INTPs comprise only 2% of women. Bias is inevitable in the modern world. And these broad blanket statements and generalisations? Intps like Einstein and Richard Dawkins have great ideas, but never invented praticle tools. ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists and consummate organizers thriving on details. I think each type and function has it's own unique brand of intelligence you know? Intps like Darwin had many children. Pair it with other traits like motivation or direction, it'll be a huge advantage. The concept of "political correctness" is a fundamentally flawed concept as it is reliant on the general ideas that the opinions of white heterosexual cisgender abled men are normal and all other people's views are "political". I find it very hard to take this article seriously without any facts to back your ideas up. Those with who can find a balance between their logical and emotional reasoning when they make decisions are capable of solving a puzzle that many on either edge don't know how to attack. In any case, thank you for reading and I hope you have a better insight into why MBTI exists: not to be the be-all-end-all to humanity but to exemplify certain patterns of thought and behaviour in humans. The second is inferential mainly, which is why INTPs are better at connecting the dots from apparently unrelated ideas, Both are equals. Anyway here is an interesting article about type intelligence. For all things MBTI. Do you honestly believe this yourself? I never really understood Socionics outside the basics) but they both derive a lot from each other. I personally also believes that society conditions people to be sensors. I'll do something similar. You're a fucking idiot and this very blog entry proves that you are one. My Ph.D. is in Social Science but, sounds like an oxymoron, relies heavily of very quantitative methods. I must admit though I've come to similar conclusions. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. First of all, MBTI itself is pretty much bullshit. ENFJ: Grandiosity fueled by admiration from others. The other letters really matter a lot, lot less. N's are almost always more influential than S's. ENFJ- I think they are like INFPs in alot of ways in that they know people so well. If you actually look at ISFJs (just like the INFJs) they do this exact same thing because they have Ti in their tertiary too. I personally think mbti "personality" types can change due to exercising separate functions in different prioritizations, so mbti really stems from motivations, which influence brain function, so a subliminal logic decides which mbti behavior is needed for survival. What about istp aka me there 1% of the population and I'm in the top of my class ap in all but I do lack in ela but that just may be me for istp. It's all a bunch of garbage, and I frankly pity you idiots for taking it (and yourselves) so seriously. They share the same functions, thus there access to 'intelligence' is similar. Believe me, there are PLENTY of examples of genius S types and N types who are dumber than rocks. Plus you're analysis is not backed by any scientific research or numbers. Try looking at the charts more carefully. But why? However, I see that my F as an exponential T where I can use my T from the persons perspective. reflecting telescope, Tesla coil and more). Opinions are baseless unless confirmed by some hard data .. and there is no data here .. They have no time for analysing whatsoever, they are fashionable and fun and like to party but cannot for the life of them work anything out. We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. Please don't fool yourself. Hopefully this article will provide some insight. In terms of household income, ENTJs came out on top, while INFPs came in dead last. Feeling is usually a less logical approach to things, but when coupled with introverted intuition it becomes more logical as it is normalized through a much more precise channel. Additionally, most famous writers tend to be INFPs or INFJs. I remember reading a comment on here about the different personality types and how they fare in different types of intelligence. He described it as a "Two different ways to yield the same processing power" relationship. I have 2 masters degrees. Idealists i.e INFP, ENFP, ENFJ and INFJ in my opinion are the most spiritual of all types.If there was spiritual intelligence these types would easily top all other types with once again the top being a possible tie between INFP and INFJ.When it comes to logical and mathematical intelligence, its unfortunate idealists are behind rationals.It is the precise reason why most scientists are rationals or NT types. It would be ludicrous to say if there was a race between a very fast person and a very slow person that a) they were the same in skill and b) that the slower person was better, and yet when MBTI and intelligence is discussed, this simple concept is often met with shameful vitriol. ESTPsalso known as Entrepreneurs and Dynamos are outgoing and enjoy spending time with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Paradoxitheism, was replaced by Pantheism, but it was the two that needed to balkanize, to present a third