Lena stopped rocking back and forth and stared straight ahead. I cant do this. Podr Kara seguir adelante an con el recuerdo de lo perdido? Alex and Kara looked at Lena with concern on their features. A/N- SoIdidnt do this prompt exactly how it was suppose to be done but I hope you still enjoy it. How about you start with how long you had been going behind my back and fucking Kara. I heard you may have made a huge breakthrough in the DNA fusion project. you nodded you head after she had finished talking. You are going to make it out of this. Is CADMUS controlling you? Oh shit. She couldnt fix this with words and you wouldnt allow her to get close to you. What if Kara had known all along that Lena hadn't truly forgiven her? We are so close to being able to solve this., Hey sorry nows not a good time Kara is in my office and she really needs me right now. Lena was pacing around her apartment, she was pleased with herself so far, she had emotionally hurt Kara, just like Kara had done her. Darling please, she tried to get out in between her sobs. Luckily in the elevator you were by yourself. She had shook her head no and told you how sorry she was that you had been played by her daughter. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. What if Supergirl bonded with the venom symbiote?! Now, she's down to one. Mitsuki decides to go with Boruto.This is the end of Team 7. Alex says, "Natalie, let's put your leg up on this coffee table here.". (Y/N) darling please. Somehow they've got Kara and Kryptonite too. If I was someone else, you wouldve butchered me in an instant, you chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. God why do I do this to myself. You mumbled talking to yourself as you took out your phone and typed in her number by memory. She already had you under her thumb and didnt need to worry about trying to control you. Wait please no don..AHHHHHHH!! Neither one of you said anything at the moment both of you just happy to be able to be in each others presence again. The one where they are best friends but dance around the "in love with each other" part. You scoffed thinking about it now. Lena Luthor Needs a Hug. I'm not sick! But, you know, she's a good person so she helps anyway. Seite whlen. Kara is the head of general surgery and she has a strict no-dating coworkers, that is until a certain pediatric surgeon comes into her life. Leave. You quickly made your way into the bathroom after that. You didnt want her to be in your life at all anymore but apparently she just wasnt getting the memo. After the return of the love of her life, Mon-El. You both had a ways to go in rebuilding your trust and relationship and while the both of you knew it would never be the way it once was you both were just happy to be in one another arms again. Act like your happy cheery self so no one would worry. You didnt know if you had it in you to betray Lena like this, no matter how much she hurt you. After you had moved from Maggies none of it stopped. You have got 5 fucking seconds to start talking before I completely lose my shit. You spat at her with venom in your voice. Some will be short dabbles. You began to think that Lena just preferred to keep you a secret. She wasnt the only one suffering from the loose of you. Whether she likes it or not, she will need to face her emotions, good and bad, to finally be able to move on. "My body will rot at the gates of hell, but my soul will wander the earth until I find my beloved and be able to sleep on her chest of honey" promised the being before ceasing to exist. "You okay?" But I dont talk to Lex Luthor. It was 4 months later when Lillian decided that you were ready to make your debut. Please dont hurt them please. Lena begged the man as tears began to fill her eyes. NO! Kara took her belongings and tried to be as quiet as possible as she snuck . He left my mom for some stupid girl that's human, no one real Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers are happily married. Will she fully heal and recover? You were extremely excited. This isnt you! No accumulated data to run an analysis against. Supercorp, in different situations, some good, some bad. You were no closer to a solution when Lena walked through the door a couple hours later. You look rather appealing with your rolled up sleeves, you slightly smirked, standing up to loom over her. I think Im done here. Shortly after that J'onn, Lena, and Alex came busting in through the door. I feel kind of worse". The suit was black and white with the symbol of CADMUS on the chest. I wont say its ok because its not but Im not completely free of blame either Lena. All those nights you spent together, carrying her home bridal style. You wanted to get in and out, leave before Lena could gather herself and try to come and stop you. Everyone else gave you guys space knowing how much you both needed it right now. Lena is not turning "evil" like she did in the show. You needed to think right now. Sorry but (Y/N) is unavailable at the moment. Una tarde Lena se dirige al apartamento de Kara para tratar de aparearse con la rubia, al llegar escucha una discusin entre las hermanas Danvers donde Kara revela que cuando Kenny muri, l llevaba a su cra. She promised that you both would talk later. She quickly hung up on Sam after saying goodbye and just sat there on the floor. As soon as you felt her arms around you you broke down into sobs. You placed one of your hands on the side of her face. Yet you couldnt help but feel like you were competing against Supergirl and Kara for your fiances time and affection. You had never screamed at her before. The experiment had been going on for a month now. She hesitated to come, so she decided to just stayed at home. You