With careful planning, hard work, and a commitment to making the most of your experience, you can make your time abroad a truly memorable and rewarding experience. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. Program terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. As a dual citizen, you are allowed to carry passports from both countries. All rights reserved. Those opportunities are first offered to those stationed overseas. If you ever get the opportunity to be stationed overseas, I would make sure you take advantage and go. Because culture shock threw me for such a loop, I made a YouTube video about it! So Your Spouse Just Deployed??? In addition to the professional and career challenges, there are also financial challenges associated with military life overseas. A citizen test is a key criteria test set forth by the IRS that an individual must satisfy in order to be claimed as another persons dependent. Honestly, there is not a lotof good information out there about PCSing to Europe. Expect that you will have a significant adjustment period to the culture. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. learning and embracing Hawaiian customs, which you can learn more about here, Read reviews today from military families just like yours for base housing, neighborhoods, moving companies, and more, Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice. 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Military Draft. Whether its taking advantage of tax exemptions, overseas housing allowance (OHA), or other benefits, its important to make sure you have a solid financial plan in place to ensure you are able to maintain your quality of life while you are stationed abroad. Fishing charters even make it possible to catch your own deep-sea ahi for fresh fish at home! Making an effort to keep in touch with loved ones can help to ease the feelings of loneliness and isolation that come with being away from home. Another major challenge of serving at an overseas duty station is the experience of culture shock. Here are some of the best bases you will find overseas. If you were not born in the U.S. and you want to become a U.S. citizen, there are many requirements for gaining dual citizenship. With so many military bases in Hawaii, military families have many lodging options both on and off of Oahu. The European Union creates an allied front against outside aggression. I always felt that we should be taking advantage of traveling in Europe while we were there. If you try to schedule a routine appointment you will have to wait at an average of 2-3 weeks. The amount of the fee depends on what application you use and your filing category. It took me a while to settle in after our PCS to Hawaii because the cost of living was so high and we were so far away from family. To help mitigate these financial challenges, its important to budget carefully and make the most of the financial benefits available to military personnel. The experience is worth it, and living overseas will change your life forever. As members of the military we benefit from some tax free entitlements like Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), overseas housing allowance (OHA), and other perks like cost of living allowance (COLA) that can help to offset the cost of living abroad and be a significant benefit. For example, you may have the chance to work on complex military projects, lead teams or work in challenging environments that require you to be adaptable and resourceful. For example, in Japan the limit for getting a DUI is 0.03 compared to 0.08 in the United States. For most people, the complicated process of gaining citizenship requires the help of an immigration lawyer. Some military members love being stationed overseas, and some military members hate it. Part of the reason we love college in Germany so much is that most colleges don't charge tuition. Having to depend on the military for almost everything gave me a good idea of what the Army life was like. Here's our easy PCS 101 IRRRL stands for Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan,also known as a "Streamline" or a "VA to VA" loan. 27 Things You Must Know Before PCSing to Germany, By A PCS to Hawaii also means learning and embracing Hawaiian customs, which you can learn more about here. In addition, the requirements for gaining citizenship in the U.S. may be different for individuals based on their circumstances and their other country (or countries) of residence. The Pros And Cons Of The Watergate Scandal 549 Words 3 Pages Being the thirty-seventh president of the United States in 1974, President Richard Nixon was involved in a scandal known as the "Watergate Scandal", that eventually led to the replacement of presidency from vice president at the time, Gerald Ford. So if you have the chance, do it. Being stationed in Hawaiiis an opportunity like none other. Jean Folger has 15+ years of experience as a financial writer covering real estate, investing, active trading, the economy, and retirement planning. So with an overseas move, Id say to give yourself at least six months to feel fully adjusted, if not one year. While a PCS to Hawaii makes it a little more challenging to get home for the holidays, it's also broadened our travel options. To overcome culture shock, its important to do your research before you move overseas. They have a fabulous train system and it can be easy to get from one city to another that way. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Become a U.S. Citizen Through Naturalization, Advice about Possible Loss of U.S. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you travel frequently between the two countries, this might be especially useful since property ownership might offer a more economical way to live in two places. As it would happen, my husband had to report to Germany before I was done with school. Its eye opening to do something while youre overseas and then see it on CNN or FOX the next day, but high profile strategic locations do provide a real world threat that should be considered when being overseas. Kadena, Japan. Approximately 92% of US student loans are owned by the US Department of Education. Also, serving overseas can also offer opportunities for advancement within the military. Other times, however, the process can take many years and can be extremely expensive and complicated. Living in the middle of the Pacific has some major advantages when it comes to traveling. Schools generally charge a small administration fee, but other than that, it's f-r-e-e! Be advised to know the customs and courtesies of the country that you are a guest in. There is a complete trust in those around them. Just like any other duty station, Hawaii is what you make of it. For one thing, very few of the people stationed where you are can go home for the weekend. Saturn This is the German equivalent of Best Buy and my husband (a huge tech nerd) enjoys having such a large selection of technology. Those born into dual citizenship may encounter fewer problems than those who actively sought it out. As a result, I put together more than two dozen tips that will be more useful for your PCS to Europe so you can be more ready that you ever dreamed possible. To apply for permanent residency, most individuals file form 1-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. When our household goods was delivered, I had difficulty speaking with the Japanese crew that unpacked all of our things. Our first duty station, Schweinfurt only had about 3000 soldiers. Similarly, if a child of U.S. citizens is born overseas, they may automatically become a citizen of both the U.S. and their country of birth (although this is situational because it depends on that specific countrys laws). Introduction In this paper the United States system will be analyzed, the pros and cons for the federation will be explained as well as what a federation is. "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About International Individual Tax Matters," Select "General FAQs: 2. In the last six years I have definitively seen differences between being stationed overseas and being stationed in the US. Even so, dual citizens may be required to file U.S. tax returns even if they are living and earning income in New Zealand. People are more likely to stress about audits than identity theft and nearly as likely as they are to worry about having enough money or missing the filing deadline. In some states a gift card or commission reduction at closing may be provided in lieu of the cash back bonus. A distinct advantage of using your VA loan is that you may not have to pay some of the additional fees normally paid at Copyright 2023 Military.com. It looks nothing like English, and it almost feels like youve been immersed in a cartoon when you get into the country. Army nurses with ten to nineteen years of experience earn an hourly wage of $51.42 and a monthly income of $8,910. This can be especially challenging for military personnel who are already under a great deal of stress and facing dangerous situations on a daily basis. This regular routine helped us stay connected to our family members even though we were on the other side of the world. Itll save a lot of heartache and grief. A sometimes really amazing one. For example, if you are a citizen of the U.S. and a country with mandatory military service, you can lose your U.S. citizenship under certain circumstances, such as if you serve as an officer in a foreign military that is engaged in a war against the U.S. Unless a wife is German, her family is usually 2000+ miles away. 7. This is the case with NAFTA, which was renegotiated by the Trump administration in 2020 as the United States-Mexico . The cotton candy sunsets and lush mountain scenery make it easy to fall in love with the land. I had little babies and toddlers when I was there. Others blame it for disrupting local economies and eliminating jobs. By having several small nations join for one economic purpose, more influence can be exerted on local and global economics. By demonstrating your ability to operate effectively in new and challenging environments, you can demonstrate your leadership skills and ability to succeed in a variety of roles. For example, if you are a U.S. citizen and also a citizen of New Zealand, you can travel more easily between these two countries. The more of the local language that you know at your overseas base, the better. Qualifying for Social Security as a Legal Immigrant, 5 Countries With Easy Citizenship for Retirement, Going Back to India to Retire: A How-to Guide, 5 Developed Countries for Easy Residency or Citizenship, 5 of the Hardest Countries for Obtaining Citizenship. All of this creates a pretty tight community. ", Government of Canada. One way to do this is by taking time to explore your new community and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. I even have experience with German culture, from doing Bavarian folk dancing and taking over four years of German language courses. Individual nations within Europe struggle to hold influence on the global stage because of their size. Do I still need to file a U.S. tax return?". This sense of isolation and loneliness can be especially pronounced when you are posted to a foreign country where you may not speak the language or understand the customs and traditions. Furthermore, being stationed overseas can also help to improve your language skills. Investigate purchasing a tourist passport before you leave. all for free on our membership site here. The average price for a beer in NYC is about $7. Why I Love Parenthood and the Bravermans, 5 Ways To Make Friends When You Have Small Children , shutting down some Military installationsin Germany, The Truth About Seeing Your Spouse Again After A Deployment, 14 Tips to Help You Survive Basic Training When Your Spouse Joins the Military, What To Do When Your Spouse Wants To Join The Military, The Big List of Facebook Groups For Military Spouses You Should Absolutely Join, Why You Should Break Up With Your Military Boyfriend. That being said, there are many laws governing the legality of this issue. Before our PCS to Hawaii, I was worried about not being accepted. The work and play mentality. I love to travel but it can be hard to do on a limited budget with small children. Facts To Know About Social Security Numbers. I had flown to Europe once before, when I was 20, and I dont remember feeling particularly jet-lagged. Living in Hawaii is the chance to make close friendships perhaps even closer than the friendships made at CONUS duty stations.. Some praise globalization for opening borders and connecting cultures and politics. With crystal clear turquoise waters, white powdery beaches, and bright blue skies, Hawaii will likely be like nothing you've ever seen before. Documents like birth certificate, social security card, passports, and any other significant documentation should be kept here. Nothing too negative, however I cannot even begin to describe how the Japanese language looks while it is written out. Too many mosquitos, bugs, and pests. ", U.S. "IRS Provides Tax Inflation Adjustments for Tax Year 2023. Owner of Soldier's Wife, Crazy Life. Welcome to Soldiers Wife, Crazy Life! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 1. After three and a half years on Oahu, Im still constantly wowed and blown away by the beauty of this island. Also known as "The Peach State". The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Dual citizens enjoy certain benefits, such as the ability to live and work freely in two countries, own property in both countries, and travel between the countries with relative ease. She recently PCSed with her family from Germany to Belgium and back again. You must also pay a fee to apply for permanent residency and then another fee to file an application for citizenship. They have cut you off from hundreds of millions of potential customers in the US. This list of 27 things covers the highlights to allow you to hit the ground running when you PCS to Germany, Belgium or other European locations. Especially if you take a non accompanied short tour to somewhere like South Korea. Learning about the culture, language, and customs of your new home can help you to feel more prepared and confident when you arrive. Hello You Designs. Volunteering might improve your mental and physical health. If the dependents stay in the same location, BAH will remain at the same rate. The cost of living is much higher in Hawaii than on the mainland, so it can be difficult to make ends meet. The Department of Labor has a table of the allowable pay frequencies for each state . For example, in the United States, there are more than a few states where you can't legally pay employees monthly or that limit which employees can be paid monthly. Relocation can be a challenge, not only for you, but for your whole family. In our last PCS I was forced to do that, as I started pre-nursing courses almost immediately after arriving at Ft. Bragg. Early on, island fever (getting sick of living on an island) seemed to be a real thing. I used to buy flowers all the time. "What Are the Requirements of Becoming a Canadian Citizen?". We all were passionate about exercising and helping others get into good shape. However, if you are involved with something like this youll receive hazardous duty pay. Dual citizens can participate fully in the political life of every country where they have citizenship. Another thing I did not expect was experiencing culture shock. My wife and I have hosted many Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter dinners for younger military members because we genuinely cared about them and wanted them to enjoy the holidays even though they were so far away from home. If you are ever in a solo PCS situation, especially overseas, get your family or close friends to help! TEDi This is a great store for cheap home items and craft supplies. Germany was my first experience with the Army and my first experience living on an Army post. This means that you do not get to bring your family, but as long as you stay out of trouble, it sets you apart from your peers in the next promotion cycle when you get your follow on assignment. Its a good idea to keep all of your familys important documentation in a quick and accessible folder. If you claim one or more dependents on your tax return, you may be eligible for certain tax credits. You probably know of someone who spent a summer or a semester of college traveling through Europe or Japan. Obviously there are a lot of great places to travel in Europe. A sometimes really frustrating one. PCSgrades fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. You don't have to try to calculate if you can afford the co-pay. Its like if Target and Five Below combined. Other eligibility requirements include being at least 18 years old when you apply and being able to read, write, and speak basic English. Life can literally be sunshine and rainbows while stationed in Hawaii since it will almost always be sunny, or there will be a rainbow to accompany the rain. All real estate commissions are negotiable. Whether youre missing family, friends, or even pets, homesickness can be a major issue for many military personnel. However, there are ways to cope with homesickness and maintain a connection with loved ones back home. Here are five great tips for ways military families can tackle their next PCS and still be smart about money. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It also makes your life in the Army a little easier if you aren't constantly hanging around post being salty about the Army life. By participating in the program you agree to have your information shared with a participating Real Estate Agent and they may contact you by phone, email, or text message including by automated means about real estate services. Get the scoop on discounts, pay, benefits, and our latest award-winning content. If you have any kind of health issues, it's covered no questions asked. Great weather. Obviously, there are pros and cons to being stationed overseas. There is also the whole beer and flowers thing. She has some great advice for anyone who will be pcsing to Germany anytime soon. As a dual citizen, you'll reapthe benefits of being immersed in the culture of the two countries. Ive had many friends end up losing stripes and getting in trouble because they did not understand that law. Its been years since we moved back to the states and because of that I can look back and see Germany for what it was. Its an OCONUS (outside continental United States) duty station, but unlike most otherOCONUSduty stations, youre still living in the United States, which means no need for passports, conversion rates, or having to learn a new language. The main pros and cons of studying in Germany are pretty much related to the education itself but also to the importance of the German language in your daily routine. Canadian citizenship is increasingly attractive to prospective migrants, due to the attractive social programs and advanced economy. Depending on your career path, dual citizenship can be a disadvantage. Because of this, you spend a lot of time there and not as much time away. Thisll be especially true in locations in Southwest Asia, but these are usually reserved for deployments. U.S. While having a positive attitude about any PCS is important, its equally important to have realistic expectations. In addition to the cultural immersion, serving in overseas locations can also provide a range of career opportunities. Not every . U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs. I took my two boys on a train to visit my friend in Austria, we went on a cruise to the Mediterranean,and I went on a few USO trips during my time there. Balancing work and life can be challenging in any situation, but it can be especially difficult when stationed overseas. For individuals who are dual citizens of the U.S. and another country, the U.S. imposes taxes on its citizens for income earned anywhere in the world. Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Japan are a mere skip and a hop away. Being stationed overseas as a military service members can be a unique and rewarding experience, but its not without its challenges. (OCONUS = outside the continental United States) I dont suggest these circumstances, but I did gain a certain sense of accomplishment from completing the move (and school) without anything major going wrong. They were so cheap. This can be especially useful if you spend a long time in an off-post hotel. For example, a treaty between the U.S. and New Zealand overrides the income tax laws of each country to avoid double taxation. However, there are ways to overcome culture shock and make the most of your time abroad. Some countries also offer citizenship based on ancestry. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Its even worse when it comes to your spouse because active duty military gets complete priority. Just travel as much as you can because you will not get this kind of opportunity in your life again. The cash back bonus is only available with the purchase and/or sale of your home through the use of a participating program real estate agent. A resident alien is a foreign born, non-U.S. citizen who is currently residing in the United States. If you can't fit in smaller sized clothing, you will be forced to order online. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The only downside is that youll be expected to do your job first. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The program is not available for employer- sponsored relocations or transactions in Iowa or outside the United States. http://www.youtube.com/c/MaloriMayor14 I have a growing library of videos about how to PCS to Germany, as well as what life is like here. Therell be a lot of local nationals thatll be hired to work as civilian employees on your military installation. Being stationed in Hawaii is being stationed in paradise. Cost of living in Germany + PRO: Low cost of living Overall the cost of living in Germany is on par with the rest of Western Europe. 3. et.c.. "United States - New Zealand Income Tax Convention," Pages 20-21. Not every country recognizes dual citizenship, and you may need to renounce your birth citizenship to become a citizen of a new country. A person with dual citizenship is a citizen of two countries at thesame time, which has both advantages and disadvantages because it is a complex legal status. The nuggets you do find on official websites can be confusing or raise even more questions. Pinch yourself, because you're not dreaming! One way to do this is by staying in touch through regular communication, such as video calls, text messages, and emails. For example, you may have the opportunity to learn new hobbies or sports, explore new cities, or meet new people. You basically have your Army family to support you and that is it. Here's my top 10 list of living in Georgia pros and cons. Because home is 2,000+ miles away. She also creates YouTube videos about PCSing overseas and life in Germany for other milspouses who are walking the same path. A significant benefit of military service is the VA home loan, allowing you to purchase a home with no down payment or refinance a home. I am very thankful that I was able to experience being stationed in Germany before we were stationed in the US. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Your email address will not be published. I say this as someone who didnt always enjoy being there, that missed the US a lot more than I should have, and who hated being so far away from everything. Dual citizenship can also be achieved through specialized legal processes, such as when a foreign national is naturalized as a U.S. citizen. Citizenship and Immigration Services. To apply for naturalization, most individuals file form N-400, the application for naturalization. Dual citizens can receive the benefits and privileges offered by each country where they are a citizen. According to a new GoBankingRates study, about one in 10 people worries about being audited more than anything else on Tax Day. These experiences can help you to broaden your horizons and develop new interests, leading to a more well-rounded and fulfilling life. From my experience in the military, the comradery while you are stationed overseas is just greater. Dual citizens can travel freely in both countries, as well as work, do business, own land, and do other activities that may be restricted to foreigners; however, there are also disadvantages, as dual citizens may face extra taxes or even military service. "Dual Citizenship. "N-400, Application for Naturalization. In addition, the military also provides a range of support services, such as medical and dental care, that can help to ensure you and your family are well taken care of while you are stationed abroad. Causes for the founding of the federation will also be described. This personally happened to me and I had to take emergency leave after my Dad had a heart attack. I also assumed that since Germany is a first-world, western country, surely culture shock would not exist! Citizenship and Immigration Services. There are also specific rules tied to being here with the military, like how to use VAT forms, what you cannot have sent to your APO box, getting your home-based business approved, and more. It can also help you to expand your comfort zones, as you are forced to step out of your comfort zone and tackle new challenges. And of course, there was Garmisch, one of my favorite places. Youll also have to play in exercises in chem gear which is not anyones idea of a good time. 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