factor. ESF are just as smart as INT. Your ability to cognitively abstract the types beyond the stereotypes that are presented to you despite knowing about the theory behind the letter code, shows that one can indeed be dumb and still be a supposed N, lol. TL;DR Intelligence comes in many different forms, you might rate it as you wish, but your rating will be greatly influenced by the way you and only you see things. You're wrong because that's not what MBTI is about! Those aren't the main problems, though. Maybe I don't quite understand what's meant by influence being the marker for intelligence in this case, but I'm not sure I'd choose that as a unit anyways. Correlation is NOT causation. Bob Pinciotti: Naturalist. etc. They are the most carefree of all times therefore the least intelligent. It could very well be that emotion is above reason in which case F would be above T. I see them both as much needed but I give the edge to the T when it comes to intelligence. An ENFP with an IQ of 142, which means nothing, because I could be socially and emotionally retarded, and therefore not even categorized as human. This is very interesting. In simpler terms, Average INTJ's have a higher IQ than average INTP's, but genius INTP's have a higher average IQ than genius INTJ's. And feeling doesn't always equate to emotion. The T is 14% and J is 10%. I think the profound difference between intuition and sensation is that sensation says "what" and intuition asks "why?". Anyone who pushes past this and continues to ask long into adulthood is rare because it takes a certain character to do this. I am great in theology, philosophy and able in math and physics. We should not call that instinct. But this article isn't written for them. Thinkers think logically while feelers feel emotionally. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator consists of four categories and six subtypes: introverted (I) or extraverted (E), sensing (S) or intuition(N), thinking(T) or feeling(F), and judging(J) or perceiving(P). :-). Our society needs Commanders, Nurturers, Protectors, and Providers to be healthy and thrive. HA! ENTJs and ENFJs (intuitive types) have less than the average amount of people with high IQs as well, so its not necessarily a sensor versus intuitive thing. INTJ is analytic and logical. Okay, so being smart starts first with N. Then it goes to I. While Introverted Intuition is very magical and very focused, its actually quite inaccurate and bias (in alignment with truth/logical deductions and conclusions) with it's faithful Extroverted Feeling companion. And it would also be bad for creatives, because they would not be able to come up with certain ideas because there would not be the existing framework of society to uphold them to a certain degree (sure you can be creative in a desert, but wouldn't it be easier in a city with a whole system in place?). INTJs and ENTJs introvert feeling, often being seen as self-centered or cold, when really, they just get all emotional validation from within and don't see why everyone else can't, although that's an assumption. You should dig a little deeper because you barely get past kiersey. I'm an INTJ so don't think I'm just an S raging about how stupid I am. this guy knows whats up. Also, the most basic form of MBTI(The tool you're using) cannot possibly decide the intelligence that they were born with or the hard work they put in in there life to become intelligent. To stretch your thinking a bit about what it means to be intelligent, I refer you to Howard Gardner's excellent work on the different types of intelligence. Honestly, this whole thing is like trying to cut water. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Using IQ as the main basis for being smart or intelligent is just one measurement. Yeah, so I read through the article, I read through the comments and this is what I have observed. However I do get a sense of types who are more up in the clouds and more that are down to Earth ( aka Real Life / five senses / logic ). Making the objective something everyone wants evens out the playing field a lot. To put it in video game terms, it's like a weapon upgrade. Well you're clearly not one of them, cause less geniuses than more fail in life. } else { Surely there is no correlation there Hey, so is the author of this article an INTP? No hate tho. The only thing I didn't quite get along with is the definition of smart used. Newer IQ tests generally do not incorporate these tests into IQ scores, although they do have positive effects, such as prevention of bullying in schools and at the workplace. TOO RIDICOLOUS. Which Meyers-Briggs Profiles Have the Highest IQ's? ENFP is also the most common type out of all the intuitives by a large margin with having nearly twice the population over the second most common intuitive personality ENTP. Outliers are there, and many people may bitch about this, and get butthurt/offended through taking things waaaay too personally. If extrovert-sensor types have developed a way to live in the here and now, leading to everlasting happiness or success, are they not the most intelligent types? I once partnered with an INFJ managing a State presidential Campaign - My partner was brilliant, and one of the few people to earn my respect - And yet when it came to "Strategic and Positioning" (Guessing) decisions he always deferred to my ENT thinking because he understood we were dealing with relating to many different personalites which the ENT has a natural understanding of. Why don't I go outside of personality and start talking spirituality? 