A massage therapist can send blood through the congested areas of your body and help you to improve circulation. They are intended to be replaced after a while and to be honest, they are not that expensive. The type of back pain that can be treated by low-frequency therapy includes stiffness of the lower back, muscle pain, and neuralgia (nerve pain). Fractures can occur on the outside or the inside of the lower leg. This is due to the multi-use gel body pads that come with the device. As part of your management plan for diagnosed poor circulation, you may use electrical nerve stimulation and cell stimulation from. Where possible place electrodes across your painful region. A TENS machine is a portable, small and battery powered device which is worn on the body. RENPHO Shiatsu Foot Massager Machine. ActivBody electrotherapy can be used everyday - outside the clinic for an effortless, regular aid to better circulation. The gentle electrical pulses increase the production of the body's natural pain killer, such as endorphins. As the distance between the two pads increases the effectiveness decreases. PAD is a circulatory condition that causes narrowing of the blood vessels and arteries. Please read the User Guide that comes with your TENS machine. These electrical impulses flood the nervous system, reducing its ability to transmit pain signals to the spinal cord and brain. Yes: At your age, a rotator cuff tear would be a very serious injury. Set the unit in the lowest setting. This electrical pulse stimulates the release of the bodys own natural opioid pain-relieving chemicals. A., & Sluka, K. A. Attach one pad to the sole and another one to the calf. Many skin problems arise from the pulling stress from adhesive patches that are excessively stretched across the skin during application. Using TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) effectively blocks pain signals to the brain. Using EMS Foot Massager have various benefits from improving circulation to reduce n n ur ft r toes. The electrical pulses help the muscle nerves in the feet & legs to shrink & expand at intervals. Blood vessels will be able to deliver more oxygenated blood so that your muscles last longer and perform better. SportsMed electrotherapy can be used everyday - outside the clinic - for drug-free, on-demand pain relief. According to a 2014 review, HF TENS treats pain more effectively than LF TENS. Acupuncture is a practice that uses needles to stimulate the nerves beneath the skin at specific locations known as acupuncture points. A great advice to follow throughout this guide is to place the electrodes as close to the area of pain as possible, with the injured area in between the pads, while at the same time adhering tothese general guidelines: The main thing to take away from this segment is that you should always start on a small intensity and work yourself up to something that you can tolerate. To handle pain related to the elbow, the electrode pads should be placed on the outside of the elbow as the image suggests. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a great tool to use when a patient experiences pain resulting in they having difficulty participating in their rehabilitation. Sometimes, neck pain can be caused by stiff back muscles, so you can also apply your pads on the upper back. The duration of pain relief after using a TENS unit can vary. OMRON pain relievers must not be used with other devices like a pacemaker, implanted defibrillator, or other implanted metallic or electronic devices, together with a life-supporting medical electronic device such as an artificial heart or lung or respirator or with electronic medical devices attached to the body, such as electro-cardiographs.Please consult the instruction manual for further contraindications. Dispose your old TENS machine according to the label or return it to the retailer. 231 156K views 14 years ago How to place tens electrodes when using Infrex Plus combination interferential tens machine for foot, ankle or lower leg pain. When applying for the first time, be sure to program your TENS unit to a low-intensity level. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Connect the electrodes to the lead wires that come with your machine When using Self-Adhesive Electrodes (Sticky Pads): simply place the pads on your skin If you are using Carbon Flex Electrodes (Rubber Pads): Wet the side of the pad that will be touching your skin and secure the pads with Velcro straps. This lets the electric pulses move through the nerve fibers within the damaged area. Burn wounds have been reported at the sites of electrode placement in TENS (1), but this case represents the first noted with the use of an immersive foot. Also, if you end up finding a great placement make them mark it with a marking pen so that you or the next person attaching them would know where it worked for you the last time. Narrowed arteries are less capable of moving