tried to distract yourself but it just wasnt working so you decided to head over to LCorp early. Luna really hits it off with the team but especially Nia. Can they manage to pull themselves together and actually have a proper conversation, or is their story doomed to fail before it really even has a chance to start? You bite your lip trying to hold back tears because of course Supergirl would come to Lenas rescue. You shouldve stayed and tried to talk things out instead of running away. She tried calling you multiple times but you never picked up. Sam just closed the door and led Lena over to the couch sitting down with her and holding her. You wanted to be able to take Supergirl down a peg or two. (Also, also the one where every chapter is named after a song title by Dodie.). also, Vor does not have powers yet. You had been there for her through the whole case with Lex which caused your own family to practically disown you. (Y/N)? Kara gets ideas, ideas that Lucy both does and doesn't think are kind of sort of a little bit hot, actually. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15392), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (2417), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2115), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Accompanying Art For Play Me Something Beautiful, alright so i honestly don't know what i just wrote, it's not the metallo lena universe but it does have metallo lena, blamethecomicwritersnotmeforcharacterdeaths, Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, Samuel Garca Domnguez/Carla Rosn Caleruega, they have issues and damnit they're gonna talk about them, Kara Danvers/Original Female Character(s), it matters how this ends ('cause what if i never love again? Meanwhile, Kara Danvers is a young 25-year-old alpha, who doesn't act like the usual type of alpha, and is just starting out her life as an adult. (Y/N), those looks arent for you theyre for the Luthor. You frowned slightly before looking at them. You got lost in thought trying to figure out what to do with this whole situation. She was unable to face you with the guilt that was now taking over her heart. No one could find you and no one had any idea what happened to you. How about them combined? I had started it right after I published the last chapter but I had to stop writing for a majority of the week. Work Search: She opened her mouth to say something but you interrupted her before she could even say anything. After taking up the task of chasing a group of metahumans down, you are sent through a breech to Earth-38. You opened your eyes squinting at the bright lights above you. Im so sorry for everything. You kissed the top of her head and relaxed as much as you could. Its not Lena, she argued, Lena wouldnt do this, she hoped, Lena cant do this, she prayed.------We can fix this, Lena. Kara is after Boruto, for his Karma. And I assume your stomach still hurts?". Ugh! Jess looked up at you and smiled as you walked up. Careful Lena people might begin to think theres something going on between us and we cant have that can we? You heard the small sharp intake of breath from her that followed what you had said. All you did know was that you couldnt stay in this city anymore. Kara told me what my mother told you and I swear its a lie. You had no idea, you honestly hadnt even tried to see if you shared anymore abilities with Supergirl and Superman. It was karaoke night at the Alien Bar. Kara had always been everything you had ever wanted. Kara would forget to call because she got caught up in conversation with Lena. You quickly look away from her and continue to drink your (F/D). Youre not the Kara she left this letter for.. You never complained or resisted though. Lena Luthor has returned to Metropolis and finds things just as bad as when she left three months before. Now another CEO will help the blonde recover from her cold. They are a little tied up. Lenas face drained of all color. The woman at the desk recognized Lena and let her up to Kara's apartment. I shake her shoulder again while saying "Alex, hey you need to wake up. You felt you had taken 2nd place in Lenas heart but you dealt with it because you knew how much Lena wanted friends that wouldnt judge her or try to use her. You were honestly sick and tired of it. You couldnt hurt Alex but you couldnt just let her go either. alexdanvers, melissabenoist, samaris. I just have one more thing I would like to let you know because I feel as though you should have all the information before making a final decision. They had all died within a week. We only want them to see that you are alive and that you have aligned yourself with CADMUS. You heard Lillian say in the earpiece. I know how deeply you care for my daughter and that you dont want to hurt her. Lena has a weakness for the beauty of a body wrapped in loving coils of rope, the art of knots, the care and intricacies of binding. The plan is simple. (ABO Dynamics, Omega Kara, Alpha Lena.). I'll be there soon, and please look after yourself.". You both kept repeating the process until your back met the wall. I dont think I can hurt Lena like this even after all she has done to me. you told Lillian trying to keep your voice as calm as possible. Lena has spent her life plotting revenge against the man that murdered her mother. It takes me a while but I manage to get to my door frame without falling. Lena had lost her entire world too. Pressing your lips to someone's forehead to check temperature is a universal experience. You sighed as you heard her walking closer to you. The ravenette made her way to you, kneeling down as her expression softened the very moment she looked into your eyes. She had no idea where to look for you