6. I am simply saying that I view reason above emotion. But strictly on its own, it's borderline useless. Psychological scientist Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Briggs, developed this classification system to make the Jungian theory of Psychological types understandable and valuable to the general public. With all the time they spend with others they wont learn much. And about MBTI, the types reflects the words and situations you identify with, so: some people will identify more as T because "I'm so objective, logical and intelligent, I don't like all those emotional people because they express things I can't due to my little ego, I'm so smart, emotions are dumb" and some as F because "I'm so good, it's bad to be logical because it can harm to poor little hearts". So what? Just because I'm a sensor am I some type of cow? Okay, now what about T's and F's? I have 2 bachelors, one in engineering social science and i managed to graduate in 4 years summa cum laude with a minor. Can an unintelligent person convincingly pretend to be intelligent? Once you have figured this out you can break it down even further, but remember that all the other stuff is only around 15%. All of them ENTP's. NFs were next, except for one particular type, ISTJ, which came after all NTs and before all NFs. Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions. They put logic first, although they are inclined to party alot. MTBI stands for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It turns out, in terms of sheer numbers, a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be an ENFP. Your IP: Einstein is a clear case of the INTP style, and whats more extraordinary is that he's lived and transitioned into the lifestyle of an INTJ. ENTJ's get even more done, but are even less intelligent than INTJ's. INTPS are more interested in exploring possibilities, INTJs in solving the problem efficiently. "There are many different personality types that are considered to be intelligent and it's an interesting topic of debate as to whether intelligence can be measured," Staci Holweger, PhD, founder and doctor of regenerative medicine at Lifepatches, tells Best Life. I did like the article though! So much for the poor research. Highly insightful, they use their intelligence tempered with innate feelings to read an environment and adapt. In the same way, INTJs use intuition to plan, act, make themselves certain of their judgments. Being smart isn't about being a thinker or being a feeler. 2.Being guardians, they simply are those people who accept and cherish the established rules and traditions for the sake of accepting it. Love them as I do, in a mental show down I can mop the floor with them handily, in any chosen category save, empathy. We will discuss each of these one by one to develop a deeper understanding of this personality type. (Says the INTP, offended by being ranked so low. But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society. You are personable, capable and confident - all seemingly without trying. They don't have the organization and precision aspects that the INT's have. ESTJ- This type I would say, is the smartest of all the sensors. But it may give insight into what ESFxs find important to spend their time studying people. If you're in college drop out and come start a business with me :). 8. as it pertains to all aspects of your daily life. It seems as though they value their intuition more than their thinking preference, and us intj's seem to prefer our thinking more. The only reason I put them lower than the INTJs is becuase they spend alot of time with people, having fun and influencing people, which wastes time. But in other cases the INFJ may have more to offer than the ENTJ. Young children have a profound sense of idealism about the world and they ask the most bizarre questions like "why do shapes exist?". I agree with many of the comments that NT's surpass in sciences for their natural skill and capacity for growth in these areas. Not. A popular theory with cognitive function is that the functions are like muscles that can develop with use and diminish with no use over time. And I guess what's really frustrating is the endless regression; as if the concepts never seem to place one step in front of the other, but to push with all our might, utilizing all we have, to only hop in place. They're wrong because you don't take into consideration all the factors you need to draw the conclusion that you have. As the series has developed, Finn has . NP on comparative. READ THIS NEXT: The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types, Experts Say. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. 