plugins. Hashimoto, Secretary General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party tried in vain to reason with the financial giants of his country. There are & have been many in our US govt who are loyal to Mr Leo. States Where Gold and Silver Have Become Legal Tender Notice Mr. Garland doesnt take questions concerning the Washington madam case.. I think it was over 50. The local banker was indeed his friend and would discuss with sincerity the personal financial needs of any of his clients. No one could kill Christ no one! our National Lawyers Convention. It is time to rediscover Yuri Bezmenov on YouTube. Gorsuch is billed as the banquet speaker Friday at the Florida chapter of the Federalist Societys annual meeting, which is being held at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista. The names of the heads of the branches. That the complaint got this far was unusual. *The historicity of Moses himself is of course not the same thing as the question whether he wrote the first five books of the OT more or less in their entirety, as most Jewish authorities have always asserted. The British, too, looked at their paper with its diminishing value. Only four were referred to a special investigative committee, and not a single one of them resulted in remedial action against the judge. Bacchus also presented his Laws on stone tablets, according to Doanes Bible Myths. Some indicated the drought in Russia was the worst in a Its Past Time Congress Got Rid Of It, Courts Are Foiling Bidens Trivial Attempt To Regulate Ghost Guns, 2 More Attorneys General Support Coalition Of 13 Telling Biden To Stand Down From Repression Of Child Mutilation Critics, Majority Of Americans Say Biden Has Gone Too Far Prosecuting Political Opponents: Poll, Internal Memos: FBIs Out-Of-Control Sexual Misconduct Yields Little Punishment Especially For Top Officials, The First Thing Republicans Should Do When They Take Back Congress Is Impeach Merrick Garland, FBI Raids Another Pro-Lifers Home In Federal Prosecution Against 11 Peaceful Opponents Of State-Sponsored Child Killings, If Peacefully Protesting Abortion Is Criminal But Firebombing Pregnancy Centers Is Not, There Is No Rule Of Law, Some Helpful Ideas For Bidens Impeachment, FBI Raids Pro-Lifers Home, Arrests Him In Front Of His Kids After Ignoring Pro-Abortion Terrorism, Federal Court Rejects Trumps Special Master Review, Instead Trusting FBI Completely, Senate Republicans Demand Hunter Biden Prosecutor Be Promoted To Special Counsel, Democrats Beg DOJ To Target DeSantis, Abbott For Transporting Illegal Aliens After Biden Did Same Thing, The Biden Administration Isnt Interested In Governing But In Criminalizing The Opposition. These men realized that the currencies being used were outmoded and insufficient for the modern day. An attempted crime, say murder or sedition, is still a crime. Mock and hate all the churches you want but disrespect Christ and we have a problem. The White House is now a medical nursing homeor biosecurity prison. A court of appeals judge described to me the conduct of some of its colleagues as auditioning--auditioning. The writers of the Anti-Federalist Papers pointed out that the framework of the Constitution gave the federal government enough power and leeway to allocate all power it itself. Now it seems the people directly affected by the current fuel shortage, have different opinions, as two stories by Associated press at left, and International press at right, reflect. Leo's own personal wealth appeared to have ballooned as his fundraising prowess accelerated since his efforts to cement the Supreme Court's conservative majority helped to bring about its decision to overturn abortion rights. Very few in the USA public perceive the takeover that is occurring and its implications going forward. It is difficult to imagine that action instilled confidence in Judge Jones impartiality in the African American and Hispanic communities. She says the process raises the question of whether Garland and his fellow judges were more interested in protecting [their] brethren than rooting out bias in the administration of justice., Civil rights groups appealed the decision, writing, At its core, the decision of the [judges] serves to undermine any faith the public may have in the fairness and impartiality of the judiciary, the federal judicial discipline system or a system free of race bias. Luis Roberto Vera Jr., LULACs national general counsel, said in a press release, Just as concerning as these instances of bias, the one-sidedness and secrecy surrounding the ethics complaint process and the untoward deference to the judges denials makes it unlikely that any claims of judicial misbehavior can be handled in a way that gives the public confidence that justice is being served., A year later, a different panel of federal judges upheld the Garland panels decision and dismissed the complaint against Jones for good. By 1957, it would cost $72. Like the US, its dominant political trust seeks to deceive, distort, divide and destroy. ", READ MORE: Revealed: Four Supreme Court justices attended right-wing gala further imperiling SCOTUS credibility. Keep all of this Eric Garcetti: US Ambas. In a single lifetime it had seemingly taken on an ominous new form of world control. The judicial panel that investigated the complaintpresided over by Judge Garlandtwisted itself into a pretzel to find that Judge Jones would face no consequences, and dismissed the complaint, says Levin. With great interest, I followed the comments and reactions of world leaders. (I I want wisdom and knowledge. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Mark Greenblatt: Inspector General of the Department of the Interior Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray, Twitter Bans Sen. Mike Lee After He Shared Federalist Article Criticizing Biden Foreign Policy, Obama Judge Unleashes FBI On GOP Rep. Scott Perrys Phone Records For More J6 Hounding, Mark Houck, Pro-Life Dad Targeted By Biden Regime, Acquitted Of Trumped-Up Charges, 9 Questions The White House Should Answer About Bidens Classified Document Scandal, But Wont, Theres A Difference Between Biden And Trumps Classified Documents Snafus, But Its Not What You Think, Loudoun County Dad Arrested For Trespassing At Local Public School Board Meeting Found Not Guilty, 8 Times Our Federal Government Ran A Protect-Biden Racket, 10 Troublemakers Who Belong On Santas Naughty List This Year, Merrick Garland Ignores Calls For Hunter Biden Probe To Instead Interfere With Trumps 2024 Chances, Garland Moves To Transform J6 Inquisition Into A Permanent Prosecution, Heres Everything Republicans Should Do Now That They Control The House, 4 Kookiest Cases The DOJ Pursued While Letting Pregnancy Center Firebombers Walk Free, The FACE Act Is Unconstitutional. A single anonymous donor gave JCN $17 million to fight Merrick Garland and support Neil Gorsuch. A San Diego judge had a defendants 13-year-old daughter handcuffed. A central police is paid and commended by a bureaucracy with no ties whatsoever to the people locally affected and is equivalent in every way to the standing army concept so feared by even the Federalist as the instrument of tyranny. Robert Bauer: Co-Chair of the Pres. A new federal law can help you save on energy bills. When there is no more pillage and extraction to be stolen from the working makers, the takers will go on a rampage. The same ACLU that promotes my body my choice regarding on-demand abortion. In his report to Congress, Louis McFadden asked the question, Mr. OLeary, member of the Atomic Energy Commission, predicted rationing in the year... Seemingly taken on an ominous new form of world Leaders an accommodation had seemingly taken on an ominous new of... 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Roger Penske Children, Articles M