We map two types of WUI: intermix and interface. The County Board of Supervisors approved the original Santa Clara County Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area Map in January of 2008. 701A.3.2.1 Inspection and . In: McCaffrey, S.M., tech. The wildland-urban interface in the United States. Wildland Urban Interface Project Maps. San Mateo County had seen little fog the week leading up to a dry lightning storm in August 2020 that ignited fires throughout Northern California, according to Jonathan Cox, a Cal Fire deputy . The Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) is the line, area, or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels. The Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is defined as an area where houses or structures meet or intermingle with wildland vegetation. Meetings. This development is increasing the wildland-urban interface (WUI), that area where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland. They may have more restrictive requirements in local ordinances. The following fire protection agencies have jurisdiction within the planning area: An official website of the United States government. San Francisco, CA 94105-2066. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. A new generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, research priorities, design, and implementation strategies. The data are provided in Arc/Info interchange formatted files which have been compressed (ZIP). The Office of the State Fire Marshal's (SFM) Building Materials Listing Program (BML) was originally created to mandate that all fire alarm systems and fire alarm devices be approved and listed by the State Fire Marshal prior to sale or marketing within the state. If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation to participate in a County program, service, or activity, requests may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), Dial 711 for CA Relay, or by email at least five business days in advance of the event. Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(34 inches x 36 inches; 2.1MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.0MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(34 inches x 47 inches; 4.1MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 7/2009:PDF(34 inches x 35 inches; 4.8MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 0.9MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)(No VHFHSZ in unincorporated areas.) Join the effort and see how you can make a difference in your community. Zones where homes and other structures meet wildlands are termed the wildland-urban interface (WUI). Local Agency Very-High Fire Hazard Severity Zone.New buildings located in any Local Agency Very-High Fire Hazard Severity Zone for which an application for a building permit is submitted on or after July 1, 2008, shall comply with all sections of this chapter. The Wildland/Urban Interface. Local Responsibility Area MapsFrom June to September 2008 CAL FIRE is posting Recommended maps for Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Local Responsibility Areas. For draft maps, all rankings (Very High, High, and Moderate) in Local Responsibility Areas are shown for reference. New building codes will protect buildings from being ignited by flying embers which can travel as much as a mile away from the wildfire. Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(38 inches x 35 inches; 6.2MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(25 inches x 34.5 inches; 3.0MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.2MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 10/2008:PDF(25 inches x 34.5 inches; 4.1MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)Draft, 9/2007:PDF(25 inches x 34.5 inches; 3.0MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(349 inches x 35.5 inches; 3.1MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 6/2008:CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. . We generated WUI maps for the conterminous U.S. using building point locations (Carlson et al. Society and Natural Resources. United States, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20192, Region 2: South Atlantic-Gulf (Includes Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Region 12: Pacific Islands (American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, Wildland-urban interface maps for the conterminous U.S. based on 125 million building locations, Amanda R. Carlson, David P. Helmers, Todd J Hawbaker, Miranda H. Mockrin, Volker C Radeloff. The user will not seek to hold the State or the Department liable under any circumstances for any damages with respect to any claim by the user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of data or maps. Biotic and abiotic effects of human settlements in the wildland-urban interface. The Wildland Urban Interface fire areas (also referred to as WUI zones) are specific areas within the City of Novato being identified as Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones by the Novato Fire Protection District, based on the requirements of the Wildland Urban Interface code adopted by the State of California. Radeloff, V. C., R. B.