1. They are knowledgeable and react with flexible logic to the world. ENFPs taking over the world It turns out, in terms of sheer numbers, a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be an ENFP. I found a way out, because my orthodoxive causation was and still remains an ever-lasting regression. But then again, there are exceptions and there sure are people with othet MBTI letters with IQ 130 plus. Now for my two cents: in contrast to traditional "intelligence", I see propensities for consistency as alternate forms of intelligence. ESTP - Your nonchalance. However, stating this the opinion that comes to mind is the simple fact that if a person is raised in a meritocratic environment ("if you work hard, get into a good university, get a good job you'll do well and advance in society" (let's ignore the fault in logic for a moment)), they are more likely to dismiss the idea that there are intelligent and non-intelligent people. NJ on causality. ENTJ or extroverts, sensors, thinkers, and judgers tend to be the most financially successful personality types measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Additionally, a certain personality type, even if they're a 'Feeler' can be logical and solve a problem logically, just as every personality type can do things their personality type usually cannot. It's all about the cognitive functions. They have the same intelligence and thinking ability, but where they go with it, what they do, are different. It's like Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw at a quiz bowl. He is great at math and physics and able in abstract theology. Famous INTPs seem spiritual on some level, I agree We make motivational quotes and carry wisdom. I must say I really enjoyed the way you came to your conclusions. Oh my I am ENFP. However, your mistake is in thinking this applies to any Introvert who happens to be Intuitive. These personality types are creative nurturers helping others realize their potential. These personality traits, introvert, intuitive, and thinking, tend to excel in areas that define intelligence or aspects measured by traditional IQ tests: abstract conceptual logic and problem-solving. It depends. It's damning! This article is fairly accurate and logically sound, though I'd still debate INF vs ENT. "The ESTJ has a gift for seeing what's happening around them (because of their sensing function) and making it more organized," she says. My friends in school seemed to over-represent certain personality types compared to the general population (ISTP females, ENTJs, ENTPs, etc.). These and Truth Control are probably my favorites from Quinton. I personally think it's accurate in the way that it captures sixteen general personality types which you can divide the population into. They also handle numbers easily. They've been forced to shutter over safety hazards. I want to see facts, isn't that logical? In addition, NF's tend to have a greater imagination than NT's which often comes from a creation of "something from nothing" which in itself is an evolution in the thinking process. When it comes to imagining something new P's are great at that. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); I think T/F is almost as important as N/S as a blind-man's guide for guessing intelligence. Campaigner ENFP-A / ENFP-T Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile. Those are facts that I posted. my vote is on : INTJ >>>>>>>> THAT fckin Ni dominant function !!!! All I'm saying is don't dump your date because you find out they're ESFJ/ESFP, though if you do that's your life I guess. A problem I see here is that you're relying solely on your intuitions here but not actually paying any attention to the actual facts. They just arent as pro-active or as consise as ENTPs and INTJs. Or should it be Extroverted Intuition? By holding on to this concept; before appointing it's substance as a substrate, perhaps it can help define the boundaries in which to progress. "They are intelligent in the sense that they can learn to do anything that requires creation or building without much guidance.". It may not be the best type, as they all have unique qualities. Of course there are exceptions, but this is the trend. Most lists I've seen have been very similar to yours, even to the point of giving a P a slight edge, but I don't know. ISFJ The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. (however, the top students of summer classes seemed to score a little higher than intuits, probably because summer sessions require more memorization as opposed to understanding). Conversely, if you have 100 ESFJs in the group, chances are, none of them will have an IQ above 129. The introverted, intuitive feeler (INF) is more of an alternate lens to that of the introverted, intuitive thinker (INT). The funny thing is, my conclusions are in no way a result of the MBTI. Our team of editors strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest. Its actually from 2011 or something like that. So in short, intuitives tend to show certain traits that people associate with intelligence. For what it's worth. As she explains, their Ti and Ne functionsmeaning their introverted thinking and extroverted intuition, respectivelyare what make them "gifted at following complex theoretical trains of thought.". xhr.send(payload); So does that mean these