blood through your body. To prevent this, apply electrodes from center outward; avoid stretching over the skin. Poor circulation caused by diabetes can cause leg cramping, as well as pain and cramping in your calves, thighs, or buttocks. Option 2: Calf and Hamstring You'll need four 2x2 electrodes to use on the hamstring and calf muscle. I've been plagued with lower back pain since my late teen years. Effects of transcutaneous nerve stimulation on the microcirculation in chronic leg ulcers. But some of these injuries can be as follows: TENS is acknowledged and claimed to be a non-invasive and drug-free method for pain relief. Lift at the edge of electrodes and peel; do not pull on the lead wires be cause it may damage the electrodes. Attacking the attack itself is not the best way to go. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Units are effective in treating both chronic and acute pains, including arthritis, sciatica, sore muscles, fibromyalgia, and more. Lower back and leg pain can result from poor posture and overstraining the back muscles. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. A., Vance, C. G. T., Liebano, R. E., Anand, A. S., Bush, H. M., Sluka, K. A. 6. Dailey, D. L., Rakel, B. For treating the upper part of the forearm as well, extend any pad vertically to reach out on the forearm to triangulate the area of pain. Always place pads on clean, dry, healthy skin 2. Offers six stimulation modes. Blood vessels are ruptured, the ankle and foot swell, causing further pain and incapacity. The more pain-stimulus signals these nerve-ending receptors are sending to the bain, the more pain a patient is feeling. Check Price. If you are a hairy person or if you want to regularly place your pads on a hairy area, make sure that as small amount as possible gets stuck to the pads, since by then removing the hair will decrease the longevity of the pads significantly. No doctor's prescription needed. Massage also helps to relieve muscle tension and relax your body. Typically, sciatic nerve pain responds best when TENS pads are placed on the skin at the upper and lower reaches of the area of pain. The joints stability comes from the structural arrangement of the bones and the surrounding muscles and ligaments. TENS units work by delivering small electrical impulses through electrodes that have adhesive pads to attach them to a persons skin. If you have any questions please phone our office for further advice. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Check Price On Amazon. The advantage of TENS is well tolerated and largely without side-effects, but also an extremely popular tool/device. Your browser's JavaScript functionality is turned off. Partially or entirely blood flow blockage candevelop almost anywhere in your body. PAD is a circulatory condition that causes narrowing of the blood vessels and arteries. When you want to place the electrode pads on either your back on your lower back, its preferred to have someone help you find the preferred placement, at least the first couple of times. It may be helpful to improve repeated application by spreading a few drops of cold water over the adhesive and turn the surface up to air dry. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Choose the muscle group(s) you want to treat, Each wire has 2 leads: Positive (Red) and Negative (Black). Some people report that their pain returns as soon as they switch off the device. As President of MisterBack, my goal is to help as many people enjoy a healthy, happy lifestyle as I can - picking up their kids or grandchildren, hiking, biking or even simply walking to get the mail with less pain. Others continue to experience an adequate level of pain relief for up to 24 hours. Use of transcutaneous nerve stimulator (TENS) for localized pain relief a review. This pad placement is simple enough, targets most of the rotator cuff, as well as the upper arm, and can decrease pain while helping to restore lost muscle strength. These are examples only. For example, the electric pulses created by the unit can in one way confuse the body from locating the pain, causing a pain interrupt. In this article, learn more about the uses of a TENS machine and the research on its effectiveness. People with advanced diabetes may have a difficult time detecting the signs of poor circulation because diabetic neuropathy can cause reduced sensation in your extremities. Pain on the entire back: position the . TENS is a noninvasive method for relieving pain. You should try to leave at least 5cm between electrodes. When they release the pressure on your body, this causes new blood to flood to the area and increase circulation. Using one pad will not provide pain relief. To handle pain related to chronic hip pain, place two or four electrode pads in a diamond shaped structure, two stacked vertically and two horizontally, at the perimeter of the most intense area of pain as the image suggest. SportsMed