[4] By 1841 he had relocated to Nauvoo. Black print with blue underprint on cardstock. He did not murder his own parents," she says. He asked his father, who had read the book through, what his feelings were. (Right) John D. Lee. Matters have & are being delayed with design of Cohearce [to coerce] me to Make a statement beyond what I know, he wrote in his diary. In short, Youngs letter must be taken at face value: It was a determined, almost frantic, attempt to stop the massacre. [12], However, by the time that the express rider delivered Young's letter to Haight, the massacre at Mountain Meadows had already taken place. [7], After Joseph Smith was killed in 1844, Young joined the majority of Latter Day Saints in accepting the leadership of Brigham Young and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Despite a growing bitterness toward his former mentor, Lee refused. He was always a kid at heart but also so smart and embraced the adulthood that he needed to. A plaque at the massacre site, erected by the Mormon Church in 1990, carefully avoided assigning blame, referring with baffling vagueness to ''a company of more than 120 Arkansas emigrants'' being ''attacked while en route to California. After this attack, Smiths successor, Brigham Young, led the Mormons West. But its not a formula for good history. Federal investigators suspected Brigham Young of having had a hand in the crime but failed to produce sufficient evidence to convict him. Life After Death: 6 Insights into the Spirit World. Lorenzo remained in that noble calling until he died, 18 years after that. It is hard to determine how many wives Young actually lived with in the normal sense of husband and wife because of the practice of sealing. Sealings, meaning a ceremony performed by Mormon church authorities that link a man and a woman, could be of two types. Hosford & Sons, NY. Shocked by the terrible news, Brigham smashed his hand against his leg in dismaynot just at the loss of a friend and prophet but at the loss of the keys Joseph possessed. Their corpses, stripped of clothes and jewelry, were left to be picked apart by wolves and buzzards. A murder suspect accused of shooting his girlfriend, axing his 9-year-old daughter in the head, then stabbing and lighting his son on fire cross-examined the 11-year-old survivor Wednesday in a jaw-dropping courtroom scene. "We went west willingly--because we had to.". Justice for his peoples wrongs was heavens responsibility, not his, he said. This had a great impact upon Brigham, who was four years his junior, and confided that I had more confidence in his judgment and discretion, and in the manifestations of God to him, than I had in myself ("Brigham Young: Journal of Discourses," 8:37). Good history must be based on facts. In Missouri, he left behind home, animals and fields ready to harvest and began again in Nauvoo, Illinois. (Above) John D. Lee sits on his coffin moments before being executed for reportedly ordering the Mountain Meadows attack. But, I can hear Mormon historians object, this is purely circumstantial evidence Young actually ordered the killings. Could be, but its no more circumstantial than the evidence O.J. "The week following I did the same, but to my surprise, I could not find the errors that I anticipated, but felt a conviction that the book was true.. But history is not assumption. See Page 1. '', See the article in its original context from. Ms. Denton, who is descended from Mormon settlers, said the killings were inspired primarily by greed. Young believed that Lee's punishment was just but not a sufficient blood atonement, given the enormity of the crime, to allow Lee entrance into the celestial kingdom. After enduring a four-day gun battle with their attackers, the pioneers accepted a truce that turned out to be a deadly ploy. The family the Lord had put his hand upon did not fail. No credible evidence exists that Young wanted the massacre. Adding fuel to Mormon rage, they argue, was the killing, a few months before the massacre, of Apostle Parley P. Pratt. They were murdered by a small Mormon militia and its Indian allies in a horrible ploy: after a four-day gun battle with their attackers, the pioneers accepted a truce that turned out to be a deadly lie. Young's message of reply to Haight, dated September 10, 1857, read: In regard to emigration trains passing through our settlements, we must not interfere with them until they are first notified to keep away. Mr. Bagley, who says he is a ''Jack Mormon,'' or lapsed believer, contends that the attack had less to do with greed than ideology. Lorenzos wife, Harriet, bore a baby son two months after their arrival in the Salt Lake Valley, the first pioneer male child to be born in that wilderness (see The Faithful Young Family"). On that march Joseph Smith taught Brigham Young how to lead men. He founded Salt Lake City and he served as the first governor of the Utah Territory. Because the historical past will always be opaque, historians must seek the weight of evidence, and in this case, the preponderance suggests Youngs innocence. Recommend to friends. ken james becky sampson ken james becky sampson. * He gave the names of forty odd Mormons who took part in the massacre, and said that Brigham Young was instigator of the whole proceeding. Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March. While not on missions, Young lived with the Latter Day Saints in Kirtland, Ohio and Far West, Missouri. Many of the wives to whom Young were sealed were widows or elderly women for whom he merely cared or gave the protection of his name. Or did his belief in heavenly justice prove him an unlikely culprit? He was a man who grew in faith, intellect and knowledge and learned throughout his life by relying on personal revelation. Brigham Young Did It. After guiding an exodus of . The Mountain Meadows Massacre victimized several groups of emigrants from the northwestern Arkansas region who had started their treks to California in early 1857, joining along the way and becoming known as the BakerFancher party. Young, son of Brigham Young. It misfired six times, and he then pointed it at a post and all six shots discharged properly" (Remembering Joseph" by Mark L. McConkie, 73-74). That, say the church historians, is because no such order was given. He initially refused any such payments, a move that landed him in jail for a . tags: money , money-management. But though Mr. Bagley and Ms. Denton marshal an astonishing number of archival sources, their case against Brigham Young remains circumstantial. Once, when returning to his ranch on the Jordan River, he was mistakenly taken as a thief, shot at and wounded in the arm, where the main artery was severed. True West asked the authors of both books to lay out their claims. How far apart were Wild Bill Hickok and Dave Tutt in their famous 1865 showdown in Springfield, Missouri? Mormon historian Juanita Brooks believes that the letter demonstrates that Young "did not order the massacre, and would have prevented it if he could. After five years researching and writing about this horrific atrocity, I doubted Id ever find a definitive answer to the question, Did Brigham Young order the murders at Mountain Meadows?, To my surprise, I found evidence that convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that Brigham Young issued orders (probably verbal) to kill everyone in the Fancher party except those of innocent bloodchildren under eight years of ageto fulfill his sacred vow to avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith, and more specifically, Apostle Parley P. Pratt. When it was over, men quarreled over responsibility, and many vowed that no one should ever know of their deadly work, including, presumably, Brigham Young. Early in his life, Phineas was a Methodist preacher.[1]. Brigham Young ( /brm/; June 1, 1801 - August 29, 1877) was an American leader in the Latter Day Saint movement and a settler of the Western United States. The U.S. posted bounties of $500 each for the capture of Haight, Higbee, and Stewart, and prosecutors chose not to pursue their cases against Dame, Willden, and Adair. In 1853, he became the second counselor to David Fullmer in the presidency of the Salt Lake Stake of the church. Why did he threaten honest men who called for justice in the matter? Some testimony came in private interviews when there was no motive to lie. The seeing of our faithful Elders slaughtered in cold blood, he wrote after his friends death, is at times almost to[o] grevious to be borne, but as the Spirit within me whispers, peace be still. This advice was never changed. ''He did it,'' said Will Bagley, a history columnist for The Salt Lake Tribune whose book ''Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows'' (University of Oklahoma Press) has been a best seller in Utah since it appeared in late July. Particularly telling is the testimony of those who did the killing at the Meadows. John Young Jr., the eldest brother, became a Methodist minister at a young age, as did Joseph, the second oldest, who was deeply solemn in his dedication to religion. He stopped at the cairn the U.S. Armys First Dragoons had raised in 1859 over the grave of the emigrants whose scattered bones they had collected and buried. was brigham young stabbed by a son named phineas. The line was purchased by Union Pacific in 1875. Phineas, the third son, had struggled with the enticements of the world before finding a spiritual identity near the age of 24, when he forsook his former companions and pursuits, and prayed fervently to the Lord until he, too, accepted Methodism and became a preacher, according to The Faithful Young Family.". In this period, militia leaders at Cedar City and at Mountain Meadows changed their minds several times whether the killing should go forward. