Wheelers strategy, if you can call it that, of letting the rioters riot and ruin part of downtown, leaves Oregonians feeling unsafe, police outraged, and the rule of law in tatters. 2 min read. We are FULLY supportive, but defer to the leadership of the Black organizers who have dedicated themselves to fighting for Black liberation & against state violence.. #PortlandRiots. Thats because the political class of like-minded public servants agree with them and let them do it. Instead, follow along on these ten big lies the Left wants you to believe about the Portland riots and learn something. Welcome to Portland, with its white protesters cast for their newly announced production, the Wall of Vets, a collection of protesters who now call themselves military veterans. Some credit the protests with maintaining pressure on elected officials to address systemic racism, while acknowledging that vandalism and violence by a small subset of protesters distracts from the movements message. By Kate Conger and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs. Thats why these riots are taking place right before the November election. As my Facebook Friend Kathleen Worman wrote in response to a contest of sorts Im having to come up with clever names for the riots and rioters, the Oregon woman pronounced them Demtifa. Another friend dubs the riots as Commie-Con. True that. Shootings in in July reached a 30-year high and nearly two-thirds of the victims were Black. Whose streets? https://t.co/RGBj2ElQmG, Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli (@HomelandKen) July 26, 2020. and another . We Need to Talk About Mark Levin's Interview With Ron DeSantis, MONDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay Available, LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From Biden Showered With His Daughter, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. We've said this before, but to re-iterate: we are not organizing, leading, or otherwise behind the local protests. Local and national press argue that only downtown Portlanders are inconvenienced by the riots as if thats somehow OK and that the riots dont affect anyone else. ago. Four people . Courthouse . Roughly an hour later, calls from the riotous crowd were yelling that they intended to burn down the police precinct. A large fire was ignited in the street outside of North Precinct, prompting some arrests during a protest Sunday night into Monday morning. Of all the whoppers, Portlands antifa is stating explicitly that they have nothing to do with the riots in their own city and, in fact, it must be the right-wing doing this. As my points about the riotous wall of ____ (insert moms, dads, vets) groups should point out, there is organization. Lost amid the escalating tensions are the voices of the citys Black residents, who are divided about the best way to keep up the momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement. MCCA members say they experienced 8,700 total protest events during that roughly two-month period. Fact Check: How Violent Are the Portland Protests? . Op/Ed: Police Stops Are Dangerous. The worst-case scenario is that theres another incident and it just touches off so much that the city just cant survive it very well, said Ron Louie, a former suburban Portland police chief, author of a crisis negotiation book and current Portland State University professor. They point to the mobs of concerned citizens who have been impelled, catapulted from their spot at the tattoo parlor to join the mob in the streets because how-dare-Trump-send-police-to-defend-a-federal-building that the left is obsessed with bringing down. Dads ASSEMBLE!!! Police casualties far exceed anything on the civilian side., The crowds have been largely peaceful and have included high school students, military veterans, off-duty lawyers and lines of mothers who call themselves the Wall of Moms., Mr. Barr acknowledged in response to questions from representatives that many protesters had remained peaceful. The post has been shared over 15,000 times since it was posted on Aug. 14. @tedwheeler says, I saw nothing that provoked this response when asked about his thoughts on federal law enforcement deploying tear gas. Minneapolis city officials now say 700 buildings were damaged, burned or destroyed in the recent unrest following the death of George Floyd. Peaceful protester? Tuck Woodstock (@tuckwoodstock) July 26, 2020. lol. Peaceful protester? Left-wing protests in Portland have caused roughly $2.3 million in damage to federal buildings since they broke out over the summer, according to local media. After Danielsons killing, Brown sent state police back into the city to help local police. The building was the site of over 120 consecutive nights of rioting by BLM and Antifa last summer. In a July 22 court filing, the U.S. attorneys office in Oregon said that 28 federal law enforcement officers had been injured during protests in Portland. As protest-watcher Andy Ngo pointed out, the building had been set on fire and rioters were throwing explosives.. An official website of the United States government. Copyright 2023 PJMedia.com/Salem Media. The fire rises pic.twitter.com/puQfv48MNm. Crews are cleaning up the shattered glass and