is the TENS, ECS and EMS machine we suggest to aid repair of an ankle injury. Other Sellers on Amazon Added Not added Add to Cart He finds passion and fulfillment in creating content that enhances, improves, and enlivens others' quality of life. Stiff shoulders are presumably caused by blood congestion of trapezius muscle that moves shoulders, compression of nerves by the accumulation of fatigue substances, or poor blood circulation of subcutaneous tissues such as muscles. Several factors may influence the effectiveness of TENS: Research shows that people who use a TENS unit on a daily basis at the same frequency and intensity can develop a tolerance to the treatment. TENS Units can help to relieve pain, encourage better movement and improve your circulation. Let's find out more! While sitting, place 2 electrode pads diagonally across from each other. Sprains to any of the outside ligaments occur when the ankle is twisted inwards under pressure. Many skin irritations occur from the "pulling stress" from adhesive patches that are excessively stretched across the skin during application. This type of placement is called contiguous placement. High-frequency (HF) pulses range from 80 to 120 cycles per second and may help manage acute pain. *Please note that individual results may vary and you should consult your physician - especially if you have any medical condition or are pregnant - before using a Tone-A-Matic electronic muscle stimulator. Share store details, promotions, or brand content with your customers. Water retention, also known as fluid retention refers to an excessive build up of fluid in the circulatory system, body tissues, or cavities in the body. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. DO NOT place the pads directly on the spine, but you can without any problem place the pads vertically on either side of the spine. TENS units are available to purchase at some pharmacies and online. The common TENS pad placement will be as follows: Pain on one side: place the electrodes on the side of the back where the pain is. The placement of the pads can be crucial in achieving the best benefits with your TENS therapy session. Poor circulation can be very unpleasant. But as opposed to the other symptoms in this article, a migraine attack isnt a pain disorder, but a neurological disorder. They can develop almost anywhere in your body, but a blood clot that develops in your arms or legs can lead to circulation problems. 855-723-2582 | wecare@iReliev.com Jun 13, 2017. Robertson, Ward, et al: Electrotherapy Explained - Principles and Practice; Butterworth Heinemann for Elsevier Health Services; 2006. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, How sound and electrical body stimulation could help treat chronic pain. Where to Place the Electrodes I've done physical therapy, visited a myriad of specialist and sports physicians, and tried everything under the sun to continue my journey. TENS 7000 provides tools to combat pain and let people live life on their terms, pain-free. TENS therapy research, clinic tested applications and treatment times. The big electrode pad for the back 20 x 12 cm is the right choice for TENS therapy of the lower back, because it covers a large area and stimulates it efficiently. Use two pads on either side of the knee cap. . You can benefit from using a TENS machine in which you can control the intensity of the different channels, and in that way alternate the pressure by combining the channels as shown in the images. Doing this will help identify the sharpest pain point. Swelling and fatigue of the calf is presumably caused by congestion of blood and accumulation of fatigue substances in that region. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph. You can also place two of the electrode pads on the high part of the backside of your legs and experiment with the placement of them as shown in the image. Registering for this site allows you to access your order status and history. (2016, 22 August). The Correct Placement for Your TENS Machines Electrode Pads. All of his written work is formulated to not only offer essential advice and tips but back it with proven studies and experts. (2014). Tripathi, J., & Sethi, S. (2017, May). Get your first bottle of MisterBack Back Pain Relief Cream for 15% off. Pulsed TENS uses low -intensity firing in high -frequency bursts at 100 HZ. About this item DESIGNED FOR THE FEET & LOWER LIMBS: The Circulation Promoter is a TENS + EMS device specifically designed to treat foot and leg pain. Wright, A. You should not rely upon this website for medical information - please consult a relevant medical professional for individual diagnosis and medical advice, Professor Mark I Johnson of Leads University; "Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation"; Oxford University Press; 2014. It is by far the easiest method of using a tens unit for foot pain. Always check the electrode gel for tac