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The question isnt as easily answered as asked. On one occasion she told me that if I would not neglect to pray to my Heavenly Father, he would send a guardian angel to protect me in the dangers to which I might be exposed (see The Faithful Young Family"). However, Young later testified that he cut Lee off when he started to describe the massacre because he could not bear to hear the details. His brother Joseph was baptized the next day and Brigham Young was baptized approximately one week later. [24] Lee was executed by firing squad at Mountain Meadows on March 23, 1877. ''The idea that this was an Indian massacre is just absurd,'' Ms. Denton said, citing a 1999 forensic analysis that found that many of the victims had died from gunshot wounds to the head. There are two ways to interpret the evidence about who ordered the brutal murder of 120 men, women and children at a remote Utah oasis on the road to California on September 11, 1857. Then, in 1870, Young excommunicated John D. Lee, a Mormon official and militia leader in southern Utah, because of his participation in the massacre. The mission of Brigham Young University founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life. . '', That conclusion is vigorously disputed by three Mormon church historians, who vow their own history of the massacre, to be published by Oxford University Press in 2004, will exonerate Young. In regard to emigrating trains arriving and passing through our settlements, he wrote in a letter designed to restore calm in Southern Utah, We must not interfere with them. These clear and difficult-to-misread words were rushed to Cedar City after Young received an express from local setters there telling him of pending trouble. In 1830, Young was contacted by Samuel H. Smith, a missionary in the recently established Latter Day Saint movement. Brigham Young wasn't the only latter-day prophet to have such close experiences with death. Twelve apostles were now chosen from those who had marched in Zion's Camp. setTimeout(function(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("src","https://sample.dragonforms.com/getEmbeddedClientScript.do?embeddedsite=TW_dispatch_nl"),t.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.body.appendChild(t)},5); Become a subscriber today and youll recieve a new issue every month plus unlimited access to our full archive of backlogged issues. The main artery was cut above the elbow, and but for this timely relief I should have bled to death (see "History of Utah, Vol 4" by Orson Ferguson Whitney). (Young had at least 20 wives -- by some estimates as many as 56 -- and up to 57 children.). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- the Mormon church -- has steadfastly denied responsibility, first blaming Indians and later a rogue church official for the crime. by Will Bagley and Ron Walker | Apr 1, 2003 | Features & Gunfights. Originally ran between Salt Lake and York. Brigham Young to Isaac C. Haight, 10 September 1857, Letterpress Copybook 3:82728, Brigham Young Office Files, LDS Church Archives. "[20], When Young sent his report on the massacre to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1858, he said that it was the work of Native Americans.[21]. They are, from left, Lorenzo Dow Young, Brigham Young, Phineas Howe Young, Joseph Young and John Young Jr. The two main contenders were James Jesse Strang and Brigham Young. For instance, Joseph Smith was once attacked by an apostate from the Church, William Law, who "attempted to kill Joseph and fired a pistol at him six times at close range. Even on the day of the slaughter, couriers were reportedly hurrying from Cedar City30 miles to the eastto call it off. Copy. This remarkable man served as bishop of the Salt Lake City 18th Ward for 27 years (see Whitney's "History of Utah: Biographical"). . She demanded Mormon authorities listen to the cry of his blood and take swift vengeance against the Fancher train, which had left Arkansas long before Pratt was killed. The 59-year-old woman was found at 2 p.m. inside a Flushing home laying face down on a bed with multiple stab wounds . James H. Haslam, interview by S. A. Kenner, reported by Josiah Rogerson, 4 December 1884, typescript, 11, in Josiah Rogerson, Transcripts and Notes of John D. Lee Trials, LDS Church Archives. Brigham Young did the painting of the interior of that temple and Lorenzo Dow Young did the plastering of the outside of it, with the help, of course, of others. While other Las Vegas visitors were passing the night at shows, casinos, and buffets, seven BYU cybersecurity students sat hunched over their laptops in the lobby of the Ellis Island Hotel deep in a feverish game of capture the flag. Americans enjoy a good mystery, and they like conspiracies. We are still trying to make sense of this tragedy and why this happened. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Phineas Young was an older brother of Brigham Young, who was the president of the LDS Church and the first governor of the Territory . They are, from left, Lorenzo Dow Young, Brigham Young, Phineas Howe Young, Joseph Young and John Young Jr. From 1864 through 1871 Young served as the bishop of the Salt Lake City 2nd Ward. The most common, and the only one currently practiced by the Mormon church, is a ceremony that seals a man and a woman for time (mortal life) and eternity. Susa, Brighams daughter, wrote of her father: He fostered and encouraged the study and practice of music, not only in his own family, but among the people (see Life Story of Brigham Young," by Susa Young Gates and Leah D. Widtsoe). Witnesses later testified about Haslams dramatic arrival in Salt Lake City, the writing of the letter and its dispatch South. Beau's son was 9 years old at the time of his father's death. ''It was the wealthiest wagon train ever to traverse the country,'' she said. Stuart Taylor and his son Jacob join other spectators at the 139th annual Golden Spike Celebration in Promontory Summit, Utah, on Saturday, May 10, 2008, as the wood-fired . [5], Young was married to Lucy, the half-sister of Oliver Cowdery. All of the original Young family joined the LDS Church and served faithfully throughout their lives. On Sept. 11, 1857, a group of California-bound pioneers camping in southern Utah were murdered by a Mormon militia and its Indian allies. 2015 - 2023 Savage. And, as a home missionary he administered to the sick, the needy, the spiritually weak, spreading love, light and encouragement wherever he went, according to The Faithful Young Family.". As any attorney knows, the problem with a guilty client is he acts guilty, and after the massacre Brigham Young never behaved like an innocent man. Despite the influences of a strict, moralistic family and being exposed to the religious fervor that . Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? There were five stalwart brothers in the John Young family. '', Sally Denton, an investigative reporter based in Santa Fe, N.M., whose book ''American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows'' will be published by Knopf next summer, also holds Young responsible for the crime. Lee was tried twice for murder (he was convicted the second time) and executed in 1877. ROME, Georgia A recent Brigham Young University-Idaho graduate was stabbed to death over the weekend in northwestern Georgia. [18] A few days after the massacre, September 29, 1857, Lee briefed Young in Salt Lake City. It is something that has been partially experienced and thoroughly documented by many individuals around the world. With no additional evidence, some historians have pointed to a Native American council held in Salt Lake City on September 1, 1857. According to Mormon doctrine, he points out, murder in defense of the faith could be considered just. And in the fall of 1842, Brigham Young faced a mysterious and deadly illness. Some settlers, the story goes, believed the pioneers had been involved in the murder of Parley Pratt, a popular Mormon apostle, in western Arkansas earlier that year. When I began writing about the massacre, I realized trying to prove anything about this appalling crime would prove only that I was an idiot. He was the ninth of eleven children, growing up in an unsettled frontier environment characterized by frequent family moves to various communities throughout upstate New York. It makes me shudder. Of course, anti-Young historians say otherwise. Aaron William Davis, 21, of Cumming, Georgia, died from multiple . Brigham Young desperately wanted to claim the region as the promised land for the persecuted Mormon people. 25 years after he murdered their mom, his kids disagree whether he should be released. Young retaliated by declaring martial law. For the desperately poor Mormon settlers in southern Utah, the Fancher party, with its hefty supply of cash, arms and hundreds of valuable horses and cattle, was simply irresistible. Will Bagley, a history columnist for the Salt Lake Tribune, is the author of Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows published by the University of Oklahoma Press. "[14] Brooks writes, "While Brigham Young and other church authorities did not specifically order the massacre, they did preach sermons and set up social conditions that made it possible." At Lee's sentencing, as required by Utah Territory statute, he was given the option of being hung, shot, or beheaded, and he chose to be shot. Surely the Brothers Young, with their gifts and their devotion, added to the music of joy and service that marked life among the early Latter-day Saints. Risner allegedly killed Davis in another location before moving his body to where it was found, according to CoosaValleyNews.com. Brigham Young had no tolerance for Mormons who began to doubt the faith. Reading the September 2000 True West article by Glenn Shirley, titled, A Tireless Energy & Nerves of Steel, I was fascinated by Caroline Bonneville. NYC woman fatally stabbed, son in custody. [3], In 1840, Young moved to Scott County, Illinois when the Latter Day Saints were expelled from Missouri. [14], In Blood of the Prophets, Mormon historian William Bagley echoes David White's conclusion that the letter does not absolve Young of any wrongdoing. Brigham Young took care to never "let an opportunity pass of getting with the Prophet Joseph and of hearing him speak in public or in private, so that I might draw understanding from the