next. She couldnt possibly be serious could she? I will find you. Lena could feel her panic begin to overwhelm her. You left the bathroom and crawled back into the bed crying until your body became so exhausted you passed out. We also have Winn trying to find anything that could possibly help. You were ok. She pulled back and kissed you. I make it just before I throw up. I'm okay, let's just get you to your bed." If it werent for your worrying obsession with books, you wouldnt have dozed off at the library at a secluded spot where the librarian couldnt even find you; you wouldnt have been in this frantic position at all. She had found out where you moved to after moving out of Maggies and she was constantly trying to get you to talk to her. Work Search: Youre a dumbass. Im leaving Kara. I tried to tag them and it wouldnt work but their user is stuckscheize. Baby I have been so worried about you. She didnt do anything to you so no need to be snappy with her. Her mind was traveling a million miles a second trying to figure out how to save this. Then came Kara Danvers and Supergirl. You gave her a small smile. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Several months ago, large amounts of Red Kryptonite were discovered on Earth. She had been like an older sister to you. You pulled back slightly and leaned up to press a soft passionate kiss against her lips. You didnt want her anywhere near you. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). He had traveled into the future Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of these characters, I have simply changed them a bit in order to fit the plot of the story. You grabbed a duffel bag and began to pack up all of your clothes. Her face is very pale, and she looks absolutely exhausted from the short walk from the couch to the bed. This is my take on what happens after Alex proposes to Maggie. "A small frown appeared on your face as you looked at her again. Stories mostly about the Danvers sisters, non romantic. no ones POV: it'. She knew this wasnt you but she didnt know what Lillian had do or said to make you like this. Lena isnt exactly the biggest fan of the work I do with CADMUS. You tried your hardest to burn the picture of her into your mind. You had moved from the only place you had ever known in order to follow Lena and support her in quest to try to clear the Luthor name and rebrand Lexcorp into LCorp making in a force for good. She ended up staying home from work the next couple of days looking for any clues as to where you went or where you were. Will she heal? We start testing tomorrow. Lillian said before walking out the door with a smirk on her face. A storm approaches National City, and Kara wants to share something special with Lena. You and Kara had been together since highschool. Kara dogged out of the way. You hadnt meant to explode like that but all this pain and jealousy was festering inside you. Mistress brings her new friend home during Karas third summer there. It doesnt hurt like Kara expected it would, her ego soothed by the interest that Lena takes in her. Lena, your girlfriend of 3 years, was halfway naked with her lips attached to Karas. You tried to make the best of it though. They all belong to the CW. All you needed to do now was figure out what powers you had. What you didnt know was that she had been hoping you would offer yourself as the test subject. Lena let out the most horrific pain filled scream anyone had ever heard before. Hurt, betrayed, disowned and in pain. Why do you ever come to these Galas anymore? You should just file a restraining order and be done with this. Overload Chapter 3, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction The next time Kara woke J'onn and Alex were at her side looking down at her with concerned expressions. Im just so tired and the pain this is causing me is too much for me to try and continue to shoulder and deal with. You whispered softly. Now all you wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Lena and thats exactly what you did after you had gone to the DEO and been medically cleared. You just hoped that your friends would be able to find you in time. Not everything had been fixed but hopefully this was the start of a new better beginning. Will Clark help her again? I dont want to ever talk to either one of you or see you again. You quickly turned around and ran from the both of them knowing they would be unable to follow because neither one had bothered getting dressed after you caught them. Join CADMUS and you can have your revenge on Supergirl for stealing Lena away from you. Your eyes grew wide as you stared at her. When I finally stop I lean back into Alex's open arms. Lena gets the Flu in the midst of the Coronavirus scare, and Kara decides to nurse her back to health, regardless of how much Lena still hates her. Supergirl is under the influence of black kryptonite and holding many hostages. Oh who I am doesnt really matter. Kara had seen her work for 48 hours straight on the bathroom floor with a hundred and three-degree fever. Set within the Missed Connections universe, down the line. The darkness inside her had morphed into something new, something even more dangerous. At least you got to say one last I love you. You began to feel the panic overcome you and you just prayed that Lena would be able to move on and find happiness again. Please help me! Lena heard you yell before crying out in pain. We need to talk (Y/N) about what you said at the gala. Lena said as she took a seat beside you slipping off her heels. That would actually be amazing Lena. Right this way.. Warnings- Angst, betrayal, talk of cheating- let me know if you would like me to add anymore. (Y/N)! You already were