starting to board up windows. Enforcing federal law is not by invitation. Portland desperately needs calm, Lovell said. Anyone can read what you share. Fact: 50+ Nights of Violence, Chaos, and Anarchy in Portland, Oregon. Marketing and Sales professional based out in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Starting a dumpster or trash can fire, while illegal, does not really threaten anyone all that much. Along parts of Pine Street, where many of the confrontations between police and rioters took place, few businesses were untouched. Lets just say this wasnt exactly a peaceful protest.. When rioters werent boosting free stuff from the Target, looters and rioters were spectating the conflagration theyd started at the precinct with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Windows were smashed or spray-painted with slogans and profanity. Despite the large number of arrests, The Hill reported most of those protesters were booked not for violent crimes, but for low-level offenses such as violating curfews. Shes never apologized. He took a team of men with guns to protect him from the rowdy rioters. Incredible scene in Portland right now. Mr. Barr emphasized the injuries sustained by federal officers and said that they outnumbered those incurred by protesters. Rose City Antifa is being sued by Andy Ngo for death threats and attacks and hes asking for damages. The Portland Police Association building, set on fire April 13. Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) July 19, 2020, Ngo writes of these moms, I recognize a lot of the so-called moms as the same antifa women who dressed in black as recent as a couple days ago. Then the dads showed up at the riots. Portland Police Bureau - 09/07/20 2:59 AM. The persistent mob violence in Portland every night and the failure of city officials to maintain law and order necessitate DHS increased presence. You know, this has really been led by a kind of Generation Z feeling, and right now were seeing a larger swath of Portland coming together, and my parents generation is finally paying attention. Say her name! Crowd: Breonna Taylor. Say her name! Crowd: Breonna Taylor! People initially came out to protest systemic racism and police violence, but say the federal response has raised the stakes. The citys police chief, Chuck Lovell, pointed out the criminal display that transpired, highlighting how those present made attempts to trap people inside of the police precinct while setting the building on fire: Last nights violence barricading doors of a building with people inside and then lighting it on fire is reprehensible & immoral. The most serious injury to an officer to date occurred when a protester wielding a two-pound sledgehammer struck an officer in the head and shoulder when the officer tried to prevent the protester from breaking down a door to the Hatfield Courthouse, the filing stated. pic.twitter.com/0Re1V129ge, Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli (@HomelandKen) July 23, 2020. Federal law enforcement officers in Portland and cities across America wear uniforms that clearly identify themselves as POLICE. Moreover, all uniforms contain other insignia that identifies their units or team. from the more than 100 days of consecutive chaos in Portland to the explosive unrest in Kenosha, . REUTERS. Wednesday night marked the 61st straight night of violent antifa riots outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Ore. Rioters threw the first mortar firework just before 11 p.m., and federal law . They responded with huge plumes of tear gas, rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades that created chaotic, war zone-like scenes. (Photo: John Rudoff/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) Acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli, says bringing weapons, gas masks and shields are preparations for violence. Some protesters lit several construction trailers on fire at a youth detention center, smashed windows of businesses and, according to the police, injured Seattle police officers with explosive devices. Officials say that some among the crowd that had gathered were picking up the CS canisters deployed and throwing them back at officers. . By 10:00 p.m. of the 25th, any semblance of a peaceful demonstration was discarded and the heinous acts began. In response to a question about the use of tear gas, he said, The problem when these things sometimes occur is, its hard to separate people.. While they're not wrong in expressing all of those emotions, it does contrast with how they treated the estimated $2.3 million in damages rioters caused in Portland, Oregon, during Black Lives Matter protests that dragged on for months last summer, Fox News reported. I recognize a lot of the so-called moms as the same antifa women who dressed in black as recent as a couple days ago. Feds, right-wing media paint Portland as city under siege. A tour of town shows otherwise https://t.co/bhwZ4ttGkx pic.twitter.com/vYH1D0jwNa, The Oregonian (@Oregonian) July 18, 2020. Over the weekend, there were multiple shootings and stabbings at these mostly peaceful protests, or, as the news media likes to dub them, rowdy rioters.. The exact date of the 100-day milestone depends on