fountain from which he spoke." "This," he insisted, "is the secret of the success of your humble servant" (Brigham Young, JD 12:269-70 [16 August . "Territorial Dispatches: the Sentence of Lee", the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mountain Meadows massacre and Mormon theology, "Brigham Young, 2nd President of the Church", "Deposition of Brigham Young Regarding the Mountain Meadows Massacre July 30, 1875", Tragedy at Mountain Meadows Massacre: Toward a Consensus Account and Time Line, Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, "Loose in the stacks, a half-century with the Utah War and its legacy", "The Mountain Meadows Massacre: An Analytical Narrative Based on Participant Confessions", "Visit of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Southern Utah", "Horrible Massacre of Arkansas and Missouri Emigrants", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brigham_Young_and_the_Mountain_Meadows_Massacre&oldid=1124726578, Books about presidents of the church (LDS Church), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 November 2022, at 05:21. His brother Brigham ordained him a patriarch in 1877, shortly before Brighams death. When I reflect on how I found the gospel, I realize that my familys experiences informed two important pieces of my testimony. Young Dolph was gunned down on November 17, 2021, Slim 400 was shot and killed on December 8, 2021, and Drakeo the Ruler was reportedly stabbed to death on December 18, 2021. . Bottom line: Yes, Brigham Young was clearly a racist. Brigham Young chose twenty-year-old Lucy Ann Decker Seeley for his first plural wife, and they were married by Joseph Smith on 17 June 1842. The evidence has been so corruptedsuppressed, destroyed, and fabricatedits hard to determine the date the murders took place, let alone trace all the ins and outs of the conspiracy behind the crime. Phineas Young was among the first Mormon pioneer company to reach the Salt Lake Valley in July 1847. The mob killed men, women and all but 17 of the smallest children . She was the daughter of Isaac Decker, a long-time friend of Brigham Young and his father John Young. He dearly loved his wife, Mary Ann Angell. Worcester also challenges Hotspur's temper, telling him You . not to spare horseflesh. He didnt. Brooks has argued the massacre was an overreaction by Mormon militia forces which resulted in the death of settlers and the tarnishing of the Church's reputation. Brigham Young was in New England with Orson Pratt when he learned of Joseph's death. Here he was ordained a Seventy and received his endowment before traveling West in the first group of pioneers, led by his brother, Brigham Young. The massacre stands out not only for its gruesomeness but also for the act of treachery that preceded it. The company that was used up at the Mountain Meadowes included the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters & connections of the men who murdered the prophets, he told John D. Lee, and they Merited their fate. The only thing that ever troubled Young was the lives of the Women & children, but that under the circumstances [it] could not be avoided.. Typewritten biography of Phineas Howe Young (1799-1880) by his granddaughters Eleanor White Mackay, Seraph White Allred, and Naomi Wright. Brigham Young, who was born June 1, 1801, was the fourth son and eighth child, and he would . THE stabbing death of Drakeo the Ruler came in the midst of an ongoing feud with fellow rapper YG, and Drakeo even threatened to kill him just months . When asked by Horace Greeley in 1859, Brigham Young said that he had 15 wives, but some of those sealed to me are old ladies whom I regard rather as mothers than wives. Joseph Young was a witness to the infamous Hauns Mill massacre during the tumultuous Missouri days of the LDS Church's history, according to The Faithful Young Family.". What ever happened to Big Minnie of Tombstone? Phineas Young was a printer; building contractor; and Mormon bishop, missionary, and pioneer. He said it was the greatest work and the clearest of error he had ever seen, the Bible not excepted (see The Faithful Young Family"). Brigham Young and His Wives. Mr. Bagley cites a diary entry made by Young's brother-in-law and Indian interpreter, Dimick Huntington, after a meeting between the Mormon leader and Paiute chiefs on Sept. 1, 1857. That question stumped me for years, and like many other Mormon mysteries the clues have been carefully purged from the records of Utahs past. Files, LDS church and served faithfully throughout their lives by Will Bagley and ms. Denton marshal an number. A move that landed him in jail for a and all but 17 of Utah. Animals and fields ready to harvest and began again in Nauvoo, Illinois when the Latter Saints! Killed Davis in another location before moving his body to where it was found, according to Mormon,! 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Moultrie Ga Arrests 2021, Man Found Dead In Downers Grove, Harris Funeral Home Obituaries Morrilton, Arkansas, 5 Cualidades De La Novia De Cristo, Articles D