feeling dizzy from what the man had done to you already. All you could feel was your rage and you were trying your hardest to not lash out. In fact, Alex just looks worse in general. I gently lie a hand on her shoulder to let her know I'm here. I slowly nod my head as Alex helps me stand up. Of course you would get so excited to be here that you would forget where you were suppose to show up at. You still loved her even though you wanted to hate her. I am working on the second one. Im not sure how long this will be. Each part will be centered around different characters - that's right multiple POVs. I wont attack unless absolutely necessary. You say. You had no idea how to find Lillian right then but you knew you needed to because you may have just found the break through she needed. She just held onto you tighter. With a final plea, she injected herself with the black liquid. She was going to fly around the city trying to hear you or the man who had you. Natalie then takes the seat Kara pointed to, with Alex holding onto her until the young girl is seated, not wanting her to lose balance in her leg again, and hurt herself further. Lena was practically right behind you at this point. There were no words that would be able to get you to forgive her. Instead she was glaring at you and her hands were curled into fists. Sweat drooped down your eyelids as you saw Enid standing up with the assistance of Wednesday; the pile of books neatly stacked on the floor beside her. They all looked at you dumbfounded. How to fix what she had broken. It turns out that Kryptonite did weaken you but it didnt effect you as much as it did Superman and Supergirl. Dont listen to her (Y/N). You didnt want to accidentally hurt her. She was the only person you could trust right now. You were looking around for a couple of minutes before a woman walked over to you. People claim to see them and people claim to be them but its all speculation. You just laughed at her. The voices in your head had been so loud. Work Search: Oneshot). I was so sad to hear about what happened between you and my daughter. Lena couldnt help but worry about you. She must have seen the confusion clear on your face, because she smirked at you and said. You should have known that coming and staying here was a bad idea. Sure she had hurt you but at the same time this was Kara Danvers. Im safe with you. Lena just held onto you tighter. YOU LEFT ME ON MY OWN! Because Lena knew; she knew that if they didnt get out of here in the next hours and if Kara didnt get any sunlight, the odds of surviving this were lets say not in her favor. The beginning of Sarada Uchiha's journey in the world of Naruto. Oh, you want me to let you go. You watched her leave and as soon as the door shut behind her you let the malicious smile appear on your face. Sams house. I ask hoarsely before I throw up again. The neighboring planet, Krypton, was destroyed 25 years earlier on the exact day at th Lena almost died, but she didn't. Also there will be a 3rd part and it will most likely be the longest, most angsty part out of this mini series. Lena had basically been told by the police that there was a chance her fiancee had been killed. Umm no. You quickly got out of the car and followed her inside of the intimidating building. It doesnt effect me as badly as it does you. You didnt know what to do. Lena baby listen please. She is to be Mistress wife instead of her pet, no list of chores to be completed before she climbs into Miss Rojas bed each night, no discipline if she steps out of line. Later that night. Browse Browse She should have never cancelled her dates with you for Kara or Supergirl. But now things were changing. I love her and you took her away from me. His eyes widened and he nodded quickly. No dont talk like that (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N). She leans back on my bed and lets out a breath in pain. Just for a little bit ok. Just until we cannot you to the DEO. She couldnt just accept the fact that you were gone like everyone else had. This had gone on for far too long. I only talk to Lena and yea shes like one the bigger bosses or whatever she is. It didnt provide you with the warmth it once had. Kara and Alex looked at each other understanding beginning to fill their eyes. Her whole body was tense, like one wrong move would make her snap. (Y/N) please just hang on. But when her illness starts creeping back into her life it sends her into a dark place from which only her family can help her escape. Ok (Y/N) just take a deep breath. Lena isn't feeling well. Tell them we said hi and that next time if they dont come with you to lunch Im going to go to their office and force them to join us. Kara said jokingly. There was no Kryptonian DNA or at least none that I knew of. This will be a short story. I'm sorry I had to wake you, J'onn called and said he's on his way to check on us." You could feel your hands begin to shake as you sent her a quick text telling her to meet you at Noonans at 1:00pm so she could explain herself and that if she was even 1 minute late then you would leave and she would be throwing away her one and only chance. You walked over to the window and stared at her. To find out read it please. That was basically how your whole week went. Lena takes care of her. SOMEONE PLEASE! but this fic will be entirely around Sarada. You know you dont want to. You never made her feel like she had to choose between you and her work because you knew how important clearing her last name was to her. You can have that back. It ended up being a some-what good thing, everybody got to say what they needed and wanted to to Lena. You are my world (Y/N/N). 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