how the protests are counted, but everyone agrees the benchmark falls over the Labor Day weekend. A video posted online showed officers riding on bicycles into a group of protesters, pushing them to the ground with their bikes and their hands. Stories abound about how you can help the organized riots are ubiquitous. Look for more shutdowns after Oregon experiences another spike in COVID cases in the next few weeks from the riots. April 14, 2021 at 6:54 am PDT. Her book mocking antifa will be out this year. Federal officers have been protecting the courthouse in downtown Portland since it was built 1997. Because so many people know they want to burn down the countrys institutions, the Left has formulated another sub-group culled from Central Casting just for these riots. Where Does Comedian Jon Stewart Go to Get His Lefty Credentials Back After COVID Report Vindicates Him? Indeed, the only remonstrance issued was over people burning down black-owned businesses their own house as he put it, because burning your own stuff never makes sense. As denunciations go, it was a rambling nothing-burger. Can protests similar to the Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' happen here? The nightly protests in Portland, which began in late May as a response to the police killing of George Floyd, have become the backdrop for a conflict between federal officials and local leaders. According to officials, this particular display was by far the most violent that the city has seen in recent weeks. The 100th consecutive night of protests in Portland quickly escalated into a riot Saturday as people hurled "multiple fire bombs, mortars, rocks and other items" at officers, police said. The Times could not independently confirm the use of those weapons. Portland's City Hall was broken into and vandalized, Bibles and American flags were burned, and buildings were set on fire several . Portland police have released a timeline of protests over the last three months, and it shows which demonstrations devolved into riots and unlawful assemblies. #antifa #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/Syam0T53Oz. LET has a private home for those who support emergency responders and veterans called LET Unity. Protests continued into August, September, and October 2020, often drawing . Fact check:Posts mislead about crowd size, peacefulness at Canada Freedom Convoy protest, Axios reported inSeptember2020that the Insurance Information Institute, which collects data from Property Claim Services and related firms, estimated that damages could total as much as 2 billion and possibly more.. There are different ways of measuring the property damage the riots caused, but they are up there with the damage from the 1992 Los Angeles rioting, and the totality of the urban riots of the 1960s. The group found that 2020 protests cost more than any other period of unrest in American history, as the average cost of demonstrations since 1950 has been about $90 million annually. Their freeways. And Trump has stepped up threats to send U.S. agents back to the city, like his administration did in July when agents brought in to stop attacks on a federal courthouse and other U.S. property only reinvigorated the protesters. If you see a media outlet or politico selling this Broadway production-pap, theyve been had and you need to re-think your news sources. The scale of damage tonight recalled the riots last May. Kate Brown, a Democrat, for their deputies to assist Portland police following last weekends violence. The destruction in & around North Precinct and the Justice Center are senseless criminal acts & costing money that could go to restorative programs.. I park several blocks away, and often find myself walking by people getting off work or going on a date. They faced no consequences. In this 28 May 2020 file photo, a protester gestures in front of the burning 3rd precinct building of the Minneapolis police department in Minneapolis. Police officers inside thought theyd die that night and if theyd stayed they would have. I think the whole notion of folks putting their bodies on the line is a pretty powerful act and a necessary one especially when that tactic is sometimes the only one available to people like me.. Its a necessary place were in, said Shanice Clarke, one of the founders of the Black Millennial Movement. A coalition called Reimagine Oregon has advanced statewide proposals to end systemic racism in everything from housing access to education to policing. Per an agreement between @OregonGovBrown & @DHS_Wolf, there are OR State Police visibly protecting the federal courthouse starting now. 1. fwiedwice1 7 mo. Protest dad, using a skateboard as a shield pic.twitter.com/dzU5onfsq5. . That means they cant take over streets that other people use, commit violent acts against others, and tear down, burn and loot other peoples property. - Logan's Burgers Lake Street: Property damage. The Minneapolis Police's 3rd Precinct was also destroyed. (LockA locked padlock) . The prime suspect in the shooting, self-described anti-fascist Michael Forest Reinoehl, was killed Thursday night by law enforcement. Thousands of demonstrators turned out nightly, with some hurling fireworks, rocks, ball bearings and bottles at the