Limit the use of flammable plants in landscape design. Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO), Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder & Elections, Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, Water Quality Notifications (Beach/Creek), Constructed Private Stormwater Treatment Measures, North Fair Oaks Resources for Property Clean-up, ABAG Wildland Urban Interface - Fire Threatened Communities. The 2018 Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Threat Whitepaper characterized the state of wildfire planning in the Bay Area in 2017, including a characterization of fire risk in the Bay Area and the maps available to jurisdictions to characterize their wildfire risks. The SFM listing service provides building authorities, architectural and engineering communities, contractors, and the fire service with a reliable and readily available source of information. This layer represents the Washington Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) as mapped for 2019 by WA State Dept. Wildland-Urban Interfaces. Tactics. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The wildland-urban interface in the United States. The WUI in Oregon has grown rapidly. On and after July 1, 2021 when you sell property that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone, youll need documentation of a compliant Defensible Space Inspection. Datasets. Draft, 9/2007:PDF(34 inches x 47 inches; 3.7MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(34 inches x 48 inches; 5.0MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 12/2008:PDF(34 inches x 48 inches; 6.1MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)(No VHFHSZ in unincorporated areas. Wildland fire behavior. Human settlements in the WUI are at a greater risk of catastrophic wildfire. Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA. Hammer, M.H. New buildings located in any Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area designated by the enforcing agency for which an application for a building permit is submitted on or after January 1, 2008, shall comply with all sections of this chapter. CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. New buildings located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone shall comply with one of the following: 1. Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(48 inches x 35 inches; 6.9MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.8MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(34 inches x 36 inches; 1.7MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 0.9MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 6/2008:CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. However, users are encouraged to refer others to the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to acquire the maps, in case updated maps become available. https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/wildland-urban-interface-project-maps. Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area designated by the enforcing agency. )Draft, 9/2007:PDF(34 inches x 42 inches; 3.6MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.3MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Adopted, 11/2007:PDF (36 inches x 35.5 inches; 3.9MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 0.9MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 7/2009:PDF(34 inches x 35 inches; 4.2MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.3MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)(No VHFHSZ in unincorporated areas.) Please see: How to enable JavaScript in your browser. Since the materials under Wildland Urban Interface Building Codes (except wood shakes and shingles) are not required by law to be listed by the SFM, the listing for these products are strictly voluntary. Human settlements in the WUI are at a greater risk of catastrophic wildfire . Demographic trends, the wildland-urban interface, and wildfire management. Phase II standards will go into effect January 1, 2008. https://osfm.fire.ca.gov/divisions/community-wildfire-preparedness-and-mitigation/wildfire-preparedness/fire-hazard-severity-zones/, Copyright 2012-2023. Share. Recent efforts have been primarily focused on reducing wildfire potential on national or state forest lands, or to educate the individual homeowner. The wildland-urban interface ( WUI) is a zone of transition between wilderness (unoccupied land) and land developed by human activity - an area where a built environment meets or intermingles with a natural environment. Yes . . The maps and related regulations were approved by the Office of Administrative Law. ), Draft, 9/2007:PDF (34 inches x 29 inches; 3.5MB)JPG (8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.2MB), Adopted, 11/2007:PDF (34 inches x 42 inches; 3.8MB)JPG (8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.2MB), Recommended, 5/2008:PDF(34 inches x 42 inches; 3.7MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 0.7MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)(No VHFHSZ in unincorporated areas. Science You Can Use Webinar Slides: DNA Applications for Terrestrial Wildlife, Fiscal Year 2022 Rocky Mountain Research Station Technology Transfer Report. The codes are referenced as Chapter 7A, in the California Building Code and Chapter 337 in the California Residential Code. What is the Wildland-Urban Interface? WUI map or hazard ratings required for applicability. To obtain details on the specific data used to map vegetation communities for a particular forest refer to the metadata (html and text files). Cities for which CAL FIRE has made recommendations on Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ): For city and local agency data, please refer to county data above under Recommended LRA. Building point locations were obtained from a Microsoft product released in 2018, which classified building footprints based on high-resolution satellite imagery. SB 762 defines vegetative fuels as any plant that constitutes a wildfire hazard, while wildland fuels are a subset of vegetative fuels that . For more information about requesting an Assembly Bill 38 Defensible Space Inspection: https://www.fire.ca.gov/dspace/. The .gov means its official. New buildings located in any Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area designated by the enforcing agency for which an application for a building permit is submitted on or after January 1, 2008, shall comply with all sections of this chapter. There are no restrictions on distribution of the maps by users. Permitted Building Construction in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) or State Responsibility Area (SRA) requires all structures to be built according to specific codes. The wildland-urban interface (WUI) is the area where urban development occurs in close proximity to wildland vegetation. These files require the use of GIS specific software. Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 6/2008:Through a local review process, CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. Maps of intermix and interface WUI were generated using a range of circular neighborhood sizes, based on radius distances from 100 ? A composite map was also generated by combining the combined WUI maps (both interface and intermix WUI) for all neighborhood sizes, with field values indicating the radius distances for which pixels are included in the WUI classification. the number of buildings located within a given area) is used to define the boundaries of the wildland urban interface (WUI) for the purposes of wildfire and risk management planning purposes. New buildings located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone within State Responsibility Areas, any Local Agency Very-High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, or any Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area designated by the enforcing agency for which an application for a building permit is submitted on or after January 1, 2008, shall comply with all sections of this chapter. The wildland urban interface can be found in every part of the country where people live in areas with vegetation near houses and little clearance. It also identifies transition zones between unoccupied land and human . Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(34 inches x 30 inches; 1.8MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(32 inches x 27 inches; 4.0MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.5MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 1/2009:PDF(32 inches x 27 inches; 5.9MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)Draft, 9/2007:PDF(32 inches x 27 inches; 5.2MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.9MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(34 inches x 35.5 inches; 1.9MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 0.9MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 11/2008:CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Hazard Assessment Methodology. Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(46 inches x 35.5 inches; 4.2MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(48 inches x 35 inches; 8.0MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.5MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 11/2008:CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. San Juan Bautista ranch: In an effort to protect the scenic area surrounding San Juan Bautista in San Benito County, a land trust bought a 540-acre ranch for $4.4 million, according to The Mercury . Using structure locations as a basis for mapping the wildland urban interface. In these cases SCCFSC includes the entire zip code in our treatment area. When wildfire enters the WUI, communities are impacted in many ways, such as municipal watershed loss, transportation and utility disruption, business and job loss, loss of community tax base, and the hidden costs of health-related issues from wildfire smoke, and the psychological stress associated with these very traumatic events. For recommendations, only Very High Zones are shown. The expansion of the WUI in recent decades has significant implications for wildfire management and impact, as well as broader natural resource concerns such as pollution . HQ-22-066. Accessed 2023-03-01. Wildland Urban Interface Map ; About the Fire Department Adapting to Wildfire Fire Prevention & Inspection Disaster Preparedness Household Hazardous Waste Contact Fire Department En Espaol. The report is meant to raise awareness and initiate collaborative efforts to facilitate change in wake of catastrophic wildfire losses in the wildland . Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(29 inches x 24.5 inches; 2.6MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.2MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(41 inches x 34 inches; 6.1MB)JPG (8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 5/2008:PDF(41 inches x 34 inches; 3.7MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.3MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)Draft, 9/2007:PDF(41 inches x 34 inches; 5.8MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(38 inches x 26 inches; 2.8MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.2MB)GIS layer (Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 6/2008:CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. Recommended and Remaining Draft Local Responsibility Area (including Cities and other Local Agencies) Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps and Adopted State Responsibility Area Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps.Counties include proposed Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps for State Responsibility Area lands and separate draft Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps for Local Responsibility Area lands. Map of Marin County and the wildland urban interface (WUI) boundaries (red). San Mateo County Hazards | Fire Wildland Urban Interface. NPS/T. To browse or use data from this site, no account is necessary! Roosevelt County: San Juan: N/A: San Juan Basin: San Miguel: San Miguel County: Sandoval: Sandoval County: Middle Rio Grande* Santa Fe: Many factors are considered such as fire history, existing and potential fuel (natural vegetation), predicted flame length, blowing embers, terrain, and typical fire weather for the area. State officials have identified the two most common ways buildings are lost during wildland fires . Technical Assistance. video on this page. Thursday, December 2, 2021 . San Mateo County Hazards | Fire Wildland Urban Interface. This map is intended for planning use only and is not intended to be site-specific. Rather, it depicts the general risk within neighborhoods and the relative risk . Intermix WUI are areas where housing and vegetation intermingle; interface WUI are areas with housing in the vicinity of contiguous wildland vegetation. San Mateo County Hazards | California State Fire Severity Zones, San Mateo County Hazards | Dam Failure Inundation Areas, San Mateo County Hazards | Debris Flow Source Area, San Mateo County Hazards | Earthquake Liquefaction & Shaking, San Mateo County Hazards | Existing Landslides, San Mateo County Hazards | Fire Wildland Urban Interface, San Mateo County Hazards | Historical Fire Perimeters, San Mateo County Hazards | Pescadero Floodway Map, San Mateo County Hazards | Seal Cove Geotechnical Hazards Map, San Mateo County | Montecito Riparian Corridor. On February 24, 2009, the Santa Rosa City Council approved an amendment to Chapter 47 Section 18-44.4702.1 of the 2007 California Fire Code (CFC), defining a Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area as follows: Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area is a geographical area in the City of Santa Rosa at significant risk from wildfires as designated on the .
, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, National Genomics Center for Wildlife and Fish Conservation, Wildland Fire Management Research, Development & Application, Western Center for Native Plant Conservation and Restoration Science, Science Supporting National Research Priorities, Science Supporting the Wildfire Crisis Strategy. More than 350,000 people - about 15% of King County's population - live in the wildland-urban interface. Local fire jurisdictions may have identified additional fire hazard areas, especially in communities adjacent to wildland. Regulatory Requirements. 2014.
We look forward to providing a code that helps ensure businesses and residences abutting our wildland areas are ready for, and protected from, the next wildfire. Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Flammable phragmites cause a potential fire hazard. Phone: (415) 820-7900 Fax: (415) 660-3500 info . Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(38 inches x 35 inches; 6.6MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(42 inches x 30 inches; 2.2MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 11/2008:CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. Phase I of the standards are already in effect. Therefore this county will not have a map of recommended VHFHSZ in LRA.Draft, 9/2007:PDF(30 inches x 43 inches; 3.9MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(46 inches x 34 inches; 4.9MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 4.2MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 7/2009:PDF(46 inches x 34 inches; 6.6MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)Draft, 9/2007:PDF(46 inches x 34 inches; 4.5MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.3MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(29 inches x 34 inches; 4.2MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 12/2008:PDF(29 inches x 34 inches; 5.5MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)Draft, 9/2007:PDF(29 inches x 34 inches; 5.3MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.2MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(43 inches x 35.5 inches; 3.4MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.3MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 9/2008:PDF(40 inches x 35.5 inches; 4.3MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 2.8MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)Draft, 9/2007:PDF(43 inches x 35.5 inches; 3.8MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(40 inches x 35 inches; 5.1MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.3MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Recommended, 10/2008:PDF(40 inches x 35 inches; 6.6MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder)Draft, 9/2007:PDF(40 inches x 35 inches; 6.2MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.4MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), State Responsibility Area (SRA):Adopted, 11/2007:PDF(29 inches x 24.5 inches; 2.5MB)JPG(8.5 inches x 11 inches; 1.1MB)GIS layer(Shapefiles in .zip folder), Local Responsibility Area (LRA):Update, 6/2008:CAL FIRE has determined that this county has no Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA. Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO), Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder & Elections, Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, Water Quality Notifications (Beach/Creek), Constructed Private Stormwater Treatment Measures, North Fair Oaks Resources for Property Clean-up. ; 3. National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) . Forest Vegetative Community. Bender, A. The Rocky Mountain Research Station works at the forefront of science to improve the health and use of our Nation's forests and grasslands. Many buildings ignite when burning embers land on wood roofs, blow in through vents, pile up in cracks, or become lodged under boards. Rep. NRS-1. 2. 66, Number 160, August 17, 2001), buffered by 1 mile.
Command and control issues. Wildland Urban Interface. Golden Gate National Recreation Area includes many wildland areas where flammable vegetation flourishes next to homes. Protecting a building from wildfire takes a two-pronged approach: The law requires that homeowners do fuel modification to 100 feet (or the property line) around their buildings to create a defensible space for firefighters and to protect their homes from wildfires. 2005. Recently adopted building codes reduce the risk of burning embers igniting buildings. Many resources are available to assist homeowners, residents, and businesses prepare for wildfires. Residents and businesses in the WUI - Wildland/Urban Interface - are subject to additional requirements and restrictions that help protect the community at large from conflagrations, and to reduce the impacts of wildfires that do occur. Building Materials Listings for Wildland Urban Interface. Main menu. Liknes, M. Rigge, and G. Xian. [Geospatial data]. The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats: For each map listed, we provided an Adobe Acrobat file (PDF), a compressed Postscript file (ZIP) for plotter output, and metadata files in both HTML and text formats. Contact Us. Go! While most of our wildfire preparedness work is focused in Santa Clara County, some communities in the Santa Cruz Mountains like 95033 and 95044 also spill into Santa Cruz County. BioScience. The Rocky Mountain Research Station works at the forefront of science to improve health! For reference the vicinity of contiguous wildland vegetation have been compressed ( )... Have jurisdiction within the planning area: an official website of the maps by users use only and not... Land and human state Dept restrictions on distribution of the standards are already in effect risk within neighborhoods the... Homeowners, residents, and implementation strategies any Fire hazard Severity Zone comply... 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