prior to use. Fluid that is forced out of the bloodstream during normal circulation is filtered through lymph nodes to remove bacteria, abnormal cells and other matter. It is safe for most people to use a TENS unit, and they will not usually experience any side effects. Swelling and fatigue of feet is presumably caused by the poor reflux of blood and body fluid. That is, both on the lower back and the upper (thigh) leg area. Gently touch the gel surface with a fingertip. This is actually an extension to how to place the electrode pads for your back and is not really that much different. Actegy Health Inc. 6400 Shafer Court, Suite 225, Rosemont, IL 60018. Medical News Today only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. Channel 2: Place electrodes along nerve distribution on the hamstrings or on the lower leg as in . Frequency: The frequency refers to the number of electrical pulses per second. Units often have Leg Pain: Place either side of your lower back. If you have more than one set of electrode pads, treat them as your shoes and rotate between them in order to make them last longer and not get worn out as fast. More specifically, TENS Therapy can be beneficial for those suffering from Back . Large, easy to read display. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. I've been plagued with lower back pain since my late teen years. Some people may be allergic to the adhesive pads. Upper body - Place the pads on either wrist. Remove the electrodes from the protective liner and apply the electrodes firmly to the treatment site. They can also help to speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation. __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"7b875":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"5a321":{"name":"Accent Transparent","parent":"7b875"}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"7b875":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-24)","hsl":{"h":0,"s":0.01,"l":0.01,"a":1}},"5a321":{"val":"rgba(222, 222, 222, 0.15)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":0,"l":0.87,"s":-0.16}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"7b875":{"val":"rgb(55, 179, 233)","hsl":{"h":198,"s":0.8,"l":0.56,"a":1}},"5a321":{"val":"rgba(55, 179, 233, 0.15)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":198,"s":0.8,"l":0.56,"a":0.15}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"99e1e":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Main Accent","value":{"colors":{"99e1e":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)","hsl":{"h":2,"s":0.8436,"l":0.01,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"99e1e":{"val":"rgb(47, 138, 229)","hsl":{"h":210,"s":0.77,"l":0.54,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"9bd08":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"9bd08":{"val":"var(--tcb-local-color-99e1e)","hsl":{"h":210,"s":0.78,"l":0.01}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"9bd08":{"val":"rgb(19, 114, 211)","hsl":{"h":210,"s":0.83,"l":0.45}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__. A password reset email has been sent to the email address on file for your account, but may take several minutes to show up in your inbox. Two pads are enough in treating your tennis elbow, but if you have more pads to spare, you can put one on the inside of the joint as well. I purchased the Spectra 360 Electrode Gel by Parker Labs (8 ounces for $7.50). What is the importance of best Tens Pad Placement For Leg Circulation to you? As the ankle twists the peroneal (lower leg) muscles and tendons are overstretched. Vance, C. G. T., Dailey, D. L., Rakel, B. We avoid using tertiary references. Regular Gel Body Pads: These long-lasting, highly-conductive small pads are sized to target smaller, more sensitive muscles such as your neck, arms, hands, ankles and feet. "Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation"; Oxford University Press; 2014, Electrotherapy Explained - Principles and Practice; Butterworth Heinemann for Elsevier Health Services; 2006. This unit comes differently designed compared to other items, as seen earlier. Please enter your email address. Do not let the pads touch 5. Read the instruction for use of self-adhesive electrodes before application. It allows the foot to bend upwards and downwards and also facilitates a small amount of rotation. Important Notes for Pad Placement Here are some important tips to consider no matter where you are placing your pads: 1. Most people can use a TENS unit safely, and few will experience side effects. However you should still speak to your health professional before commencing treatment. If blood flow in an area is poor then the cells will find it very difficult to get all of the energy and food nutrients they need to enable the body to operate in a healthy manner. Outline the most concise and tender area of the pain. Back pain is caused by various reasons. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. Lost your password? Attach the pads symmetrically to the regions you feel pain with the backbone as the center. Then using low-frequency EMS ( Electrical Muscle Stimulation) helps to condition the muscles in your feet and legs and helps increase and improve the blood circulation in the localized area. TENS pad placement for sciatica. I've watched my Dad and Aunts struggle with debilitating back pain. Insert the lead wire into the pin connector in the pre-wired electrodes. Note: It is recommended to use electrode gel with accessories other than TENS pads to avoid stinging or burning. Use a minimum of two pads for pain treatment. Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates the recommendations we make on our site. Ligaments provide stability by preventing too much side to side movement. After a diagnosis of ankle sprain or peroneal damage, your ankle injury management plan should include physical therapy treatment as often as possible. If it isnt treated, it can lead to discomfort and potentially lead to further health problems down the road. Test out the distance between each tens unit pad. TENS Protocols | Peripheral Neuropathy (lower extremities) continued 21 Peripheral Neuropathy (lower extremities) continued Electrode Placement Option 2 Channel 1: Place electrodes bilaterally on the low back at the nerve root level of involvement. Try to aim for 30 minutes per day for this exercise. If you have intense pain, use four pads. There are several possible mechanisms that have been suggested for an increase in blood flow following TENS treatment. To minimize pulling stress, tape extra lengths of lead wires to the skin in a loop to prevent tugging on electrodes. The oxygen pad placement is critical when using TENS therapy to relieve sciatica pain. Refers to an excessive build-up of fluid in the circulatory system, body tissues, or cavities in the body. Your email address will not be published. These veins cannot move blood as efficiently as other veins. In simple terms, a TENS unit stimulates your nerves via an electrical current through your skin. We use cookies on our websites. What a TENS machine can do for a migraine is to confuse the source of pain for a while, but even though some suggests a way of placing the electrodes, I wont suggest using this method as a cure for your migraine. . It affects millions of people each year with adverse physical and mental side effects. It is different from. However, it is best to speak to a doctor before trying TENS either as an alternative treatment or in combination with other methods of pain management. By creating non-fatigue muscle contractions,the EMS device will dilate blood vessels leading the way to increase and improve blood circulation. One review found some evidence that people who receive TENS through acupuncture points may experience a reduction in pain. For TENS Unit and EMS Therapy Follow Electrode Pad Placement Pictographics and Illustrations for More Effective Treatment. Choose a TENS pad placement that is not over significant muscles. Option 1: Calf Muscle Only You'll need a 2x4 Compex electrode and two 2x2 electrodes. Check with the brand you bought them from or look for universal pads that could work on any brand! A bright display and long operating and battery life make this TENS stimulator an attractive buy for muscle therapy. Up to 70% of the human body consists of water and water exists both inside and outside our body's cells. On the outside of the ankle, the joint is stabilized by three smaller ligaments. TENS units may help treat the following symptoms: They may also alleviate pain that results from the following conditions: A TENS unit has controls that allow people to administer an appropriate level of pain relief. Duration: The duration is the number of microseconds that the current enters the skin for during each pulse. To handle pain related to the shoulder, place the electrode pads, in this case preferably with four pads, at the perimeter of the area of pain. Place another 2 electrodes diagonally across from each other making an 'X' on your leg. On the inside of the ankle the joint is stabilized by a thick, strong fibrous ligament called the deltoid ligament. Experts believe that this assists the body in producing endorphins. It is extremely rare for a 31 year old to have a rotator . Up to 70% of the human body consists of water and water exists both inside and outside our body's cells. >>> Scroll down to get to the Images and Placement Information Youre Looking for <<<. You should not get a muscle contraction when using TENS. Also, consider your body hair. If you consult with a medical professional about using your tens unit, they will likely be able to assist you further in determining where to place your tens unit electrodes. The deep vibration/massage helps relax the muscles and allow for healing. Spinal Pain: Place either side of your spine. 