agents. Thanks to the hard work of federal agents who have defended this courthouse every night, facing lasers in their eyes, mortar firework attacks, and getting pelted by various projectiles, the federal courthouse in Portland has not yet burned down. http://t.co/27n9SiaZ #5vtshow, Victoria Taft (@VictoriaTaft) March 1, 2012. Team Joe member, Jon Cooper, the Draft Joe Biden for President 2016 finance chair and former chair of The Democratic Coalition, points to the veteran street theater as a moving event in a cheap attempt to whitewash antifa and BLMs anti-Americanism. Those clashes ended July 31, when state police took over from U.S. agents under a deal brokered by Brown and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Consider their statement their official legal disclaimer, even as they help put together IEDs and source green lasers for rioters. BLM demanded that the institutional racism they alleged occurred at the local Ferguson cop shop was why Michael Brown, he of the phony hands up, dont shoot big lie, was killed. Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August 31, 2020. Theyre so close. They are discussing on Reddit & other places new ways to change public perception on the riots. pic.twitter.com/HzUg9zY4y4. The FBI, DEA, ATF, and other federal law enforcement agencies do not require local requests from communities to enforce federal law. - Shoff Chiropractic East Lake Street: Destroyed by fire. The entire Leftist monoculture has coalesced around this absurd assertion. U.S. Portland Oregon Policing Racial Injustice. MINNEAPOLIS, MN - MAY 28: Protesters cheer as the Third Police Precinct burns behind them on May 28, 2020 in Minneapolis . A June 22, 2020,article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. (Justin Yau) By Justin Yau. - Admas Travel Chicago Avenue: Destroyed by fire. Democrats, like this democratic strategist, cheer them on. President Trumps deployment of federal agents is fueling the unrest in Portland, where protests have continued for over 50 consecutive days. The tension reached a new high last weekend when the pro-Trump caravan motored into downtown, with some shooting paintballs and spraying bear repellent at Black Lives Matter protesters who tried to block the streets. Local, state, and federal law enforcement working to . The Associated Press reportedhundreds were charged with burglary and looting as of June 4, 2020. And they must stop, Wheeler said on Facebook. Portland Protesters Have Caused $2.3 Million in Damage to Federal Buildings. There needs to be a distinction made between lawful, constitutionally-protected protest, and this. Tyler O'Neil is an author and conservative commentator. A group of Moms are chanting, Feds stay clear! ORWELLIAN: Portland Mayor Claims Officers Tear-Gas Response to Arson Completely Unprovoked, As Antifa Terrorizes Portland, Biden Claims Trump Is Attacking Peaceful Protesters. Rioters in Portland set the city's Police Association office on fire during riots over the weekend. If you are looking for a way to help Portland and arent in the area please check this out and spread the word: https://t.co/kwU4vmx9mM https://t.co/JyLeoDm3lm, Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) July 23, 2020. Op/Ed: Police and U.S. Border Patrol Securing Communities, Op/Ed: The U.S. Correctional Population Declined 22%, A Decrease of 61,000 Offenders, 33-year-old Joshua Shane Morris for interfering with a peace officer and resisting arrest, 23-year-old Charles Randolph Comfort for rioting, second-degree disorderly conduct, assaulting a public safety officer, resisting arrest, and interfering with a peace officer, 22-year-old Olive Baldwin for rioting, resisting arrest and interfering with a peace officer, 24-year-old Tudela Jackson for rioting, second-degree disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and interfering with a peace officer. The cleaning and repair . Damages caused by the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests were estimated to cost $2 billion, a number that could "still go higher," according to a February2021 report published onthe World Economic Forum's website. @KerriKupecDOJ @realDonaldTrump @USAO_OR https://t.co/gDROHeCLw4, Victoria Taft (@VictoriaTaft) July 26, 2020. On many nights, after peaceful demonstrations end, various public and private buildings have been the target of vandalism and destruction. FOX 9. Its gaslighting writ large. Theyll cancel church, but not the riots. Here's a masterpost from early June, which I just discovered today, and which still seems to roughly apply (but check before donating to anything that the org in question still wants donations).https://t.co/bwWRBTbEQ4, Peter Garnett (@number_one_twit) July 26, 2020. Downtown Portland has seen over 50 straight nights of criminal violence perpetrated by anarchists targeting city and federal properties and those that inhabit them. Few businesses were untouched as they help put together IEDs and source green lasers for rioters in weeks... Stay clear Trumps deployment of federal agents is fueling the unrest in,. Sustained by federal officers and said that they outnumbered those incurred by Protesters since May 27 Portland have... 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