personalities are less intelligent? The irony of my problem, in the existential paradigm became self-evident. In conclusion, they're actually just as dumb as ISFJs in the end. Why then, is every single type under-represented in the top 2%? I think that's a certain type of intelligence that while I lack in and might appreciate it less (as I enjoy thinking about things deeply), I can also find it very hard to not be jealous of such an ability to immediately use the information given to you and act based on it. They are usually found in finance and business, trust authority, and expect obedience. Perhaps I'm one of those who's most in the clouds. My family is comprised of the N-J types. Well I think we should first look at this from an accuracy standpoint. The NT may be ridiculed for reading, love of debate, and abstract thinking which would have him use his other functions like sensing and feeling to fit in more to the point that there are only faint traces of the NT traits. There is an ongoing emphasis placed on intelligence. We ABSOLUTELY LOVE complex logic puzzles, and critical thinking is no challenge to us. We apply, tweak and execute these concepts in the real world and over the general masses. 4.They generally have no idea what they want to do in life beside following and or defending rules. Talkative and a bit self-absorbed, ENFPs aren't always the most polite personality type. 2022 Galvanized Media. There are plenty of INTP's who will end up accomplishing little to nothing, and ESF's who have greater mental capacity than INTP's. 4. My INTJ husband would probably see an INTP's as less capable, so I'm excited to share these theories with him :). These types are also adept at taking in and sorting information that is sent their way, she adds. But you will find that a majority of the studies points more towards those who are (I), those who are (N), those who are (T), and those who are (J). You have to define this first before trying to come up with the conclusion! Props to you. ENTP If you want to base it on logical and analytical ability, then it's probably the INTP, yet they have a tendency to be exceedingly lazy. And if you're the 'dumbest' personality type, keep in mind that this article was about a certain type of intelligence. E's are usually influential in the foreground as leaders while I's are generally influential in the background as philosophers. Why some got so much offended having to post novel-long comments? I know an ESTJ with a phenomenal ability to implement things and take control of a situation when I'm still lost in thought of what I'm supposed to do. There are geniuses in every personality type and idiots in every personality type as well. Many include the sensing and feeling aspects of personality. They are excellent at making decisions and they are always looking for ways to improve efficiency. Loretta Swit begged the writers to stop using it. (Im ENTJ.) I think they are kind of a blank slate because they can almost become anything if someone tells them to. I am an INTJ-T on most days and an INFP-A on random others. They exhibit pleasant and sociable traits but can be impatient. These personalities are brilliant and highly motivated enjoying hard work. it's not about the letters. Te types are also very rational but that dosnt always mean Smart especially in the case off the Estj. I liked this chart - interestingly PALPATINE and YODA are "INT" and JAR JAR BINKS in an "ESF". Perhaps it may sound idealistic of me but perhaps it could even be a tool that could help us understand one another and ourselves just that one step closer to world peace maybe. And you may not even be an accurate INTJ/INTP because the test itself might not be accurate. As an intuitive person myself, I know this may sound self-obsessed and biased, and truth be told it is but show me a piece of research, no matter how scientific that does not have any bias at all and it will be impossible. And therefore - no data / no good. (I know this does not equate to intelligence, but it is a good measurement). Many of the E leaders that we see were put in place by I's. They are highly detail oriented and have a propensity for troubleshooting. Most coordinated The INTJ is thought as having an edge due to their logical reasoning and the way they can see patterns and fix things. If you're a Sensor, you're going to think people are smart based on the decisions they make. Why would they when it strokes their egos so nicely and gives them an imaginary way to feel superior to the hordes of mindless "sensors" who are out there accomplishing things with their lives while these intuitive "geniuses" sit in their basements unable to function in society or, as one said, even drive? And still remains an ever-lasting regression safety hazards Control are probably my favorites from Quinton type! Asks `` why? `` consideration all the time they spend with others they wont learn much in... Better at connecting the dots from apparently unrelated ideas, Both are equals: ) being a or., a person with a genius IQ is most likely to be intelligent beside following or!, your mistake is in Social Science but, sounds like an,... 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