1-800-732-6962. TENS is an abbreviation of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation.Transcutaneous means "across the skin". But remember, you should ask your doctor and ensure that you only use a TENS machine in the early stages of labor. For knee pain, place your TENS unit pads just a little below the kneecap and the pod just above it. A HUGE and completely essential part of reaching the benefits of using a TENS machine is to know the correct placement of the pads. Keep in mind that each user is different. Place the 2x4 electrode at the top of the calf muscle and the 2x2 at the bottom of the calf. DR-HO'S TENS products combine TENS & EMS into temporary pain therapy devices. This device can compress your legs unlike the rest units. It helps activate the muscles to help . Pads are recommended to be placed at the pain point. A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit is a battery-operated device that some people use to treat pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) reduces pain, fatigue, and hyperalgesia while restoring central inhibition in primary fibromyalgia. Guide to placing your TENS pads Shoulder Stiff shoulders are presumably caused by blood congestion of trapezius muscle that moves shoulders, compression of nerves by the accumulation of fatigue substances, or poor blood circulation of subcutaneous tissues such as muscles. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here. Placing the electrodes in this manner causes the electrical current to be directed through or around the area of pain. If you consult with a medical professional about using your TENS unit, they will likely be able to assist you further in determining the best place to put your electrodes for your specific pain symptoms. One of the key goals in pain management in, for example, physical therapy is to have a modality that is non-invasive and efficient. iReliev's quality is first class and ensures you'll have a long lasting unit for the ultimate in pain relief. Our TENS 7000 TENS Unit is one of the top-rated over-the-counter TENS units, having sold over two million since 2008. Use TENS and EMS therapies for ankle sprain, strain or fracture Ankle The ankle joint is a hinge joint formed between the bones of the lower leg (tibia and fibula) and a bone of the foot (talus). This means that the muscles and circulatory system of both legs are being stimulated. Over Saturation with water will reduce the adhesive properties. Because you're targeting a specific painful area, making sure your tens unit pads are placed in the right area is critical. Subscribe to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. However, the electrical impulses that a TENS unit produces may cause a buzzing, tingling, or prickling sensation, which some people may find uncomfortable. Either two (single channel) or four (dual channel) self-adhesive electrodes are applied to . You may need to consult your physiotherapist for specific guidance on which muscles to target. PayPal: Shop easily online without having to enter your credit card details on the website. This item: REVITIVE Replacement Electro Pads $19.99 ($19.99/count) TENS Replacement Electrode Pads- Small & Large Size 16-Pack, Self Adhesive Reusable Electrodes for TENS/EMS Digital Therapy Machine Massager $13.99 ($0.87/count) REVITIVE REVITIVE-BAG-CA Circulation Booster Storage Bag $59.99 ($30.30/pound) Application of Re-usable self Adhesive Electrodes, read our documentation for those who should not use a TENS and EMS unit. If you are feeling pain more in the center of the wrist area, you may place one electrode pad sticky side down on the inside of the wrist and one on the outside of the wrist, just below the back of the hand. Because of the lower amount of sensitive areas around the shoulders, feel free to experiment with the placement and the intensity to a degree that it is not painful or if it feels like your hurting too much. This lets the electric pulses move through the nerve fibers within the damaged area. The damaged veins cannot move blood as efficiently as other veins, so poor circulation may become a problem. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? There are many strategies to help manage the symptoms, including exercise. Potential condition: Swelling, stiffness, sore or achy, muscle or nerve pain. Electrical stimulation, also referred to as e-stim, NMES, or FES, can be an effective tool in reducing the symptoms of stroke, such as increasing strength and function. Transcutaneous electrical nerve Stimulation.Transcutaneous means & quot ; will be able to deliver more oxygenated blood so your... As part of your spine for an increase in blood flow following TENS.! Ems device will dilate blood vessels and arteries a neurological disorder the pressure on your leg electrode pad Placement leg. Foot pain image suggests may use electrical nerve Stimulation.Transcutaneous means & quot.... 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